Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 694 All done

Picked up the phone and dialed Sun Zhengzheng. The secretary answered the phone. Although he was not familiar with Ye Yuze, he also knew that this was the boss's celebrity.

"What's wrong, Yuze? Is there anything wrong with calling so late?" Sun Zhengzheng's voice was a little tired, and he was obviously very tired.

"I have sent a batch of German steel rolling equipment to Tangcheng. A set of 1.5 million yuan. If you want it, you have to agree to one condition."

Sun Zhengzheng had already stood up, and his voice had changed a little: "What did you say? One and a half million sets? Did I hear you correctly? What is the production capacity?"

Sun Zhengzheng is much more sensitive to the price of steel rolling equipment than Wu Tianming. When I heard that pure German equipment only cost 1.5 million yuan, I naturally thought it was a small equipment with an annual output of less than 2 million tons.

"There are ten sets in total, with various profiles. They are all equipment with an annual output of 800 to 10 million tons." Ye Yuze was lying on the sofa, speaking in a calm tone. Very calm.

But when Sun Zhengzheng heard about this output, he really couldn't calm down. You must know that Tangcheng Iron and Steel Plant is a famous large factory in the country. Sun Zhengzheng knows how much the equipment they import costs. Ye Yuze's price is simply a bargain.

"Tell me your conditions." He couldn't wait. In fact, Sun Zhengzheng's fatigue stems from the restructuring of various enterprises in the city.

Many business leaders simply cannot adapt to the change from a planned economy to a market economy. They will just reach up and ask for tasks and money. Don’t know how to run a business at all?

In the past, Ye Yuze also suggested recruiting talents from across the country to contract companies. It's just that Sun Zhengzheng didn't dare to try such a big thing.

After all, if a foreigner comes over and leaves, the city will have to clean up the mess.

But the pressure of not having a suitable contractor is also huge. Without production tasks, workers are crying for food. They all have to live on wages. Where does the city get so much funding to support?

At this moment, Ye Yuze's equipment was like a shot in the arm, allowing Sun Zheng to recover from fatigue immediately. This is not just equipment, it is ten factories.

What does ten medium-sized steel rolling mills mean? In the eyes of a leader, that's how many jobs there are. There is no shortage of steel and coal in Tangcheng, if there is equipment. Relying on Tangshan Iron and Steel, it is enough to develop a steel base!

"I want 250,000 tons of grain, at 400 yuan per meal. These ten sets of equipment will pay for it, and the rest will be purchased with cash."

Ye Yuze finally stated his request. Sun Zheng immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He dared not say anything else. As the secretary of an industrial city, he was already a member of the Provincial Standing Committee. He still has a good idea of ​​the province's food balance.

Two hundred and fifty thousand tons is a trivial matter. He can make the decision himself. Moreover, this grain is shipped to northern Xinjiang, and domestic transfers will have no impact on him.

"Okay, I will start raising food for you to send to Northern Xinjiang tomorrow. You need to transfer some funds as an advance payment."

Ye Yuze smiled: "Okay, I'll ask my mother to find you tomorrow. Just talk to her about where the money will be transferred."

This operation is equivalent to emptying out the clothing factory and infrastructure, leaving only the automobile factory's funds unused.

There has been technological reform and innovation there, although the sales of cars are very good. However, the amount of funds required is still very large. You must know that product research and development is the most expensive thing.

After everything was arranged, Yang Geyong was notified to go back to Wu Tianming for food. He finally calmed down and looked at Martha, who was curled up next to him like a kitten. She looked like a tiger.

Yang Geyong returned to the infrastructure company and started to withdraw money. Naturally, he had to discuss this matter with Ma Quanyi. Ma Quanyi agreed without thinking. What were we discussing? Equipment with greater production capacity than now is coming. You have to buy it even if you want to sell it!

Originally, Ye Yuze had no plans to use the funds from the infrastructure and clothing factories, but actually there was a lot of surplus there. But Ma Quanyi turned around without hesitation.

In this way, the infrastructure company collected enough 50 million, plus the money from Yang Geyong's company. Almost 100 million. Ye Yuze's transfer of 100 million is enough.

Yang Geyong drove to the provincial capital and asked Wu Tianming to buy grain. Of course, he doesn't need to worry about the Ninth Division. He can just go to each regiment and pull them directly.

From this day on, a steady stream of food began to be transported to Horgos. Naturally, Yang Geyong could not let food be stored in the company, as there was no warehouse to store food there. Basically, after the grain was unloaded, Ostrovsky's truck came and took it away. Check out in U.S. dollars, one payment per car.

But the matter of grain is still very sensitive, and the news of the brother company reselling grain in large quantities spread throughout the port.

Lao Wang had a gloomy face and said with a sinister smile: "Go and find out for me how much grain they resold? This time, they can't eat and carry around."

But the results that came out made Lao Wang stunned. Hundreds of tons of grain are shipped out through brother companies every day, and there is an endless supply.

Lao Wang is not a fool. He knows that Yang Geyong will not rely on such a large grain transaction. And the strangest thing is that their transaction was not barter, which was the case in Horgos at that time. It's simply unimaginable. The Soviets only had rubles, so what did Yang Geyong want to do with so many rubles?

After thinking for a long time, Lao Wang, who was already ready to take action, hibernated down. Quietly send someone to find out what happened.

Lao Wang’s name is Wang Dongjian, and he is forty-two years old this year. Originally from Beijing, he came to Yining when the port reopened in 1981.

He initially monopolized the market for hot commodities such as chocolate and milk powder. Later I discovered that products such as tobacco and alcohol from neighboring countries also have markets in the mainland. So I started buying in large quantities.

It had always been smooth sailing, and whenever there were good products on the market, they were basically his. No one has the strength to compete with him. After all, he comes from the capital, has a certain social background, and has good relations with some officials in Yining.

Soon he accumulated a capital. After all, since ancient times, the profits of border trade have not been comparable to those of domestic trade.

When he was about to start a big fight, Yang Geyong appeared out of nowhere and robbed him of a lot of business. When he comes back, it is basically the products that others don’t want that get his turn. This is also the reason why he took action against Yang Geyong.

I thought that with his social connections and those thugs, it would not be a piece of cake to deal with Yang Geyong, a man who broke into the port alone?

Unexpectedly, the boat capsized in the gutter and fell into the hands of others. Not counting the loss of the car, no one under his command dared to take action against Yang Geyong anymore. Because his head of market management was dismissed. Lao Wang no longer dared to act rashly.

See who spent more today

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