Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 728 Lao Wang is opening a business

As the needle tail trembled, Ivan's wooden legs, which had been silent for a long time, began to feel. Sour, numb. There seemed to be ants biting inside the meat.

Ye Wancheng asked Liu Yamei to help her flick the needles until all the needles started shaking. Ivan felt as if thousands of ants were gnawing at his heart, but he still shed tears of joy. My legs were throbbing uncomfortably, although the amplitude was very small. But it seems to be really moving.

Yifan didn't understand what was going on. He stepped forward and hugged Ye Wancheng and couldn't help but said: "Thank you, thank you very much!"

Ye Wancheng smiled and pushed him away: "You're welcome. Although I can guarantee that the treatment will be effective, I can't say that I can definitely cure him. The extent of his recovery also has something to do with his own willpower."

Yifan looked at Ye Wancheng with some confusion, wondering what he was going to say?

Ye Wancheng had no choice but to continue explaining: "Actually, his nerves were not damaged. It was just that after the trauma healed, the inner fascia became adherent. It hurt when he moved, so he didn't dare to move.

This kind of adhesion device cannot be detected. He did not dare to touch the doctor, thinking that his nerves were damaged, so they immediately announced that his spinal nerves were damaged. And he believed the doctor's words and simply stayed still. "

Only then did Yifan realize that his son was suffering from pseudo-paralysis due to psychological suggestion. However, due to long-term immobility, the internal tissues of the legs were damaged, and there is still doubt whether they can be restored. Even if it can, it will take a long process.

Even so, Yifan was very excited. I thought my son would have to spend his whole life in a wheelchair. I have been worrying about this matter a few years ago. I wonder how my disabled son will live after he and his wife leave. Unexpectedly, suddenly there was hope.

This country was really his blessing. Not only did he earn money, but it also gave him hope for his son's illness.

I made an appointment with Ye Wancheng to come for acupuncture and massage every day. Yifan and his son went back. They are busy, and car modification is inseparable from them. Especially Ivan, he couldn't wait to be busy 24 hours a day.

The installation of continuous rolling equipment is not a simple task. It is estimated that it will take at least three months from installation to production. Now the entire infrastructure company has become a big construction site. All the bungalows on the original site of Wulian were also bulldozed, and construction of more than a dozen buildings started at the same time.

The XPCC's infrastructure units are not the same concept as mainland construction companies. Even Laorou and his construction team can't compare. More than twenty years of construction experience, plus a large number of skilled veterans.

Don't mention working overtime to them, because it would be abnormal not to work overtime. Winters in northern Xinjiang are long, and construction is impossible in winter. Therefore, during the construction period of a little more than half a year, they worked almost all the time except sleeping.

Even Ye Wancheng, the instructor and hygienist, is also busy on the construction site in addition to regular inspections.

People in their forties have the strongest endurance. Wearing stars and wearing moonlight has become their norm. The five buildings in the infrastructure company were renovated within a month. Just waiting to do some drying before moving in.

Don't worry about formaldehyde. It was not easy to find formaldehyde in those days. There are no materials that produce formaldehyde.

Ivan's treatment has been completed independently by Liu Yamei. There's nothing I can do about it, that guy is just as life-threatening as the people in the Corps when he works together. I often stay up all day and all night just to calculate a piece of data.

In desperation, Ye Wancheng had to ask Liu Yamei to go to the regiment headquarters every day to give him acupuncture and physical therapy. It just took too long and recovery will take a long time.

When Ivan gets busy, no one can stop him. He often doesn't even eat. He is the kind of person who was born to engage in scientific research. One problem after another was slowly solved under his leadership.

Lao Yifan had to admit that this son was stronger than him. In time, he would be left far behind by his son.

But he was also troubled by his son's sleepless nights. I can't control it anymore. Even my good physique will be ruined if this continues. What's more, his health is not in good shape due to years of disability.

But gradually he discovered that every time Liu Yamei came for treatment. Ivan will be extremely obedient. And during the two hours of Liu Yamei's treatment, he would sleep particularly soundly.

After learning about his son's habit, Lao Yifan expressed his request to Liu Yamei, asking her to have physical therapy as long as possible. So that my son can sleep a little longer.

Liu Yamei is a kind girl and readily accepted Ivan's situation after learning about it. How could a foreigner not agree to such a trivial matter when he worked so hard for the innovation of the XPCC Automobile Factory?

After Yang Geyong purchased all the raw materials according to Seryozha's order. Sergei and his daughter began experimenting with special steel.

For this reason, Wei Yuxiang stopped production for a day, and Sergey and his daughter cooperated to smelt several furnaces of special steel needed to produce gearbox gears.

At present, customers who come to the infrastructure to buy steel ingots are also panic-stricken. Seeing that high-quality finished products are about to be produced here, they don't know where to buy raw materials?

Although Wei Yuxiang promised to supply them with some steel ingots, they also understood. This is because Wei Yuxiang has not yet started selling mature materials. Once they know the price of finished products, fools will sell them steel ingots.

At this time, most people also knew that the materials for the infrastructure company came from the port. Customers began to go to Horgos one after another, hoping to buy scrap metal from there, and then directly took it back to their mouths.

When they arrived, they discovered that they couldn't get their hands on the scrap steel. Then I heard another news. That is, YN City is planning to build a steelmaking plant with an annual output of four million tons.

A group of people ran over and took a look, and indeed, the equipment had already been brought. Installation and debugging in progress. Because it is a carbon furnace for steelmaking, the equipment installation is relatively simple, and it is already ready for trial production.

As for scrap iron, Lao Wang asked the city to directly find market managers to purchase it for them. In this way, Yang Geyong can't get stuck in their necks.

At this time, Yang Geyong's acquisition of raw materials was also more stringent. After all, in the future, if you want to produce something useful, you can’t just throw away all the junk.

So all the scrap metal that was not in good quality was bought by Lao Wang and the others. Anyway, the requirements for producing the ingot are not high, just melt it and pour it into the mold. As for how to produce finished products? It has nothing to do with them.

Lao Wang is a man who saw these people coming. When I asked, it turned out to be a customer from Yang Geyong who wanted to switch production, and I was immediately pleasantly surprised. Originally, I wanted to produce steel ingots and sell them through the mouth. As a result, the customer delivered it to his door.

This is the first time that Lao Wang is grateful to Yang Geyong from the bottom of his heart. "What a good man! He knew that I would switch production after setting up a steel mill. None of my brothers are so considerate."

Although Lao Wang didn't have much left in his pocket, he generously treated these people to a feast. And promised that whoever pays first will get the goods first. After a drink, he actually received 500,000 in cash. Lao Wang was so shocked that he almost doubted his life.

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