Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 730 Shooting the Cow

Roll it up, light it up, and take a nice puff. Inhaling the cool air and smoke into his lungs, Ye Wancheng almost groaned in comfort. This is the taste of Northern Xinjiang.

"How is your leg? I was injured a while ago and I haven't been able to come over to see you." After spitting out the smoke, Ye Wancheng asked.

"What's wrong with you? How injured are you?" Wei Quanyou looked nervously at Ye Wancheng and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that there were no missing parts.

Ye Wancheng told the story of how he fucked the wolves. Wei Quanyou couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Awesome, you are worthy of being my buddy, Wei Quanyou."

Ye Wancheng looked at him disdainfully: "Don't brag to me. If you encountered so many wolves, you would probably wet your pants!"

Wei Quanyou frowned: "Don't come here. If it were me, even the wolves wouldn't be able to get close to me. Do you believe it?"

The two people walked side by side while carrying the pole. The sheep were in front of them, constantly lifting up the snow on the ground and eating the young grass that was wilted by the frost below.

Suddenly, there was a sound of running. The two people looked up in shock. It turns out that a herd of cattle was frightened for some reason and suddenly rushed towards the border.

Everyone may think that cows are docile and hard-working creatures. That's really work until the day you die. In fact, that is because you are overthinking it. You have never seen a herd of cattle. Do you know where the word "cow-tempered" comes from?

The cattle on the grassland are all undomesticated cattle. It may not be accurate to say that it is not domesticated, but it should be considered semi-domesticated. Usually they can listen to their owners, eat grass quietly, and then go home.

Just don't get angry when you meet them. Just like today's group of cows, I don't know if they are frightened or something? The momentum when running is really unstoppable. Anyone who dares to stop in front will be trampled to pieces.

The two people could see clearly that it was not a bison. There was still a difference between a bison and a domestic cow. Moreover, this herd of cattle is still branded, which is a mark made by herdsmen to distinguish the livestock.

The two looked at each other, and Wei Quanyou called out to his old dog. They have been dogs for seven or eight years, and they already have a tacit understanding with each other. As soon as the owner shouted, the old dog understood what he meant, so he forced the cattle and rushed over.

The first cow is a big red cow with very long horns. At this moment, it rushed to the front with thick breath from its nose, and the snow turned into mud under its feet, splashing everywhere.

The old dog started barking wildly when it was more than a hundred meters away, and charged directly towards the cow without fear.

In fact, if a creature like a dog is compared with a cow, it is not on the same level at all. A cow could trample it to death in a minute. It's just that because they have been grazing with their owners for a long time, a hierarchy has been formed among the animals.

At the top are people, and then there are dogs. Dogs serve as human assistants, helping to manage cattle and sheep. So the cattle gradually followed this concept.

The old dog's lack of fear is also based on this habit. He probably thought while charging: "You inferior creatures, please stop, or I will bite you to death!"

The dogs' lack of scruples finally made the herd react, and the herd began to slow down. If the cow stops at this time, the herd will also stop.

But today, the cow was obviously crazy. He only hesitated for a moment, but then lowered his head and ran towards the old dog. The sharp horns seemed to be shining with cold light, trying to pierce the old dog.

The old dog didn't pay attention to it at all, and still charged with firm steps. There is no deviation in the direction.

At this time, Wei Quanyou had already taken off his gun, loaded the bullet, and raised the muzzle of the gun. As long as the cow moved forward another 20 meters, he would definitely shoot.

Ye Wancheng didn't bring a long gun today, so he took out his May Fourth gun and aimed at the cow. At the critical moment, it is better to kill a cow than to let the cattle cross the border. After all, once they cross the border, there is no way to get back. That's called stowaway, and people have the right to shoot.

Five meters, ten meters, fifteen meters. The old dog is about to come face to face with the cow. But the cow showed no intention of slowing down.

"Bang, ping!" Two gunshots sounded separately. But there is only one goal. That's a cow, but the target is not the same place. Ye Wancheng hit him on the head, while Wei Quanyou hit him on the feet.

The main reason was that the accuracy of the pistol was poor, and he did not dare to hit the hooves of a running cow. It was much more difficult to hit the hooves of a running cow than hitting a moving target.

But Wei Quanyou's shot accurately hit the cow's hoof, because he was the one who fired the shot first. The cow's hoof was hit, its legs went limp, and then it fell to the ground. So much so that Ye Wancheng's bullet missed its head, otherwise it would have died.

At this time, the old dog had already run to the opposite side of the cow. The cow jumped down. It jumped to the side quickly, and the cow rubbed its body and rolled. Then he struggled for a few times and didn't get up.

Ye Wancheng raised his gun slightly and fired a bunch of bullets. "Pah, pah!" The cattle finally stopped amidst the sound of gunfire. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked toward the cattle.

The cow's injury was not serious, it was just hit in the leg bone above the hoof, and the bullet penetrated directly. It takes just a while to grow well, and you don't even need any medicine.

At this time, a horse finally galloped over. Immediately there was a Kazakh herdsman who finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the cattle had been stopped.

He jumped off his horse and saluted Ye Wancheng and Wei Quanyou respectively. Just put your right hand on your chest and bow slightly. This is their national etiquette.

After asking, I found out that the cow was frightened by him. I don’t know what’s going on with Tau Niu lately, and he’s often disobedient. Tell him to go east and he will go west. The shepherd was so angry that he took a beating.

As a result, the cow was so stubborn that it overturned the herdsman and ran away with the herd. The shepherd was also frightened. There were seventy or eighty cattle in this herd. If they cross the border, the family will have to eat rice bran, which is all the family's property.

Seeing that the cow was still struggling, the shepherd walked over, took out a knife, pointed it at the cow's heart and stabbed it. The cow let out a mournful cry, raised its head feebly a few times, and then lost its voice.

Then the shepherd saluted them again: "This cow is broken. Thank you very much for today. I won't take it away. This can be considered a gift to you."

After saying this, he mounted his horse and drove the cattle away. Ye Wancheng, the herdsman, and Wei Quanyou didn't know each other. It should be from another pastoral area, and this cow came here with it.

At this time, several soldiers from Xiaobaiyang Post also came over on horseback. They heard gunshots and didn't know what was going on, so they came over to see what was going on.

After Wei Quanyou introduced the situation, they were about to say goodbye and go back. Wei Quanyou stopped them to skin the beef on the spot, divided the beef into pieces, and asked the soldiers to take it back.

They are all child soldiers, there is no one who doesn’t like eating meat. Each of them took a piece of camel, left enough food in the kitchen, and sent the rest to Wei Quanyou's home.

By the time the two men came back from their patrol, the beef bones had been cooked. After my wife met, the excess beef was cut off, rubbed with salt and hung outside to dry. This stuff can last for a year when dried.

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