Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 753 The happy father and son

Because a bridge has been built here in Xuzhuang, there is no need to take the path through the village from Lugongbao. From the provincial Jinbao Highway, there is a direct intersection into Xuzhuang.

In fact, both women understood the relationship between the other and Ye Yuze, but this topic was not easy to discuss. If women don't have jealousy, it will only happen if the sun really rises from the west. Therefore, the two of them didn't talk much along the way.

"Are you going to carry the child like this all the time?" Erhong finally asked the question. Although this matter has nothing to do with her, it is still tangled.

"Then do you plan to marry Ye Yuze?" Wang Honghua didn't answer her, but asked instead.

Erhong shook her head without thinking: "I'm not worthy of him. His wife must be excellent in all aspects."

Wang Honghua was stunned for a while and smiled: "The child is his after all and will be given to him. But it will have to wait until his marriage is stable and he has enough experience to bear the responsibility."

Er Hong stretched out her hand and shook Wang Honghua's hand on the steering wheel. Although the two people have very different personalities, experiences, and education levels, they have to admit that they are the same person.

When the car drove onto Xuzhuang Bridge, Wang Honghua suddenly stepped on the brakes. The second red head almost hit the glass. Quickly ask Wang Honghua what happened?

Wang Honghua pointed to the river, then laughed so hard that she lay on the steering wheel and couldn't get up.

Erhong looked along the direction of Wang Honghua's finger and couldn't help laughing. It turned out that Ye Yuze and Ye Feng were lying on a recliner. One person was wearing a pair of sunglasses with a cloth tent on top, and a group of children, under the command of Ye Yuji, took turns giving fans to the father and son. Use a big cattail leaf fan with a big basin.

The child who finishes fanning will receive a popsicle and eat it happily. The two women almost stopped laughing in the car. This kid can do tricks wherever he goes!

Ye Yuji was on the side directing the children not to jump in line and to ensure that every child could eat popsicles.

The two simply stopped the car, ran down the river embankment, and came to Ye Yuze and the others. Ye Yuze put on sunglasses, but he also felt that his eyes were dark, as if something was blocking the light. So he took off his glasses and saw that the two sisters were standing in front of him together.

"Sister, why are you here?" Ye Yuze felt guilty. Especially seeing Erhong. In the past two months, he had forgotten about his second sister and never called her once.

Just as Er Hong was about to scold him, a childish voice sounded: "Sister!"

Erhong turned around and laughed out loud. It turned out that Ye Feng was following Ye Yuze and Wang Honghua to call her sister.

Wang Honghua didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She glared at Ye Yuze angrily and said to her son, "Call me mom!"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes a few times and finally remembered who this woman was. After puckering her mouth for a few times, she finally called out "Mom" with a cry, as if she felt aggrieved.

Ye Yuze said angrily: "Don't cry. If you cry, just go with your mother. Don't look for me again."

In the past, Ye Feng would not have been threatened by this and would have cried happily. But today, after opening her mouth a few times, she finally held it back and whispered, "Dad, I'm not crying, I won't leave."

Hearing her son's cry, Wang Honghua looked at Ye Yuze. She thought this kid was anxious again. She knew that Ye Yuze had hated Ye Feng for snapping at him before.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yuze didn't care at all this time, but patted Ye Feng's head: "Okay, men don't cry."

Wang Honghua couldn't help but look at her son's appearance. Except for the glasses on his face, he was truly naked. Except for Ye Yuji, this group of children basically all dressed up like this.

Wang Honghua's heart moved and she took out her camera and took some photos of them. After all, these shots will be the best memories years later.

I originally thought about leaving directly, but how could my grandma agree? Insisting that they leave in the morning. When the fourth child saw that he could no longer consume it, he made a request, which was to kill a pig. It's the one he feeds alone.

The old uncle naturally agreed to this request, but he had always been careful about the behavior of his little nephew. The pig my nephew wanted to kill was obviously larger than the other pigs. And he also knew that this pig was actually fed the least amount of food.

If the meat quality is not worse than that of other pigs, then more silage feed can be added to the feed formula.

Don't underestimate this small amount of silage feed, it can save a lot of grain. If we follow this formula in the future, the cost will be reduced.

The fourth child probably didn't think so much. He was unwilling to not eat the pigs he raised. The old uncle killed two of them at once. Although it was a pity, it was worth it for the experiment.

The meat of the two pigs was cooked separately. After tasting it, everyone concluded that there was no difference. The meat of the fourth pig was more tender.

During the meal, grandma fed Ye Feng meat and accidentally said: "It's okay to keep this child here."

Wang Honghua didn't dare to answer. After all, neither she nor Ye Yuze told the child's origin. But grandma seemed to see everything.

Grandma looked at Erhong with a smile: "This girl is so beautiful, it's time to have a baby."

Erhong's face turned red and she was about to explain that she wasn't married yet. But looking at the look in grandma's eyes, she shut up again. People become more mature as they get older. They were afraid that her grandson would have fewer wives.

That night, naturally Ye Yuze and his group stayed together. This is the condition of my hometown. Anyway, they are all big kangs, so a few more people can fit in them.

We got up early the next day and a group of people were about to go back. The friends haven't gotten up yet, and Ye Yuji is a little regretful that he didn't say goodbye. Ye Feng was crying so hard that he couldn't bear to leave.

Looking at her son who was as tanned as a loach, Wang Honghua had mixed feelings. When I was in the United States, I took good care of her all day long, but I couldn't stop catching colds and fevers.

But here for two months, I ran around naked all day long. Not only has she not been sick, her body has become much stronger, which makes her doubt the so-called scientific parenting methods.

She could see clearly after two meals together. In the past, she had to hold the bowl and coax her when it was time to eat. But now he's just like a wolf cub, he can't live with anything less, and he's not picky about food. It tastes delicious.

She really wanted to leave the child with her grandma, but after thinking about it for a long time, she still couldn't bear it. After all, she would have to return to the Corps after graduation next year. If she was single and had a child to go to work, she was really not ready for that. After all, people’s words are scary, so let’s spend this year with your children.

After a short stop in Tangcheng, Ye Yuze drove mother and son to the capital. The plane leaves tomorrow morning, so I might not be able to leave in time.

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