Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 648 The difference between sisters-in-law

But the old uncle’s pigsty is not like that. Each pigsty is about ten square meters, and the floor of the pigsty is paved with bricks and plastered with cement. The ground is flat. The number of pigs in each pen is also different. Some have five pigs, some have two pigs, some have three pigs, and some have one pig. The pig's urine and feces are washed away by water at any time, so it is very clean.

The villagers said that the pig pens of Ye Lizuan's family were as big as the villas. Are pigs raised like this still called pigs? Cleaner than anyone else.

Ye Lishuan built a total of forty such pig pens, but they did not raise that many pigs. Only forty were raised. This is a test product. Ye Lishuan has now lost the youthfulness he had when he just graduated and has begun to become a mature man.

All pigs are fed scraps from the processing factory. Ye Lizuan also asked someone to buy some additives from Jin City.

The pigs fed in this way grow very quickly, weighing more than 100 kilograms in a few months. It takes at least a year for farmers to achieve this amount by raising alone.

Now Ye Lizuan has also hired several people to work. Three men were employed at the flour mill, and two women were employed at the pig farm. They are all from the village. Male workers earn 100 per month, while female workers earn 60 per month. These are people who can't leave home and can't follow Lao Rou out to work.

When it got dark, the uncle and his wife came back. Now the uncle and his wife are working together. The old uncle and his wife were busy with their own affairs, and grandma became a professional babysitter.

Seeing so many BJ specialties, the old uncle asked: "Is Yuze back?"

Grandma divided the pastry into two boxes for the family and asked the two daughters-in-law to take them with them when they returned to their parents' home. She put away the rest herself. The elderly have this habit of eating good food slowly, otherwise they will spoil their stomach. The aunt curled her lips and returned to her yard carrying the snacks.

The old aunt put the snacks back: "Mom, since the children are eating here all day long, I won't take them. You can't eat a few pieces."

Grandma's face sank: "Although it was brought by Yuze, it also represents your eldest brother's family. It is also a token of your heart to take it back to your in-laws to try."

The old aunt stuck out her tongue and agreed with a smile. The old uncle looked at this quirky wife and nodded with satisfaction.

In another house, the aunt began to yell and curse: "Wang Tieshuan, you are a loser. Is your mother sending beggars away? She doesn't even have many teeth. Why do you keep so much food? Can you bite it?"

Wang Tieshuan was washing his face at this time and had no time to listen to her nagging. Hearing her talk again, I couldn't help but curse: "Your two children are in that yard every day, and they don't eat as much as anyone else? What else do you want?"

At first, the old lady lived in this courtyard because this courtyard was built early. It's just that after Ye Tieshuan got married, his new wife was not easy to deal with. So after her younger son's house was built, she moved here.

The key thing is that she doesn't dare to say bad things about her daughter-in-law, because she chose her. He picked out this one among dozens of blind dates with lanterns. There are good reasons. Big ass, thick body. I will definitely be capable and have a son!

Not to mention, all the things the old lady liked were confirmed. He is capable and has two sons in a row. It's just that it's just as inaccurate and unreasonable. Can't get along with anyone. Even a strong old lady has to avoid her.

As the old lady gave in, the daughter-in-law became more and more aggressive. Then they separated and lived alone, and Ye Li and his wife stopped pulling bricks.

Ye Tieshuan is very clear about his wife's fighting ability, so he will not provoke her easily. Unless you really can't stand it anymore.

Isn't it true that she was so unreasonable today? The old lady couldn't bear it anymore and reprimanded her a few times. Unexpectedly, this stirred up a hornet's nest. My wife jumped up immediately, and the ground was hit with a "dong-dong" sound.

"Ye Tieshuan, you heartless person, you don't want to see me so much. Who am I doing this for? Am I willing to eat the food you brought? Didn't I just give a few to your father! Okay, you don't like me, right? ?Then let me go!”

Ye Tieshuan has long been familiar with these routines. He didn't stop her, knowing that she wouldn't leave, and it would be fine after a while. Sure enough, this woman made a fuss for a while, and when no one paid attention, she lit a fire and started cooking.

I cooked cornmeal porridge for dinner, heated some steamed buns mixed with flour, took out a pickled radish from the jar, cut it up and served it as a vegetable.

But my two sons are not willing to eat it. The eldest son is eight years old this year. Already in the first grade, my youngest son is seven years old this year. Obviously not interested in my mother's cooking skills, the two younger brothers winked, pushed away their rice bowls and walked out.

Ye Tieshuan's wife is from Liubao Village next door, named Liu Sangu. She is the third among six brothers in the family. Maybe it's because she has so many children. Her only daughter didn't receive any preferential treatment and was raised as a free-range child.

There was almost nothing a boy could do that she wouldn't do. Go up the tree to catch birds, go down to the river to catch fish. Even fights with boys. This developed her strong character.

When I saw my two sons trying to run away, I immediately threw my chopsticks down! "What are you going to do? Hurry up and sit down and eat!"

When the two sons saw that they could not leave, they both stopped, but they refused to give in. Standing there with his head down, he just didn't move. Ye Tieshuan had no choice but to ask: "What are you going to do?"

The younger son is more honest: "I went to my grandma's place to eat and made noodles. Mom's steamed buns are not delicious. They have cornmeal. They don't cook vegetables."

Ye Tieshuan was also a little helpless. He couldn't cook, and his wife was poor at cooking. This was a fact he knew after getting married. The key is that after so many years of marriage, there has been no progress at all. Even when cooking, I can't get any flavor out of it.

In addition, I know how to live well and can't bear to add oil, so the dish is no different from the cooked one. Not to mention my son, he doesn’t like to eat it himself.

However, there is no place to complain about this kind of thing, and the wife is in trouble. He didn't dare to object at the time, otherwise the family would still be having fun together now. Every day when I get home, my mother has cooked food. The taste is not a little bit better than that of my mother-in-law.

Although Liu Sangu had a bad temper, she still loved her two sons very much and stopped talking when she saw their aggrieved look.

Ye Tieshuan saw that his wife had turned off the engine, and quickly waved his hand. His two sons slipped away and disappeared. I'm afraid my mother will regret it and won't let her go.

Grandma was not surprised when she saw her two grandsons coming. She would make them every time she cooked. Mainly because in the old lady's mind, grandson and daughter-in-law are always two different concepts. The grandson’s surname is Ye.

Aunt Liu Yulian is not only beautiful, but also smart. She has always made grandma very happy. In the past, if my aunt didn't come every few days, grandma would complain about her. But after her daughter-in-law came in, she forgot about her daughter. Occasionally, when my aunt comes to visit me again, the old lady is often stunned for a moment, and then asks, "Why are you here?"

It’s the end of the month, comrades

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