Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 70 Class 2, Year 1

Guli's mother is very kind. She asked Ye Yuze to sit down in front of the table. Then pour milk tea and ask him to drink it.

At that time, there was very little rice here.

However, his family actually made finger food today. It’s still the kind of lamb leg pilaf.

It's just that I have some trouble eating. Because Kazakh people are not used to using chopsticks. The so-called hand-picked rice means grabbing it directly with your hands.

A large basin is placed on the small table. The whole family gathered together and started eating the rice in the basin.

Ye Yuze was a little scared, the rice was steaming! I wonder if my little hands can withstand the test?

Gu Li seemed to see Ye Yuze's embarrassment. She ran out and got a plate and spoon. He directly filled a plate and handed it to Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze breathed a sigh of relief, took the plate and started eating.

But even with the spoon. But it’s still unrealistic not to get involved. Because there is also a leg of lamb.

This leg of lamb cannot be chewed without picking it up!

Watching Ye Yuze eat deliciously. Guli's mother had a smile on her face. At the same time, he also reminded him not to choke when drinking milk tea.

But Gu Li didn't eat much, and kept smiling while watching Ye Yuze eat. It seems that if Ye Yuze eats more, she will feel full.

Ye Yuze kept looking at the basin. I thought the rice was not cooked enough.

But I didn’t see Dao Han today. I wonder where this guy went? Doesn't he go to school?

After finishing the meal and washing her hands, Guli’s father rolled up a Mohe cigarette and lit it. Asked who Ye Yuze’s father was?

The Infrastructure Company and Lao Yumin are close to each other, and many people in the two places are familiar with each other.

Ye Yuze told him his father's name. Guli's father exclaimed. He raised his thumbs and said "Yaxi!"

"Are you the Balang of Dr. Ye's family? That's a good person. This is also the medical skill!"

After saying that, Guli’s father gave another thumbs up!

Guli's mother obviously admires Ye Yuze's father even more. He kept praising his father. It turns out that when Guli’s mother was studying medicine, her father gave her lectures.

Ye Yuze is quite proud. When he came to the infrastructure company, he knew that his father had some reputation in the neighborhood. I didn’t expect Guli’s parents to admire it so much.

After dinner, Gu Li and Ye Yuze returned to school.

Children do not have the habit of taking a lunch break. But her parents had to take a lunch break.

Only then did Ye Yuze know that Gu Li also went to school here. It’s just that they are already in junior high school.

Local children generally don't go to junior high school. Of course, this does not refer to junior high school graduation. It’s the stage from the first to the third year of junior high school.

But obviously Guli wants to graduate from junior high school. Her family background is obviously good.

His father is the captain of the commune's animal husbandry team, and his mother is a barefoot doctor.

At that time, there were few medical staff in the area. There are no health centers at the commune level.

They are all equipped with a barefoot doctor. If you have a simple cold or fever, you will be treated. If it is more serious, you will have to be sent to the county.

Back at school, Gu Li went back to her class. Ye Yuze opened the door of the next class. Because all the students from the Infrastructure Company are in this class.

Seeing Ye Yuze come in, Yinhua's little mouth pouted again.

"Where have you been? I went to find you after school and you weren't there?"

"Sister Guli took me to her house for dinner!"

Ye Yuze confessed honestly that he couldn't hide this, and several people saw it.

Yinhua still felt aggrieved, took out a piece of beef jerky and asked:

"I brought this for you? Do you still eat it?"

In fact, Ye Yuze was already very full. It's just that he didn't dare not eat what Yinhua brought out. I happily took it and took a big bite!

“It smells so good!”

Seeing Ye Yuze's actions, Yinhua smiled. The grievance of not being able to find Ye Yuze at noon disappeared instantly.

After the group chatted for a while, Ye Yuze returned to his class. I thought that all the students would come here after going to school.

Unexpectedly, some people came one after another.

After the guys sitting in the back saw Ye Yuze, they didn't know what they muttered together? Then a little fat man came over.

Ye Yufan was flipping through the book at this time. His books are all newly released today. Because I joined the class midway, the original textbooks are no longer available.

But there happened to be someone rich in the school, so he was given a set.

Ye Yuze and the others don't need to pay to go to school. Including book fees, the school will calculate it with the company.

The textbooks of that era all have some distinct marks of the times. Especially Chinese, Ye Yuze turned page after page. For me, this is obviously a bit simple.

Looking fascinated. His desk was kicked.

"Hey, Corps doll, bring us cigarettes tomorrow. Or I'll beat you up!"

After speaking, the little fat man raised his hands and clenched his fists. This was already Chi Guoguo's blackmail and threat!

Ye Yuze raised his eyebrows. His eyes were full of innocence.

"You're only eight years old, you can't smoke!"

The little fat man was stunned for a moment, then his face darkened:

"Just take it if I tell you to. Are you embarrassed?"

The local accent of northern Xinjiang people is accustomed to pronouncing the word "s" as "sa". People in the company don't have this habit.

Ye Yuze looked at this little fat man in amusement. It can be described specifically in one word.


There were not many fat people in those days. This is true even in places like Northern Xinjiang where there is no shortage of food and drink.

It’s just that I don’t know what this little fat guy looks like? His face was as swollen as two big steamed buns.

The belly and legs were also round and full of joy.

Just because my face is too fat. The facial features are squeezed out of space.

Especially the two eyes, which are simply two slits. If you don't look carefully. Just think this guy is sleeping.

When he first arrived, Ye Yuze still understood the word "forbearance".

Although he was dismissive of the threat from the little fat man. But Ye Yuze still didn't want to cause trouble.

I have a loving mother at home, but she would get into a fight on the first day of school. Ye Yuze couldn't believe his mother's promise that she would never hit him again.

"I don't smoke, and no one at home smokes. So there's no place to get you cigarettes!"

Ye Yuze responded to the little fat man's threat righteously.

Then ignore him. He lowered his head and started reading the book again.

The little fat man obviously didn't expect this newcomer to be so cool. I didn't react for a moment, I stood there not knowing what to say.

At this time, the guys in the back row all stood up and walked over.

For this new guy, he was so awesome on his first day. As the dominant players in the second class of the year, they naturally couldn't tolerate it.

A guy who was obviously a head taller than everyone else looked at Ye Yuze coldly.

"Do you know who I am?"

Ye Yuze observed him carefully. He asked with doubts:

"Are you the principal?"

This guy obviously didn't expect Ye Yuze's answer to be this. Shake his head.

"Are you a teacher?"

Ye Yuze asked again.

This guy is completely confused. He never expected that this new guy would act so unconventionally.

Isn't it time to ask, trembling with fear, "Who are you?"

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