Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 749 Three Happinesses Come to the Door

But bite the bullet, Lao Wang is a man who has seen the world, and the lesson he learned last time is still fresh in his mind. He is not that reckless. Forbearance is the most appropriate emotion for an adult, waiting for a counterattack in the future.

A group of people exchanged some bits and pieces. Wang Shuqin’s change was the most interesting. She exchanged two pillow towels for a Russian matryoshka doll, a total of eight pieces. Yu'e exchanged it for chocolate, which is what the girls exchanged most.

In fact, these people do not yet have a clear understanding of value. Their exchange is just based on an instinct, that is, I want what I like.

By the time a group of people came back from the market, Yuan Kewang and Xuelian were already very familiar with each other. Xuelian is actually not a bad girl, but she is a little anxious. Maybe it’s because I’ve read too many novels about young people, and some of the plots about talented people and beautiful ladies are ingrained in my heart. So when she first fell in love, she hoped that Prince Charming would marry her off.

But the cruel ending is that the person riding the white horse is not only the prince, but also Tang Monk. For example, Xuelian fell in love with these people one after another, and most of them were Tang Seng.

Ever since being rejected by Yang Geyong, Xuelian wanted to leave this place. Although there are more people in contact here, the place is more remote. Except for the Hasa in the village, it’s those people in the market. It would be more interesting to be in the infrastructure company.

After all, after it was classified as a development zone, the population increased dramatically, and you might be able to meet someone you like.

Her thoughts became more intense as Yuan Ke expected their arrival. Until Yang Geyong wanted to send these people back, she made another request of her own.

Yang Geyong did not refuse. Xuelian came to work based on the company's instructions. The salary is paid in a row, which can be regarded as support for Yang Geyong. If Yang Geyong wants to leave now, there is nothing he can do to stop him.

Now there is no shortage of people in the company, and some people from YN City have also come here to work. They were all educated young people, so Yang Geyong happily asked her to hand over the work and then let her go.

Along the way, everyone was singing and laughing. Only Xuelian and Yuan Kewang kept whispering, which made everyone laugh. However, these people are not that familiar with Yuan Kewang. After all, he is a senior and not in the same class.

Once you have had enough fun, you can get into the role. After all, this trip is not really for tourism. At present, the endemic diseases in northern Xinjiang are rheumatoid arthritis and brucellosis, which are two topics set by Liu Xiangdong. It is during this summer vacation that the first step is to determine which drugs are most effective for these two diseases.

Brucellosis, also known as brucellosis, brucellosis, and undulant fever, is an animal-borne infectious disease caused by Brucella. Humans are often infected through contact with animal excrement, or Get sick from eating food made from infected or diseased animals.

Patients often present with symptoms such as repeated high fever, profuse sweating, fatigue, joint pain, liver, spleen and lymph node enlargement.

This disease is difficult to prevent because the reservoir is in animals. It is impossible for people in northern Xinjiang not to come into contact with cattle and sheep.

Everyone knows that rheumatoid arthritis is caused by cold and humidity. Although northern Xinjiang is not humid, it is cold!

Liu Xiangdong had conducted in-depth research on these two topics before coming here. In fact, these two topics are related, which means that many arthritis are caused by brucellosis. Even if brucellosis is cured, arthritis will become a sequelae.

This is also a drawback of Western medicine treatment, where large doses of antibiotics are used. The inflammation is eliminated, but the root cause of the disease cannot be eradicated, and the remaining sequelae also bring lifelong pain to the patient.

Liu Xiangdong plans to systematically study the treatment of Chinese herbal medicine on this topic. Moreover, Northern Xinjiang has many Chinese herbal medicines that are not available elsewhere, and a relatively wide range of cases. Conducive to the in-depth study of his subject.

Things are back on track here, and Wang Honghua is back. Wang Honghua was naturally different from them when she came back. After all, she was the one who walked out of the company, and her former students were all older. Many have become the main force of several factories.

However, she was not able to stay in the company for a few days. Instead, she was directly invited by the headquarters to discuss the reform of the education system.

With the deepening of reform, local education systems that were originally independent have also begun to reform. The first step is the adaptation of teaching materials. Due to the particularity of the region, XJ's textbooks are divided into several types, but the textbooks in the Corps are all in Chinese. After all, there are basically no ethnic people in the Corps.

The director of the XPCC Education Bureau is Dong Zhaohua, who is 62 years old this year. She was among the first batch of cadres to aid Xinjiang and one of the college students before the Cultural Revolution. The old lady has a very upright character and has never been married. She is a typical example of someone who devotes herself wholeheartedly to her work.

She is the director of the Corps Education Bureau, which is under the dual leadership of the Corps Party Committee and the National Ministry of Education. It is a department-level unit. As the director, Dong Zhaohua is naturally a department-level cadre.

After Wang Honghua arrived, the two people exchanged their respective opinions and positions in detail. Dong Zhaohua greatly agreed with many of Wang Honghua's views. After all, it has been closed for so many years and is no longer familiar with the international education model.

When it comes to the specific content of textbook adaptation, this is not something that two people can decide. Several meetings were held in succession before the specific list of editors was decided.

However, Wang Honghua, a non-staff member, was directly appointed by Dong Zhaohua as the deputy leader of the editorial team, responsible for comprehensive and specific work. And she herself is the team leader and is responsible for everything.

Because the work started relatively late, time was extremely tight to finish editing all the textbooks before the start of school. Therefore, as soon as the editorial team arrived, they immediately began working day and night.

Wu Tianming's work was even busier, so the decoration and preparation of the new house naturally became Seryozha's own business.

Seryosha is a Russian and has his own living habits and style. Especially for house decoration.

But these things only require words. Yang Geyong bought her whatever she needed.

Time flies so fast, it’s the end of August in a blink of an eye, and the wedding day is coming soon. After research, the headquarters gave Wu Tianming two weeks of wedding leave. Everyone saw Lao Wu's hard work over the years and took this opportunity to let him have a good rest.

Wang Honghua arrived at the infrastructure company on August 31st. In fact, she really didn't help with this wedding?

However, although Seryozha is an expert in technology, he is also a very passionate person in life. The home was decorated very warmly by her.

Wang Honghua is very satisfied with this stepmother, even though she is a few years older than herself. But she is sincere and straightforward, and I get along well with her.

Some leaders from the headquarters also came to attend the wedding, so it was very grand. The 1st also coincides with Army Day, and the steel plant is under construction. The Infrastructure Company can be described as having three blessings.

Folks, it’s the last day. Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket!

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