Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 685 Meeting Sister Again

Ye Yuze felt completely at ease. He thought he would bring a surprise home, but unexpectedly it turned into a fire extinguisher. All the resentment in his mother's heart was put away.

At the very least, she knew that Ye Ling had gone to the United States, so her father would never contact him. Otherwise, this person would not be able to go to the United States. After all, after so many years of being a couple, even though they have a thorn in their hearts, isn't life just as painful and happy as this?

After telling her mother about going to Germany, Meihua hesitated several times. She wanted to ask Ye Yuze to go see Ye Feng, after all, he was her own grandson.

But she was afraid that Ye Yuze would marry Wang Honghua without hesitation if he knew the truth. Meihua didn't care how many women her son dated, but he had to be able to get married.

This is also the dual nature of women. Their requirements for their sons and husbands are very different. This is probably one of the main reasons for the discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

After hesitating for a long time, Mei Hua still didn't say anything. She planned to wait until Ye Yuze got married before telling him about this. As for Wang Honghua, Meihua believes she will never be able to tell.

Ye Yuze quickly applied for the visa and set off. Of course he will go to the United States first, mainly because he is not worried about Ye Ling. Besides, the school is talking about going to Harvard to study, so I have to show up to Old John.

He didn't call Wang Honghua because he was afraid that if he did, Wang Honghua would definitely drive to pick him up. She already has a baby, so it's not good to disturb her in the middle of the night.

To be honest, Wang Honghua's incident gave him a big blow. Although it is not as good as Yinghua's death, it is definitely a deep wound in his heart.

But thinking about what I had done, I gradually calmed down. As a level 7 scumbag, what qualifications do you have to demand loyalty in love? Besides, my sister has never said the word love.

Maybe my sister’s flash marriage was just to break up with herself, she’s over 30 years old. I couldn’t afford it, so why did I leave so quickly? Ye Yuze's analysis is that he met a scumbag like himself.

My sister's view of right and wrong is the same as my mother's, that is, it doesn't matter if my brother spends more money. That's called glory. My husband is definitely not good at it. If he makes a mistake, he will be beaten to death!

It was already two o'clock in the morning when we arrived at Wang Honghua's rented apartment. I wanted to stay in a hotel for one night, but after thinking about it, it was really unnecessary. This is my sister's house, there is no need to be so lively.

Almost three minutes after ringing the doorbell, footsteps were heard from inside. Then a strange voice asked in English: "Who are you?"

Ye Yuze put his face close to the video doorbell: "It's me, open the door."

Ye Yuze recognized the maid's voice and knew that she knew him. There was a cry of surprise from inside, and then the door was opened.

Ye Yuze dragged his suitcase into the house and asked, "Where do I live?" He followed the maid into the guest room.

Although it is a single-family villa, there are only five rooms in total. Three of the four upstairs have been occupied, one for each of Wang Honghua, Ye Feng and Ye Ling.

There were two maids living downstairs, and Ye Yuze was too lazy to go upstairs. He was already exhausted after flying for more than 20 hours.

The two rooms downstairs are located on both sides of the door. The maid lives on the left, and Ye Yuze enters the room on the right. All that remains is a large living room. The kitchen is open and connected to the living room.

Ye Yuze didn't even take a shower. The maid took off her clothes and fell asleep as soon as she went out. Drowsily, he felt someone had entered his bed. He stretched out his hand and pushed it out, feeling uncomfortable. At this time, if someone disturbed him, he even thought about hitting them.

Who knew that his outstretched hand was hugged by two soft arms and couldn't be pushed away at all. A body wrapped around him. At this time, Ye Yuze was completely awake.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that his sister had entered his bed in her pajamas. Ye Yuze hesitated at first. After all, he was still uncomfortable with the idea of ​​his sister getting married and having children.

But as soon as his sister's hot body wrapped around him, he forgot everything. Familiar taste, familiar breath, this is medicine! The medicine that makes men unable to stop.

If my sister used to be a snow lotus, pure and aloof, with a bit of coldness. Then now it is a rose in full bloom, warm and rich. Ye Yuze even had the illusion for a moment that the woman next to him was Martha.

After being exhausted, Wang Honghua found a towel and wiped the sweat from Ye Yuze's head. I went and washed it myself. Ye Yuze didn't move, he had lost his strength. Waiting for his sister to serve him.

Seeing his sister gently wiping his body, the discomfort in Ye Yuze's heart was wiped away along with the beads of sweat. This is a woman who can put him at ease. No matter what mistakes she made, he could forgive them.

After getting back on the bed and lying down, Wang Honghua didn't talk to him much. She patted him gently with one hand and hummed a song that Ye Yuze had listened to for many years: "The moon is bright and the wind is quiet, and the leaves cover the window lattice. The clatter of crickets is like the sound of the strings of a harp..."

Ye Yuze fell asleep again this time, sleeping so deeply and peacefully. The corners of the mouth are always raised in sleep.

When he got up in the morning, Ye Ling asked the maid if anyone came last night. Wang Honghua said it was Ye Yuze who was here. Ye Ling couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Wang Honghua who had a look on his face.

Wang Honghua blushed and glared at her: "Eat well, we have to go to class soon."

"I'm going to ask Yuze for dinner and ask about my daughter." Ye Ling was a little reluctant.

"He has been on a plane for more than 20 hours and is still jet lagged. Please let him wake up before we talk." Wang Honghua did not give in at all.

Ye Ling sighed helplessly: "I can't get along anymore. I was bullied by my sister at home and bullied by my daughter-in-law when I went to the United States. I won't be a concubine anymore."

Wang Honghua pinched her arm, and the two women fell into a quarrel.

Ye Yuze only woke up at noon. When he opened his eyes, the bright sunshine had already filtered through the gaps in the thick curtains.

He blinked and looked at his surroundings in confusion. When I woke up completely, I thought I was at home. It turns out that this has already arrived in the United States.

He got up and went to the bathroom, where he peed for several minutes. I don’t know how big the capacity of the bladder is?

After turning on the shower and taking a shower, Ye Yuze lowered the water temperature specially. Taking a shower like this in the morning will make people feel particularly energetic.

After leaving the bathroom, two people were already waiting for him to eat. And the babbling little Ye Feng.

Ye Yuze glanced at the little guy who grabbed everything and stuffed it into his mouth. He said disgustedly: "I must follow your worthless father. Even the bells are not spared. Can you digest this thing after eating it?"

Ye Ling burst out laughing. Wang Honghua glared at her, but couldn't hold back and laughed too. Ye Yuze didn't understand why these two women were laughing? Sit down and devour.

Please appreciate the old book. Li Bai and I are classmates.

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