Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 751 The Era of Booming Development

The whole family unanimously agreed to this distribution, but the old uncle’s flour mill has not stopped yet. After all, people nearby like to eat his flour, which also adds an income to the pig farm.

It's just that the old uncle and his wife don't have time to take care of it anymore, so they leave it to the uncle to manage. Ye Yuze, a pig farmer, didn't let his uncle and his wife get involved. There were a thousand people in the family, but only one person was in charge. Except for Ye Lizuan and his wife, no one in the Ye family is allowed to interfere with the pig farm, including Ye Yuze himself.

But if you ask him to care about it, he won't care. It's hot and smelly. Why do you have to suffer like that? Where can I go down the river to catch fish and fish for clams? It's summer now. Where can air conditioners come from in rural areas at that time? The water is the best place to escape the heat.

At present, most of the children in the village are gathering in the river. The popsicle vendors all know that this rich but stupid guy hangs out here all day long. So I came here for a walk if I had nothing to do.

But their popsicle Ye Yuze really can’t compliment him. Although the popsicles in Tangcheng are a bit more expensive, they are 30% hawthorn and 50% cream. Does it taste pure? Absolutely genuine.

But the popsicles here are indeed fifteen cents. Smells like saccharine. I guess I just need to get some well water and some saccharin to sprinkle it in. Then freeze it into the shape of a popsicle.

There aren't even bamboo skewers in the popsicles, they're made from wicker sticks that haven't even been peeled off. He seems to have such a rough personality.

Ye Yuze originally thought it was the freezer they had bought at home, but when he asked, it was produced by the city's refrigeration factory. Ye Yuze was speechless for a while. It was not good for a city-owned enterprise to produce such a thing for others. It affects my food safety. After all, I wrap the popsicles in their boxes round every time.

So he seriously called Wang Limin to complain. Tell him to stop this unscrupulous counterfeiting of shoddy products.

Wang Limin followed his advice and immediately asked the director of the refrigeration factory to come to Ye Yuze to learn from him how to produce popsicles?

Ye Yuze was left speechless for a while. How could labor and management know this? I had no choice but to call my uncle. After all, he was also from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau and had jurisdiction over many refrigeration plants. Asking for the recipe is trivial.

Soon, fresh hawthorn and cream popsicles came out. And Qiu City’s new popsicles are not only selling well in this city. We also bought nearby counties and cities. Even the famous Baoding Mansion has become a hot-seller.

The factory director is so excited! The trademark was quickly registered. This guy doesn't know what's wrong. The trademark is actually the Yuze brand. The price he paid was to give Ye Yuze's family a refrigerator and a box of popsicles every day. As a result, all the children in the village had free popsicles to eat.

And this little-known little factory became famous in one summer. It became a municipal star enterprise and its scale expanded several times. There is no way, the profit of this thing is too high, it is actually all water!

Wang Limin shocked Ye Yuze to the point of being a god, and asked him questions at every turn. So the people who helped Ye Yuze pick up river mussels and fish began to change from simple children to people of different age groups.

Even Wang Limin himself comes to sit by the river in his spare time. There were no parasols at that time, so Ye Yuze simply built a simple shed with wooden sticks and sheets as a place for his activities.

"Yuze, it's successful, it's successful!" When Yang Geyong's excited voice came, Ye Yuze was still a little confused. He didn't know why he succeeded? When he figured out it was a car gearbox, Ye Yuze couldn't help but jump up. A project that has been in operation for so long is finally settled!

After the special steel comes off the production line at Warrior Steel Plant, it must undergo a quenching process and then be taken to the gear factory to be processed into various types of gears. Then it is assembled into a reducer by the gearbox factory.

After continuous inspection and testing, it fully meets the qualification standards. And many data have completely exceeded Soviet standards. It has been equipped in batches on Yang Geyong’s fleet for actual testing.

Once the actual test is successful, it will herald the complete localization of Warrior brand cars. As for the engine, it was basically tested simultaneously and performed well.

But the trouble is that because of the material, they cannot produce the engine block themselves and can only customize it at a company in the Northeast. However, a series of reforms have also begun within the division.

Because although the development zone is on his own territory, it is not under his control, and Mr. Zhao is extremely dissatisfied. The decision was made after several discussions with Ye Wancheng and Liu Qinghua. Each regiment of the Ninth Division must establish an enterprise in the development zone.

But they have to raise the funds themselves, so what do they do? It must be based on supporting the leading enterprises in the development zone.

Three of the groups selected the engine block casting factory. In fact, it is best for trucks to use cast iron for the cylinder block.

As for other parts factories, Ye Wancheng is also happy that they take the initiative to build and contract. The development zone only needs to master the key technologies of core components. Those unimportant parts, let them be.

Of course, the development zone will spare no effort to support our brother units. There is full financial and technical support, but this must be paid back.

Because of the widespread application of mulching film technology, the agricultural machinery industry has also begun to flourish. The research and development of various agricultural machinery and tools has also become a hot topic. It is believed that in the near future, a large number of agricultural people will be liberated from farmland. Become an industrial worker.

At this time, the textbook editing of the Corps Education Bureau has also come to an end. Wang Honghua read the last revised book, rubbed her brows tiredly, and then showed a happy smile.

Dong Zhaohua, who was sitting opposite, also took off his reading glasses and let out a long breath: "Xiao Wang, thank you. Come back after graduation, the Corps needs you!"

Wang Honghua nodded: "Aunt Dong, I will be back. From the day I left, I knew what I was going to do? I will graduate next year and return to our Corps by then. Our Corps is in great need of talents now. "

Dong Zhaohua nodded: "Okay, I can still work for a few more years, and then you will take over. I believe that with you, the education career of the Corps will definitely take off."

Wang Honghua smiled and said no more. This was her ideal. His eyes moved to this woman who had devoted her whole life to the education of the Corps. Maybe this is the epitome of myself!

But thinking about Ye Feng, Wang Honghua couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. It's still different, he has a son. As for how to arrange this son, she hasn't decided yet. Maybe he won't bring him back to the corps, right? If it doesn't work, just throw it to that guy and let him arrange it as he pleases!

In the blink of an eye, I haven't seen the two of them for more than a month. I wonder how they are getting along? Thinking of Ye Yuze's disgusted look when he saw Ye Feng, Wang Honghua wanted to laugh. I wonder what his expression will be when he finally realizes that he is his own flesh and blood?

Send a beautiful woman asking for monthly tickets

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