Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 760 Lao Wang’s plan

The development of any enterprise comes from young people like Wei Yuxiang. Because they realize their own shortcomings, they think of development and innovation.

As for Ma Quanyi and his generation, because they came out of a difficult era, they are overwhelmed by today's happy life. How can they still be dissatisfied?

So when the report was handed over to them, it was basically stuck. The fixed mindset is a terrible habit. Ma Quanyi comes from a grassroots background. They can't figure out why they need college students in the factory? Aren’t there Soviet experts in technology? What's the point of getting some raw melon and eggs for college students?

Ye Wancheng definitely looked further than him, but he didn't know where to find college students? The pattern is still not enough! However, he finally communicated the contents of the report to Wu Tianming.

Wu Tianming's situation is much bigger than theirs. It's just that there are only a few college students in the Corps, and basically no one is willing to come to such a remote development zone. So, this is not something that can be done with an executive order.

With domestic construction in full swing, steel has become increasingly scarce. Especially the man's large-scale construction of coastal cities is like a steel-eating tiger. Don’t the tall buildings represent cement and steel bars?

With the production of more than a dozen steel rolling mills in the Corps, Northern Xinjiang, which was originally the most nervous about steel, suddenly eased a lot. The project that was originally suspended due to the lack of planned steel has been restarted.

And Lao Wang has undoubtedly caught up with this express train. His steel ingot factory can't wait to break the twenty-four hours into forty-eight hours every day. Followed by a group of customers begging grandpa to sue grandma.

Lao Wang is a very flexible person. After working for a few months, he has already figured out the profit of success.

His current steel ingots can be sold for up to 2,100 per ton, while rolled steel can be sold for 3,500 per ton. For him, processing rebar is just a matter of buying a set of equipment and hiring a few more workers.

Think about 200 tons of scrap iron, which turns into 3500 just by rolling it in the furnace. This is faster than grabbing money, and Lao Wang's heart is burning.

However, what currently limits him is the source of raw materials. That Yang Geyong was so overbearing that he cut off more than half of the supply of goods directly in neighboring countries. It can be said that it is 80%. He is completely picking up other people's leftovers to eat!

The more he thought about it, the more unbalanced he became, but even though he had a good relationship with Yi Ning's leadership. But we can’t influence things overseas, right?

After thinking for a long time, Lao Wang remembered his confidant Vasily. Is this guy Russian? I wonder if there are any relatives there? If so, we can directly compete with Yang Geyong outside the country.

He shouted outside, and within a moment, Vasily, with a red face, ran in: "Brother, what's wrong with calling me?"

Vasily has also been very proud of himself recently. Since joining Lao Wang, life has been getting better day by day. Although he also received a blow, he turned around and not only got up again, but also stood taller.

Lao Wang is quite generous, at least he treats him well. Isn’t it true that now he is given a salary of 500 yuan a month? He can’t spend it all even if he goes around doing it?

Because Vasily loves drinking and fighting, he has not even gotten a wife yet. There was no way, people like him were called second raters in that era. Whose girl dares to follow him?

But things are different now. Not only are a group of brothers following him to enjoy spicy food, but there are also several girls secretly sending autumn spinach to him.

Seeing Vasily, who was getting stronger and stronger, standing respectfully in front of him, Lao Wang was very satisfied. After working for decades, this is the subordinate he is most satisfied with.

Loyalty, reality. People like this who persisted in leaving him when he was desperate must be reused!

"Vasily, do you have any relatives in neighboring countries? Can you contact them?" Lao Wang got straight to the point.

Vasily hesitated for a while, and finally said it: "I still have an uncle in Almaty, but I haven't contacted him for many years. When my father was alive, they still contacted each other through letters, but they have stopped contacting him now."

"Then do you have an address? Can you go over and find them? I have important things for you to do here."

Looking at Lao Wang's serious eyes, Vasily felt a little nervous. To be honest, having overseas relatives in those days was not a good thing. After all, the two countries have been at odds for a long time. Vasily's family was also listed as a key family under surveillance for a long time because of this incident.

In fact, the situation on the border is the same as in the villages at home. For example, the Kazakhs in our country and the Kazakhs outside the country are just like villages next to each other. Many relatives live in two neighboring villages. But they belong to two countries.

These relatives are very close. When the relationship between the two countries is good, they visit each other just like visiting relatives. But once relations between countries become tense, they can only look at each other across boundary markers.

This is the case in Vasily's family. His father and three sisters are the only ones in China. The remaining two are in neighboring countries. He knew about his uncle in Almaty. It seems that his aunt is in Moscow, but he is not sure about this. No contact.

After his father passed away, he lost contact with his uncle. The main reason is that he has never met her and is not emotionally close to her.

Now that the boss is talking to him so seriously, there must be something important! So he didn't dare to hide it. After a moment's hesitation, he nodded immediately.

As soon as Lao Wang heard that he had his uncle's address, he immediately slapped the table excitedly: "Okay! Vasily, go to Almaty, look for your uncle, and see if you can find someone to buy waste from them directly. Iron? If you can do this, I will give you a thousand yuan a month from now!"

Originally Vasily was not happy, and the neighboring country was a completely strange place to him, which frightened him. But when he heard about the one thousand yuan a month, his heart beat like two AA batteries.

"I remember you have a passport, right? Just pack it up and leave. The sooner the matter is done, the better. As for the price, as long as it doesn't exceed 20 cents when it's shipped to us, you can make the decision!"

After speaking, Lao Wang took out a bag with twenty thousand rubles in it. Pass it into Vasily's hand.

"This money is the fee for you to open up the relationship. As long as there is hope, if the money is not enough, you can come back to me and get it. As long as things can be done, don't be afraid to spend money!"

I have to say that Lao Wang saw it very accurately. If he could really open up a road in neighboring countries, Yang Geyong would also have nothing to do with him. If you find the right relationship, it is not impossible to cut off Yang Geyong's supply of goods!

After years of doing business, he is well versed in the greed of human nature. As long as you dare to spend money, there are few things you can't accomplish. If so, it's money well spent.

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