Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 769 The unpredictable stock market

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Ye Yuze and Little Apple appeared in the main room on time. Over the past few months, some of the customers inside have changed, but a few of the original ones still stayed, and they all exclaimed when they saw him appear.

This is a guy who made history, how could he be forgotten? It took two days to sell 1,000 Hang Seng Index futures. It is estimated that Li Ka-shing did not have the courage.

The key is that they still made a profit, a full 800 points from one thousand lots. Then he changed hands and bought Sun Hung Kai. Now Sun Hung Kai has also increased by a full dollar. It has doubled its assets several times while lying down and sleeping. Where is stock trading? He is simply a stock god, a legend in the stock market!

Ye Yuze nodded and greeted everyone with a smile. With a confident look on his face, Little Apple couldn't stop complaining in his heart. She was the one who just saw Ye Yuze seeing Zhao Yazhi's piggy look.

The reason why Little Apple called Ye Yuze was because the U.S. stock market suddenly plummeted in the past few days. Driven by real estate projects, the Hong Kong stock market is not only strong, but also rising.

You know, the United States has always been the bellwether of the world economy. It can be said that if Wall Street sneezes, financial markets around the world may catch a cold. Of course, China would not, because China did not have a financial market at that time.

Nowadays, there is a very strange phenomenon in Europe and the United States, that is, no one among the young people is willing to continue the industry started by their fathers.

Especially in the United States, their companies are outsourcing one after another, and almost all processing industries are subcontracted to all parts of the world. And their young people are beginning to enter Wall Street and Silicon Valley. Went to such financial and electronic industries.

As this phenomenon continues, Wall Street has increasingly become a major hand in the world's financial markets. People working in the financial industry all over the world will always pay attention to every move there.

Ye Yuze doesn't understand finance. The reason why he made a big fortune last time was actually because of his boldness. He sat there pretending to look at it for a long time, but he didn't see the reason.

However, when he saw that the Hang Seng Index had reached the terrifying 3611 point, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Before he left, he called Wang Honghua and asked about the economic situation in the United States. Wang Honghua told him that the U.S. economic situation is not very good this year. The economic growth in 1985 and 1986 was only 2.8% and 2.5%. At the same time, consumption grew at an annual rate of 4%, and residents' residential fixed investment increased by 10% annually. Economic growth cannot keep up with the rise in consumption and prices, and it cannot keep up with the growth in real estate investment. In fact, this means that the U.S. economy is in a state of negative growth.

After saying this, she asked Ye Yuze what happened? Ye Yuze talked about his stocks. Wang Honghua pondered for a moment and said: "Sell it. Regardless of whether it goes up or down, get the money in your hands first. This is called risk aversion."

Ye Yuze agreed and then called Martha again. Martha majored in international trade and is particularly concerned about this aspect. Knowing that Ye Yuze still had a large number of stocks in his hands, he immediately asked him to sell them quickly.

Ye Yuze talked about Hong Kong's current development and expressed his thoughts. He also felt that the turmoil in the US stock market this time would probably not affect Hong Kong.

Over there, Martha laughed and lectured: "How big can you be in Hong Kong? And currently, the real estate industry is basically driving the rise of the Hong Kong stock market. Do you really think that one real estate can leverage the entire stock market? Sell it to me quickly. , otherwise see how I deal with you!"

Martha was a little busy over there, so she hung up the phone after giving Ye Yuze a lesson. Now Ye Yuze couldn't calm down anymore. Although Wang Honghua didn't do finance, she had always paid close attention to the international economic situation. This is why Ye Yuze asked her.

Not to mention Martha, that girl is simply an economic madman. Don't think it's just trade, but it has its own unique insights and analysis of changes in the international situation.

"Sell, sell, sell!" With two great masters giving him instructions, he had no choice but to be disobedient. As soon as he came back, he asked Little Apple to get out of the position and sell all the stocks in his hand.

Little Apple looked stunned: "Boss, you now have more than 300 million US dollars worth of stocks! Selling like this may destroy Sun Hung Kai!"

Ye Yuze was stunned and quickly asked: "What does it have to do with me if he collapses?"

Little Apple was even more stunned than him: "Aren't you a member of the board of directors of Sun Hung Kai? You receive dividends from this company."

Ye Yuze thought about it for a while and realized that this was also the case. After all, that kid Li Rucheng has a good relationship with him. Might as well say hello. So I picked up the phone and called Li Rujia. At present, he only has Li Rujia's contact information.

Li Ru's family didn't even put the phone on the phone. She just asked him to wait. He should have called his father. He came back after a while and told his father that he could buy one-third of his stock.

In this way, things became simple. The Li family sent someone to buy 100 million US dollars of stocks. For the remaining two billion, Ye Yuze asked Little Apple to place orders separately. Although this kind of large order has caused fluctuations in Sun Hung Kai's stock. But the overall trend is still stable.

This time Ye Yuze listened to Little Apple and did not sell all at once. Instead, he chose to liquidate within a week, so that he could keep selling at a high point and save himself no losses.

In the evening, Zhao Yazhi came as promised. Dinner was eaten in the French restaurant of the Peninsula Hotel. Steak, foie gras, snail caviar and the like were served on the table. Ye Yuze's scalp felt numb when he saw it.

I can understand the steak, but what's the point of foie gras and snails? But beauty loves to eat, so he can only pretend to like it. The meal was tasteless.

Zhao Yazhi is very polite and courteous, but there is a sense of unfamiliarity in everything. Maybe he has dealt with this kind of scene too much and is a little tired of it. Moreover, this time with Ye Yuze, he was basically forced to come, so he naturally felt uncomfortable. He also felt a little disgusted with Ye Yuze.

In fact, Ye Yuze likes her because he likes Feng Chengcheng, and that role was brought to life by Zhao Yazhi. At this moment, the person looked so repulsive that Ye Yuze lost interest.

After eating, Ye Yuze sent Zhao Yazhi away. Then at the door of the hotel, he froze. It turned out that Sun Lanyu was standing there, looking at him angrily.

"Um, Sister Lan, why are you here?" How could Ye Yuze care about Zhao Yazhi? When the tigress came, he didn't even bother to say goodbye to Zhao Yazhi. He immediately greeted Sun Lanyu with a smile on his face.

Zhao Yazhi glanced at Sun Lanyu with a strange expression, then looked at Ye Yuze. He bowed his head and left.

When the two returned to the room, the first thing Ye Yuze did was cover his ears. Sure enough, the hand slipped down from the back of his hand and directly pinched his cheek.

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