Wei Yuxiang shook his head. "The bear is so big. My dad doesn't even dare to get close to it with a gun."

Yang Geyong said: "Generally speaking, if a person fights a bear with a gun, there is basically no chance of winning. You just need to shoot it a few times. It is guaranteed to kill you before falling down."

"How do you beat bears?" Ye Yuze was a little curious. I still have a few dried bear paws at home. In that era, bears were not protected animals.

"There is a tuft of hair on its chest, which is where its heart is. If you hit it there, it will definitely die! My dad once hit it."

Yang Geyong said calmly. As if that's what he hit.

Yang Geyong waved his hands towards them. "I'll go in and take a look to see if it's inside. If it's there, let's take action again."

Ye Yuze's words just now reminded him. If the terrain is complicated, it will be really troublesome if you can't be killed by the explosion.

At this time, there was chaos inside. Today all side jobs have been stopped and everyone is looking for children.

Lao Yumin's people who came back reported that they had not found it.

Even people who searched the storeroom and vegetable cellar didn't find it.

At this moment, everyone was excited.

Ma Quanyi was already in trouble, involving his daughter. His wife had been fighting with him from last night until morning.

The instructor waved his hand decisively: "Search outside. Don't go along the road to the guard post."

Everyone divided into several teams and began to search everywhere.

The direction Yang Yulin brought the people was exactly the same direction as Ye Yuze and the others.

Not far from the company. Yang Yulin stopped. He observed the ground carefully, then a light flashed in his eyes and he took a few steps forward.

He found some footprints, which were scattered. And obviously these footprints are smaller than theirs.

The instructor is also following this team. I was a little excited when I saw this.

"Follow the footsteps and speed up!"

At least it didn't snow today, and Ye Yuze's footprints were clearly visible in the snow.

But after going around in a circle, the footprints were gone.

The instructor has now determined the direction of the goal.

"They bypassed the guard post and walked along this road. We hurried forward to catch up. The footprints are obviously from those who just walked there recently. Children can't walk fast!"

Everyone quickly speeded up. The company originally didn't have many people. Six children were lost at once. Everyone is genuinely anxious.

Yang Geyong tiptoed into the cave. The light coming in from the hole makes it possible to see what's going on inside.

The cave is not big, only three meters deep, with a stone wall at the end. Nothing.

"Snort, snore!"

Suddenly he heard a loud grunting sound. I looked up and was frightened. On the left side of the cave, a huge brown bear was sitting there with its head covered and sleeping. The loud snoring made his scalp tingle.

After understanding the situation, he quietly retreated. Chao Ye Yuze and the others were sorted out. Pointed in the direction again.

At this time, Ye Yuze and Wei Yuxiang also heard the snoring inside.

Three people took out homemade bombs and lit them. Wait until the fuse is about to burn out. They threw them violently inside.

"Boom boom boom!"

After three loud noises, an angry roar came from inside.

At this time, Ye Yuze's second bomb had also burned to the mouth of the bottle.

The three of them threw it in together again.

They were hiding near the cave, so the explosion inside the cave did not affect them.

At this time the third bomb was ignited. And the roar inside the cave has begun to rush out.

I have to admire this guy, six bombs exploded around him. It can actually rush out.

As soon as their third round of bombs was thrown into the hole, the bear's big head had already appeared at the entrance.

I saw the burning bomb and pulled it with my hands.

Just didn't pull it out. Although its head looks fine. But his body was already stained with blood.

"Boom boom boom!"

There were three more violent explosions. This time it was concentrated at the entrance of the cave.

Its body was obviously severely injured this time, and it could no longer move.

It's just that big head that's still struggling. Opening his mouth wide and roaring at the top of his lungs.

Yang Geyong lit the last bomb. Throw it directly into the bear's mouth.

After a loud noise. The entire bear's head has lost its appearance. The big mouth was also blown apart. It hangs under the head at a strange angle.

"Let's go!"

From the first explosion. The instructor has already started running with the soldiers.

The effects of long-term training. The fighters are very fast.

Looking at the dead bear, Ye Yuze and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He waved to the three girls on the mountain to come down. Ready to eat meat!

Just their sad discovery. The bear almost blocked the entrance to the cave. They can't get it out at all!

You can't eat the bear's mouth first, right?

Yang Geyong simply took out his knife and prepared to get some meat from the bear's head.

"Stop! Don't move!"

Two voices sounded behind them. Several people looked back. It turned out that Yang Geyong’s father and instructor came with the team.

Ye Yuze sat on the ground silently. It's over, and he was captured by the enemy again.

This feather duster meal was definitely more intensive at night.

The instructor ran up to them without speaking to them. Instead, he looked at the bear nervously.

When I found that the bear had completely cooled down, I breathed a sigh of relief.

He pointed at several children and was about to say something. But in the end he didn't say it.

Just waved his hand feebly. The soldiers were asked to skin the bear, cut it up and take it away.

He didn't dare to talk about these children anymore. Fried fish means running away from home after a meal. As a result, another bear exploded.

If I say it again, I don’t know what kind of trouble it will cause.

It’s better to educate your own children at home! I'm an instructor. Not the kindergarten director.

When the instructor and his team carried the bear and escorted several children back to the company.

The whole company was excited. Especially the kids. Looking at these friends is like looking at heroes.

Ye Yuze's mother rushed over, making Ye Yuze tremble with fear.

But the expected slap did not come. Just being wrapped tightly in a warm embrace.

At that moment, Ye Yuze felt like he couldn't breathe.

Ye Yuze suddenly wanted to cry, and he thrust his head into his mother's arms. Tears soon filled his eyes.

The instructor waved his hand weakly.

"We shared the fish yesterday. Let's share the bear meat today! Keep these bear paws for these kids."

After saying that, he suddenly lost his energy as if he was overwhelmed. Went home depressed. He wants to sleep.

When Ye Yuze woke up, it was already dark. The room is filled with the smell of meat.

Dad and brother have come back. My mother was complaining to her father about her grievances with red eyes.

Ye Yuze quickly closed his eyes again. He was still afraid of being beaten.

But he didn't expect that after hearing what his mother said, his father walked to the bed and touched his head.

"This guy is really good. He's better than me!"

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