Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 719 A packed concert

The students were all arranged in the first row to the side because there were some more important people in the middle. Everyone understands this.

It has to be said that no matter what era it is, young people will always lead the trend. When the heavy metal music sounded, Hu Jian hadn't even started singing yet, and the whole place was already excited.

The prelude stopped, a burst of fierce electric guitar sound sounded, and then a hoarse voice seemed to come from ancient times: "I used to ask endlessly, when will you come with me. But you always laugh at me..."

The searchlight began to patrol the entire field, and finally formed a circle of light. It shines on Hu Jianchen, who is wearing an old military uniform. This guy always dresses in such a unique way. His military uniform has been washed and turned yellow, and he still has one trouser leg rolled up.

The intense cheers and applause from the audience were drowned out by the passionate sound of musical instruments, and it was like a boil. Because the stadium has no roof, the noise probably kept nearby residents awake.

Hu Jian sang three songs in a row and then took a rest. Then there is Di Zhen, her singing voice is equally hoarse, but also full of shocking power. There was another scream from the audience.

Then Hu Jian came on stage again. This time he simply changed into a blue denim overalls and a denim hat. This time he didn't hold a guitar, but just strode onto the stage with a microphone.

But as soon as he arrived on the stage, this guy took off his hat and threw it on the stage, and his voice came from the microphone: "I want to walk from south to north, and from white to black. I want people to watch. You see me, but you don’t know who I am!”

There is a flamboyant and uninhibited flavor in Hu Jian's voice. Just like his character, he never follows the rules. It is this kind of taste that makes young people worship and go crazy for it.

"If you see that I am a little tired, please pour me some water. If you fall in love with me, please kiss my mouth!" The applause and screams reached a climax again.

Ye Yuze doesn't know much about music, so he can't judge the quality of his stuff. But one thing he knew was that Cui Jian was deviant and original.

Rebellion is the nature of young people, because they always have a violent factor in their bones. I want to destroy all rules and regulations. And Hu Jian's music perfectly interprets this kind of thing.

Chen Yuanyuan finally came on stage. In fact, the young people who came on stage today had similar styles. They all had a free and uninhibited temperament.

No heavy makeup, no jewelry. Wearing a simple suit, short hair, and holding a guitar, her accompaniment was also two girls holding guitars.

"On the banyan tree by the pond, cicadas are calling for summer. On the autumn tree on the playground, only butterflies are perched on it, and the teacher's chalk on the blackboard..."

This is a song by Luo Dayou. Unlike Hu Jian, Hu Jian basically writes his own songs. Show off your own personality. Chen Yuanyuan is not a singer-songwriter, but she can perfectly interpret the emotions that each creator wants to express.

"Why hasn't that girl in the next class passed by my window yet? She's waiting for the end of get out of class, waiting for school to be over, waiting for the childhood of games..."

There was no warm applause or shouting, just silence. Everyone listened quietly and listened. The song is like a picture, bringing people into that era that has passed.

People didn't react until the guitar sound stopped suddenly. Warm applause broke out and lasted for a long time. If Hu Jian sings about youth and passion, then Chen Yuanyuan sings about feelings. Like a glass of aged wine, it is mellow and has a long aftertaste.

Next, Hu Jian sang a song that was very different from his own style. Except that his voice was still familiar, it seemed that he was no longer him.

Me and the sun and moon,

Frozen in a line.

The light is too heavy,

The body is too soft.

My breathing is short and shallow,

I closed my eyes,

The moonlight passed through the ice,

Twisted in my body.

Outside the light is a rigid shell.

It makes the air feel like a prison.


The song sounded eloquent, as if a young man was sitting on a chair, telling his confusion and helplessness.

There were no screams or applause. The audience also followed his example and held their chins with their palms. Like a confused child, full of confusion about the future.

The desire is too great,

Too little strength.

Hope is always struggling,

Closed his eyes.

It's like stopping breathing,

But I felt the light,

Inside the light is solidified sweat.

Suddenly wanted to sing with me.

When the applause started again, the band stepped off the stage. Hu Jian did not go down, but stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation. Everyone saw a pair of golden boys and girls walking on the stage.

Hu Jian bowed to the audience first, and then introduced: "These are my friends from Tangcheng. They are not singers, they are two college students. They just came to attend my concert. But at my request, I will sing a song for everyone. Hope you all like it.”

To be honest, these two young people cannot attract everyone's attention. But since he is a friend invited by his idol Hu Jian, he has to show some respect, right? Besides, these two people are really good-looking.

They were all wearing student clothes, and the boy carefully laid out handkerchiefs and asked the girl to sit on the steps with him. Like a young couple, but also like ordinary classmates.

Will you remember tomorrow the diary you wrote yesterday?

Will you still miss you tomorrow, the one who cried the most?

The teachers can't even remember you and can't guess the problem.

It was only by chance that I looked through the photos and remembered you as my deskmate.

What sounded at the same time as the boy's guitar sound was the girl's soft and affectionate singing voice.

The audience's chests tightened suddenly, as if their hearts were caught by something, but they did not dare to make a sound. Afraid of disturbing something, and afraid of scaring someone away.

You used to be very careful and asked me to borrow half an eraser.

You also accidentally said that you like to be with me.

The sky was always blue at that time and the days always passed too slowly.

You always say that graduation is far away, and you go your separate ways in the blink of an eye.

Who meets you who is sentimental, who comforts you who loves to cry.

Whoever read the letter I wrote to you threw it in the wind.

Tears filled the eyes of many people, and the singing was very soft and soft. Speaking in the night wind. Just like two classmates who have been separated for many years, they are confiding their farewell thoughts and memories.

If Chen Yuanyuan’s song just now was about feelings, then this song is about love. The kind of love that was once hidden in everyone's heart and never had time to express.

The old days are gone, and I will have my wife.

I will also show her photos and tell her about you at the same table.

Who marries you who is sentimental, who comforts you who loves to cry.

Who tied up your long hair, who made your wedding dress.


Until the sound of the guitar suddenly stopped, the whole place was still filled with deathly silence. Chen Yuanyuan hugged Hu Jian, laid her face on his shoulder and cried.

Ye Yuze stretched out his hand and pulled Yu'e up. Yu'e picked up the handkerchief on the ground, folded it into a small square, and put it back into Ye Yuze's pocket. The two then bowed farewell to the audience.

"Wow!" Violent applause sounded like a wave. "One more song, don't let it go!"

The shouts gradually gathered into a slogan: "One more song, one more song!"

From the moment Yu'e opened her mouth, Hu Jian, a veteran who has been on stage for many years, knew that this song was a hit. And the audience certainly won’t let go. It's just that he doesn't know what other songs Ye Yuze can sing? Do you need accompaniment?

He walked onto the stage and bowed to the audience first, and then asked Ye Yuze: "Brother, it looks like I can't get down."

Where is the ticket?

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