The raw materials of pencil boxes are cardboard and plastic sheeting. The cardboard is round-shaped and not heavy. But plastic sheeting comes in rolls. It was very difficult for the women to lift it up.

But just like that, Ma Hongkui never cared. It was as if he, the deputy factory director, belonged to the Imperial Envoy and was only responsible for supervising work.

Meihua had no intention of arguing with this person. He is the company commander's man, and he is appointed by the regiment.

For a factory director to take the lead in calling for him to form a formation was a bit disregarding the overall situation.

It's just that today's thing is too much that my uncle can bear, but my aunt can't bear it anymore!

The burst of plum blossoms startled Ma Hongkui! But then I felt happy again.

What is he doing here? Isn't it just mixed with sand?

He has always looked down on plum blossoms from the bottom of his heart. Just relying on a husband to show off one's power all day long in the company is actually nothing!

When I was in the army, you didn’t know where to play skipping!

"Director Mei, what are you talking about?

Wang Ronghua is wasting raw materials in the factory, can’t I say something? "

He was already tall, but he deliberately stood in front of Mei Hua and looked down at her.

This attitude completely angered my mother!

You know how dare she put a gun to his head. He's so big! The telephone pole is high, but it is just a piece of wood!

"Ma Hongkui, I don't know how you became the director of this factory! But now that you are the deputy director, you have to worry about the production of the factory!

Although you don’t know anything about production, you are a grown man. You don't do anything, you just watch a bunch of women working with your hands behind your back all day long. Do you have the nerve to care about others? "

Ma Hongkui curled his lips disdainfully: "This is what women do! I can't do it! My factory director was also appointed by the above! If you don't accept it, sue me!"

Mei Hua threw away the ruler in her hand with a "pop!"

"Okay, then you continue to supervise your work! I quit!"

After saying that, Mei Hua walked out. She actually went on strike.

Seeing Mei Hua walk out, Ma Hongkui became even more proud.

I thought to myself: "You're a bitch, you want to fight with me! Aren't you bringing shame on yourself?"

Then he turned around and shouted to everyone: "What are you looking at? We are all working! As the director of the factory, Meihua takes the lead in sabotaging production. Do you want to imitate her? Believe it or not, I will punish you!"

Not to mention, this Ma Hongkui is worthy of being a platoon leader for several years. The posture brings a sense of dignity.

The women looked at each other. They didn't expect it to happen in a blink of an eye. Things have come to this.

But don't think of them as weak women. These people were all young women recruited from all over the country.

The story of eight thousand Hunan girls ascending to heaven spread throughout the country.

The faces of the women who reacted quickly turned cold.

You must know that the reason why they take Meihua is not because she is Dr. Ye's wife.

But Meihua has set an example from the first day she entered the factory. He does more work than anyone else and keeps the production process in order.

This time everyone can get a bonus of 20, and the plum blossoms naturally contribute a lot!

Now she is angry with Ma Hongkui. As subordinates, if they don't do something, can they still be called soldiers of the corps?

Mother Yang was the first to stop her sewing machine and stand up.

"If Director Mei quits, I won't do it either! Whoever wants to listen to Director Ma, just listen!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked out. She is famously soft-tempered among the women in the company. Unexpectedly, it was the first one to break out today.

In fact, there are many people from Ma Quanyi's side among these women. It’s just that what happened today really made people feel indignant.

Everyone dropped what they were doing and turned around and walked out of the door!

Ma Hongkui shouted from behind: "You are rebelling, right? You are sabotaging production! Believe it or not, I will punish you!"

But the workshop was already empty. He was the only one left shouting like a clown...

The company leader soon learned of the matter.

Ma Quanyi came to the workshop with the instructor.

The two men glanced at Ma Hongkui. Ma Quanyi asked angrily:

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Although Ma Hongkui narrated the whole incident in an embellished way.

But as the company commander, Ma Quanyi will naturally not get it for free.

The main source of the matter was immediately understood.

It's just that he got Ma Hongkui, so naturally he can't slap himself in the face in front of the instructor.

He looked at the instructor gloomily: "I think this is a very serious incident on the route. It must be dealt with seriously!"

He thought the instructor would definitely refute him.

Unexpectedly, the instructor nodded. "I agree with your point of view in principle. Let's discuss it at the expense department meeting!"

Ma Quanyi was stunned. He wanted to take advantage of his power. Qualify things directly. Then kill the chickens and scare the monkeys to teach these people a lesson.

You must know that sabotaging production could rise to a political level at that time!

But I didn't expect that the instructor would bring it to the branch for discussion. This matter is a bit troublesome.

Although he is not afraid of spending department meetings. But the branch meeting was not the place where he could do whatever he wanted.

But he couldn't refute this suggestion. After all, this matter is already a major event in the company!

Since the establishment of the infrastructure company, no such serious incident has occurred.

Ye Yuze fell asleep lying on the desk, and the laughter from the corner of his mouth flowed onto the desk.

The arithmetic teacher is a young girl named Yang. He belongs to the category of people with average ability but explosive temper.

At this time, she was writing a question on the blackboard.

"15-7=what is it equal to?"

Naturally, first-year students have never been exposed to questions like this. Vertical calculation is required.

The teacher glanced at the students, and then saw a few people in the back row chattering without knowing what they were talking about, not paying attention to the class at all.

Teacher Yang's face suddenly darkened.

"Mr. Liu, come up and calculate this question!"

Liu Mang was currently discussing with his younger brothers where to buy some cigarettes.

In fact, they don't really like smoking. I just feel like walking around the playground with a cigarette in my mouth is amazing!

"Liu is busy!"

Teacher Yang suddenly became furious when she saw that several people were indifferent to her screams.

A piece of chalk was thrown out at once. It hit Liu Mang's head accurately as he was vomiting liquid everywhere.

Teachers seem to have this kind of super power, that is, they can hit people with chalk head very accurately!

"Who? Who the hell hit me?"

Liu Mang has always been used to this, so how could he possibly know who would dare to attack him? Naturally, he opened his mouth and cursed.

Just when I looked up and saw Teacher Yang's murderous gaze. Lower your head quickly.

Parents at that time were different from those of later generations. In future generations, parents whose children are educated by teachers may directly help their children to fight against the teachers.

As for parents of that era, if a student dared to confront the teacher, That is to directly help the teacher to beat the children together!

Chinese education has always been about producing filial sons under the stick!

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