In the end, Ye Yuze agreed to attend his concert in Beijing, and Hu Jiancai was finally willing to let him go. Hu Jian is not stupid. He didn't know how popular Ye Yuze was that day, as the album was sold. The name Ye Yuze will definitely spread all over the country.

At that time, asking him to assist in singing will not only be possible with a little friendship. We still need to unite, so now we can use it once and then count it once.

I had a meal with Hu Jian at noon, and in the afternoon I went to see Na Wu and Mr. Zheng. Na Wu complained to Ye Yuze for a long time, saying that his apprentice and Di Zhen were not suitable and asked him to help persuade him. Ye Yuze didn't take the issue. After all, it was a matter between two people. No matter how close he was to the old man, he couldn't make the decision for him.

In the evening, Ye Yuze drove directly to the theater troupe. The old man said he would cook dinner tonight. Ye Yuze agreed. In fact, he was not that particular about food. He just needed to be full and had meat.

Unexpectedly, when I came to Laorou's small courtyard, I saw a disharmonious scene. The old man opened his hands covered with white flour and asked Di Zhen to light the fire, but Di Zhen didn't move at all.

Lao Rou also got a little angry today and shouted: "My hands are full of noodles. I have to wash them when I go to get firewood to light a fire. Just light them."

Perhaps he was impatient because of the old man's urging. Di Zhen took a small mirror and put on makeup before walking out and said disdainfully: "You can't change your countryman's habits even if you stay in the capital for a long time. Why don't you go out to eat? Do it." , what are you going to make? I won’t eat it even if you make it!”

In fact, Laorou has always been very accommodating to her and has basically never had any quarrels with her. It's just that he has been annoyed by his family these past few days, and some of Ye Yuze's words today made him feel very depressed. Di Zhen's anger was suddenly ignited when he called him a countryman.

"What's wrong with being a country boy? You were like this when you met me. If it weren't for the country people paying to flatter you, would you be where you are today?"

"Xu Laorou, do you think I care about your little money? Okay, let's go our separate ways from now on, and I'll give you back the money! You can never change your country face!"

Di Zhen's words also started to be vicious, showing how affectionate the two people were. Once a quarrel starts, most of the words that come out are heart-breaking things.

The basin in Laorou's hand is pottery, the kind with a glaze on the surface. Nowadays, northerners are still willing to use such basins to make noodles, mainly because they don’t like to stick them.

The old man was so angry that he picked up the basin and threw it to the ground with a bang. The basin fell into pieces and the dough rolled on the ground and could not be eaten.

Chen Yuanyuan also ran out of the house, comforting her: "Stop the quarrel, stop the quarrel. Can I light the fire?"

But after seeing the scene in the yard, I was stunned. She had never seen two people making such a fuss, especially when she saw Ye Yuze at the door of the yard. Even more at a loss.

Di Zhen cried "Wow" and cried: "You still want me to marry you. You are treating me like this before we are married. If we are married, will you still beat me?"

At this time, Laorou had completely lost his patience. He pointed at the door and said, "Get out of here, I don't want to see you again!"

Without any hesitation, Di Zhen ran into the house, picked up his bag and ran out. Chen Yuanyuan pulled it a few times and couldn't hold it back at all.

Passing by the door and seeing Ye Yuze, Di Zhen hesitated for a moment. But seeing that he just moved away from the door without any intention of stopping him, he stamped his feet and left.

"Ye Yuze, when did you come? Why didn't you stop her?" Chen Yuanyuan said angrily to Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze smiled faintly: "Can I, a country boy, hold her back? If you scold me later, I'm not as good-tempered as an old man!"

Chen Yuanyuan felt a chill in her heart. She had heard about Ye Yuze more than once. It seems that he is really angry today, otherwise it would be impossible to ignore him.

The old man stood motionless in the yard, his chest heaving, and his breathing was as heavy as a bellows.

Ye Yuze knew that this guy was on the verge of breaking out, and he was very disgusted with Di Zhen's performance just now. He doesn't care when two people quarrel and bicker. How can young people get together without conflict?

But from Di Zhen's involuntary behavior just now, he had already seen that this woman looked down on old meat at all. Why did he persuade him to come to this kind of fight?

Tolerance and accommodation can only be connivance to some people, and she is even more ignorant of human affairs because of her connivance. So he chose not to care.

He walked up to the old man and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go have a drink. What are you cooking?"

Without any reaction, Fu Laorou put his arm around his shoulders and walked out. Chen Yuanyuan was stunned for a while and then followed out. And got directly into Ye Yuze's car.

Ye Yuze didn't pay attention to her. After all, Chen Yuanyuan was not Di Zhen. She had never said any inappropriate language. She has always been nice to him and Laorou, without ever putting on any airs.

Ye Yuze didn't want to go to the restaurant today, he thought about Beihai. After all this fuss, it was almost dark. It's great to order some barbecue and drink some beer on the edge of Beihai. Especially for the old man at this time, that kind of environment may make him feel more comfortable.

The car was parked on the side of the road, and Ye Yuze went to order some skewers and a barrel of draft beer. This beer is something new this year. A large barrel, about ten liters, is filled with carbon dioxide. It was cool and refreshing to drink. Best for drinking in summer.

After sitting down and looking around, Ye Yuze suddenly remembered that this was the place where he, Bei Dao and Mang Ke first met. A few years have passed, and I don’t know what happened to them?

In fact, Ye Yuze still envies them, a group of young people with ideals and passion. For the sake of ideals, one can endure hardships. He is destined not to be such a person.

Chen Yuanyuan comes from a relatively good family and rarely has the opportunity to sit outside and drink beer like this. Naturally, it was very refreshing. After a while, I forgot about what happened just now, and started shouting and drinking with the old man.

Ye Yuze nodded secretly, this Chen Yuanyuan is really much more sensible than Di Zhen. At least he doesn't care about his identity, and he takes care of people's emotions.

Lao Rou is a person who doesn’t drink much. This is also related to his family environment since childhood. There are so many children and you can’t even get enough to eat? Where do you get the money to drink?

However, I was affected by my emotions today and took the initiative to find a drink. Ye Yuze accompanied him silently, drinking beer one after another. Watching the ripples on the water.

Bu Shuli pushed her father out for a walk. The old man could not move, but he was not the type to live idle.

Every night I have to let my daughter push me around the neighborhood. His legs weren't completely immobile, he just couldn't walk. Things like going to the bathroom at home can still be solved by yourself.

While walking, the old man suddenly pointed to the pavilion in front of him: "Lili, is that an old man?"

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