Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 697 Bu Shuli

There are currently only two girls on the construction site, one is fat and loves to laugh very much. Her name is Sun Aiguo, and everyone calls her Guoguo. Wherever she is, there is laughter.

The other one is very slender and looks weak, but has very beautiful features. Her name is Bu Shuli, and she doesn't like to talk very much.

Originally there were only two girls on the construction site, who could be called two flowers, but because Bu Shuli had a cold temperament, no one liked to have contact with her.

Ever since Laorou and the others cooperated with Sanjian, Bu Shuli has been assigned to Laorou and the others to help open the windlass.

The two girls also have different working attitudes. Sun Aiguo has a restless temper and cannot bear to sit for long periods of time. I have to go out for a walk every now and then. But because of her good popularity, countless people help her open the windlass every day.

But Bu Shuli basically sat down for a long time, and she was not even seen going to the toilet. Because there were only two people of the same age, Sun Aiguo often asked her to go out together. But Bu Shuli kept refusing, but Sun Aiguo didn't take it seriously and still came to call her. If she couldn't be called away, she bought snacks and gave them to her.

During this time, because it was foundation construction, the two girls did not have a hoist to drive, so they helped with odd jobs. To put it bluntly, there is no work to do. After all, the division of labor in state-owned units is very clear.

Today Wu Laohei simply assigned two girls to boil water for everyone. Although it is March and the weather is not hot yet, thirst is inevitable when working.

The workers of the Third Construction Company all have the habit of bringing big teacups. They bring a big cup of tea from home to work every day and basically finish it by lunch time.

Therefore, when eating at the construction site, people in the canteen are used to delivering meals along with hot water. But if you feel thirsty in the middle, there is no water to drink, so you can only endure it. Today, Wu Laohei saw that the two girls had nothing to do, so he asked them to boil water.

There is a tap water roadside, and Wu Laohei brought two briquette stoves. The tools for boiling water are two iron buckets. Just fetch water from the roadside and put it on the stove to burn.

Although there were poles, the two girls had obviously never carried water before, so they had to use two people to carry a bucket and transport it back in two trips.

Because they are all on the same construction site, it is inevitable that people from Xuzhuang will come over to drink. But none of them had cups, so the old man simply asked the food server to put down a few large bowls for anyone who was thirsty to drink.

However, rural people can not only eat and drink, but also drink. So most of the people in Xuzhuang drank the water, which made the two girls keep carrying water.

Sun Aiguo was actually quite dissatisfied with this matter. After all, the two girls had to exert physical strength to fetch water. Bu Shuli didn't care at all, but was happy that someone drank their water.

Laorou also overheard Sun Aiguo's complaints, so he went to help them carry a load of water back. From now on, whenever he comes to the construction site and sees the bucket is empty, he will help them fetch water. And I also buy some snacks for the two girls from time to time.

After going back and forth, you will become familiar with them. Special Sun Aiguo. He was very enthusiastic when he saw Lao Rou. After all, the old man is good-looking and generous. And he always drove a Santana. There were very few car owners in that era.

Laorou accidentally chatted with Wu Laohei again and learned that Bu Shuli's dull temper was due to her experience. This girl joined the queue and went to work in Shaanxi when she was sixteen. I stayed on the high loess slopes for eight years.

Maybe because I was too lonely, I fell in love with a Shanghai insider, and then the two got married and lived together. As a result, when she returned to the city, the Shanghai man broke up with her. Then she also returned to the city and took over her father's shift.

Her experience made her a second-married woman. People of that era were very concerned about these things. There was a lot of talk about her. My mother passed away early, and my father loved to drink. I don't care much about her.

Most of the people introduced to her were men with children. No young man would marry her. Bu Shuli also had a stubborn temper and refused to find a man to take care of her children.

Now that her father has become hemiplegic due to drinking, she has to take care of him when he goes home every day, which makes the marriage even more of a big problem.

Because I knew the inside story, I paid more attention to this girl. He felt that this girl was very nice, hard-working and down-to-earth. There is not so much right and wrong.

It started to rain when I got off work that day. At that time, people were cycling to and from get off work. But neither Shuli Tianbe nor Sun Aiguo were wearing raincoats this time, and were stopped at the construction site by the rain.

It just so happened that Laorou drove the food truck to deliver the food. When Sun Aiguo saw him, he shouted: "Old Rou, old Rou, can you give us a section?"

Lao Rou was about to go home, so he asked, "Okay, where are you going? I'll just drive you back."

Sun Aiguo spoke quickly: "I'm close. I'll be there not far away. Bu Shuli is over there in Beihai. She is anxious and has to go back to make medicine for her father."

Bu Shuli was obviously a little embarrassed: "No, I'll leave by myself when the rain stops."

Laorou knew Bu Shuli's family situation, so he opened the car door and let them get in without talking nonsense. Sun Aiguo saw Bu Shuli standing still and pushed her into the car.

After putting down Sun Aiguo, Bu Shuli also wanted to get off the bus. Sun Aiguo stopped her and said that I could just go down and take the bus. There are public buses here.

The old man said impatiently: "Sit tight and I'll go over there, along the way."

Lao Rou always behaved peacefully and always smiled wherever he went. Bu Shuli was frightened by this tantrum. He sat there obediently and didn't dare to move.

The car drove to the Hutang of Bu Shuli's house, and there were several people standing outside. Everyone was a little surprised when they saw Bu Shuli getting out of the car. An old lady shouted: "You are back, your father is ill again, and everyone is discussing sending him to the hospital."

Bu Shuli pushed through the crowd and ran in. As soon as the old man heard this, he couldn't help but leave. He opened the car door and walked into the yard.

This is a large courtyard, with more than a dozen families living in the two courtyards. The haphazardly built houses make walking in the yard almost strenuous.

Bu Shuli's family lived in the main house. She lived in the inner room and her old father lived in the outer room. The house was now full of people. It turned out that her father was trying to go down the steps on crutches and fell down.

In fact, her father suffered from hemiplegia caused by cerebral congestion, and later recovered and had no problems with his upper body. I still have difficulty moving my left leg.

He should be in a wheelchair in this situation, but there were no wheelchairs at that time. It’s not that they don’t exist, but that ordinary people can’t buy them and can’t afford them.

So her father tried to use crutches by himself, and it was usually fine, but today there was an accident.

The key is that there were no injuries visible on the outside, so the neighbors didn't take him seriously and carried him back to the house. It's just that people haven't woken up yet, so everyone is getting anxious.

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