Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 736: Stunned for fear of death

When Biaozi went, Erhong asked him to bring more people with him. She was a little worried about Zhang Laoer. Such ruffians may not accomplish enough, but they are more than capable of ruining things! Now that 600,000 yuan has been invested, she doesn't want any accidents to happen.

Sure enough, Lu Dongfeng stayed on guard for two days. Seeing that Zhang Laoer didn't show up, he went to do his own business. In fact, he didn't think Zhang Laoer could be very bold.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhang Laoer was still staring at him. When he saw him withdrawing today, he immediately came with a few people.

This guy also didn't go to the mine to cause trouble. Instead, he led people to dig a ditch on the road leading to the coal field, euphemistically calling it, this road belongs to the village. They were crushed by coal trucks. If you want to cross here, you have to pay 100,000 yuan.

When Biaozi heard the news and rushed over, the trench had already been dug. Zhang Laoer squinted his eyes and looked at Biaozi teasingly: "Hey, why are you so angry? You have such a strong dog. Come on, bite me?"

Without saying a word, Biaozi said to Tong Mingzi behind him: "Uncle Tong, tell the second sister that you will help me take care of my mother in the future. I can only repay her love in my next life!"

After saying that, Biaozi directly wrapped the explosive tube around his waist and inserted the fuse. Pointing at Zhang Laoer, he cursed: "Isn't it a ruthless competition? Today I will take you with me. It just so happens that we can be brothers even when we go to the underworld."

After saying that, Biaozi lit the fuse on his body with a match. He pounced directly towards Zhang Laoer.

Zhang Laoer had been watching the fun and couldn't figure out why this kid committed suicide? The key point is that he has never seen a living person self-destruct in front of him. He is trying to figure out what it will be like? As a result, he was immediately hugged.

"You, what are you going to do?" Zhang Laoer's eyes were splitting all of a sudden. It's true that he's brave, and it's true that he's unreasonable, but that doesn't mean he's not afraid of death?

In fact, the only difference between people is their courage. The reason why no one dares to mess with Zhang Laoer in the local area is actually because he is bolder than others. Now that he met a brawler who was bolder than him, this guy suddenly became intimidated.

"Brother, let go. If you have anything to say, tell me!" Zhang Laoer's voice already contained a cry.

"No way, I've had enough life, so I just wanted to do something for my second sister and then die to be free. But your kid showed up, so I'll take you with me. The second sister will be clean here from now on."

Biaozi looked righteous and solemn, speaking righteously. Holding Zhang Laoer tightly and refusing to let go.

"Dad, can I call you dad? I was wrong. I will change it. I will never be right with my second sister again." Zhang Laoer burst into tears. At this moment, his confession was sincere.

Biaozi was not moved at all, and he was of this group who sacrificed his life generously. Although the fuse is long, it rises very quickly and will soon reach the detonator.

The few people Zhang Laoer brought had already disappeared. Zhang Laoer's own two trouser legs were wet, and water was dripping down. This damn thing is so scary.

At this time, Tong Mingzi had already rushed up, pulled the fuse off the detonator, and cursed sternly: "Biaozi, are you going crazy? You are really dead. How guilty do you think the second sister is? You can't just do it for yourself. Are you happy? Besides, why do you ask the second sister to support you as an old woman? "

Biaozi was stunned when he said this. He let go of Zhang Laoer's hand in a somewhat dull manner. Zhang Laoer's legs went weak and he collapsed on the ground.

Biaozi finally came to his senses and kicked Zhang Laoer: "You almost asked me to die with you. Hurry and fill up enough for me, or I will go to your house with explosives soon!"

After saying that, Biaozi turned around and left, not worried at all that Zhang Laoer would escape.

How dare Zhang Laoer delay? He stuck his butt out and filled in all the trenches he had just dug. Then he ran home as fast as he could and threw himself on the kang, unable to move.

After a while, Tao Guoqing walked in from outside. He scolded Zhang Laoer: "You just can't stick to the wall, so you are scared by others? Then you don't want the mine anymore?"

Zhang Laoer stared at him blankly for a while, then suddenly jumped up and kicked Tao Guoqing in the face:

"You still have the fucking nerve to show up. I've been fighting for you all day long. Have you ever given me a penny? I have to settle accounts for a treat. Today I was almost bombed to death, and you're still fucking scolding me. ?Why don’t you try it yourself?”

After saying that, Tao Guoqing was hit all over the head and face. It wasn't until he lay on the ground moaning that he stopped.

Then Tao Guoqing was injured and hospitalized, and Zhang Laoer was arrested for injury. As for how to judge? This needs to be discussed with the victim and the sentence will be determined based on the compensation price.

These two reds didn't know it, so Biaozi ordered them to be silenced. Anyway, the Liugezhuang Mine was successfully handed over and construction of ventilation tunnels began.

By this time, Ye Yuze had arrived in Xuzhuang, and two German engineers came this time. In fact, automated pig farming is not complicated. It just requires several breeding sheds with good ventilation and temperature control.

Then feeding and drinking water are all temperature-controlled automated feeding equipment. When the pigs are thirsty, the water will flow out when they touch the faucet. It is not that convenient to feed the pigs. They are fed regularly, basically four times a day.

In fact, the key to automated pig raising lies in the ventilation and temperature control of the pig house. That is, it should not be cold in winter and not hot in summer. Always maintain a constant temperature. There are also strict requirements for feed formulation and epidemic prevention.

Martha sent not only equipment, but also piglets and breeding pigs. It’s just that the pigs will not arrive until the equipment is installed.

She purchased Landrace pigs. Compared with local pigs, Landrace pigs have better feed adaptability. The weight can reach 200 kilograms in half a year. The two experts who came this time will stay here for half a year after the equipment installation is completed. They will not leave until the first batch of piglets are released, and they will be properly supported on the horses and sent off for another ride.

Wang Limin was naturally very moved by this. The people in the county really have only one way to express their feelings, and that is drinking. On the first day when the experts came, Wang Limin specially called the person in the agency who was famous for drinking in the evening. Be sure to have an expert with you.

However, the essence of Chinese wine culture is not easy to apply to foreigners. What kind of feelings are deep and boring, and shallow feelings are licked. Foreigners don’t accept this at all, mainly because they don’t understand!

This kind of relatively professional vocabulary cannot be translated by translators. The foreigner looked at a group of people holding wine glasses, although he couldn't understand what they were saying? But the meaning is still clear. Just to persuade you to drink. Being polite at first, they also drank a few drinks.

It’s just that I really couldn’t drink anymore, but people are so enthusiastic? If you hold a wine glass and refuse to put it down, you might as well drink three glasses by yourself and let a foreigner accompany you for one.

No one read old books again yesterday. Dandan is sad

Li Bai and I are classmates

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