However, these cars all have one thing in common, which is the highest quality engines and transmissions. To be able to make something like this requires high-quality materials and precise processing equipment.

Ye Yuze sighed. If he really wants to catch up with him, he still has a long way to go. All he can do now is let Luke obtain some machining equipment through some means.

But the really cutting-edge equipment is in Europe, the United States, and Japan. They are all in the hands of a few large companies, and people at the level of Luke and William cannot have access to them.

It’s better to have peace of mind and make gas, even though the technology is a bit behind. But it is not bad in China at present, at least it is better than Dongfeng Jiefang in performance. As for oil consumption, northern Xinjiang is a port, and neighboring countries rely on selling oil to make a living.

Laorou has been having a romantic crush recently, and it all started at a social event. Wu Weiguo introduced him to a director of a design institute. This director was well-connected and sociable. There was no one he didn't know in the capital's architectural circles.

This kind of people were called brokers in the past, and they were all well-rounded people. Wander among various social circles, help connect some businesses, and earn an agency fee.

The reason why Wu Weiguo introduced such a person to Lao Rou was because he was ambitious. He could tell that the state-owned construction companies were increasingly unable to keep up with the huge demand.

Not to mention anything else, the architectural design drawings of the family buildings of each unit have been piled up in various construction companies. There is no way, there are few companies, work is slow, all projects can only be queued up in order.

What Laorou and the others don't lack most is people. This is their biggest advantage, and these people work hard without hesitation. These two points are incomparable to all construction companies.

Of course, there are also shortcomings, that is, the technical level is inferior, but there is really no technical work in the current project. After drawing the drawing, just take the bricks and hit the base. Although these rural people are not professionals, their skills are not bad. And it's fast.

Wu Weiguo plans to try to take over a community alone after the New Year. Even if it's a smaller one, temper these people thoroughly. Since I have this plan, I will definitely take on a fatter project. If you look for a construction company, they will definitely give them projects with low profits and large quantities of work.

The director's name is Liu Zhenguo. He is tall, with a Chinese character face and broad eyebrows. A true Beijing native. I grew up in a courtyard. His family has some background, which can be regarded as his capital.

The location was the coffee shop of the Beijing Hotel. Although Old Liu was a native of Beijing, he was very fashionable. He would not be out of date with anything that was popular in Beijing.

This is my first time visiting a place like this, so I feel a little at a loss. Mainly it was the luxurious decoration that frightened him. Although I have been engaged in construction, this is the first time I have seen this kind of decoration, let alone construction.

Liu Zhenguo did not underestimate him, a hero does not ask where he came from! Especially contractors like them from rural areas dare to think and do. Those who are not afraid of hardship or tiredness will have a bright future.

Because Liu Zhenguo came from a dinner party, he naturally didn't need to eat. Everyone ordered a cup of coffee, and I remember the name, Nestlé.

At that time, smoking was not allowed in the coffee shop, so Liu Zhenguo took out his Marlboro and gave it to the two of them, as he did not smoke. Wu Weiguo took one, lit one, took a deep breath and praised, "Brother Liu, this cigarette is definitely not from Hong Kong, it was brought over from the United States, right?"

Liu Zhenguo gave a thumbs up: "Expert? Tell me how you know?"

Wu Weiguo dropped the ashtray in the ashtray and smiled: "Nowadays, the capital is full of outdoor smoke. It looks the same on the outside, but the taste is different when you smoke it."

"For example, this Marlboro. If you buy it outside and inhale it, it will choke your throat. But the men outside all praise it, saying that this is the smell of outside smoke."

Hearing this, Liu Zhenguo also laughed: "Brother, what's the difference?"

Wu Weiguo took another puff: "The real Marlboro is actually not very strong. Although it is a bit more choking than domestic cigarettes in the mouth, it is softer. When the cigarette is inhaled, there will be a lingering fragrance in your mouth."

The old man next to me was confused. He was a smoker of second-hand smoke, but besides choking, he really didn't feel the fragrance.

After chatting for a while, music started playing on the stage. At this time, rock music had just begun to become popular in China, and the earliest musicians began to appear in people's sight.

A young man stood on the stage holding a guitar. Behind him were several companions, all holding musical instruments that I didn't recognize at all.

What surprised me the most was that the other people were wearing more avant-garde clothes. But the man standing there is indeed dressed in a farmer's bandana. There are very few such clothes in this village. They are still worn by some old men.

A white sleeveless sweatshirt with a front placket, none of the button loops are fastened, and the arms are open. Below is a crotchless black cloth trousers. The waistband can fit two people. There is a cloth tied around the waist. Underfoot is a pair of self-made thousand-layer cloth shoes.

The old man looked confused. Is this kind of clothing popular in the city now?

The music started playing, and I wanted to cover my ears. This heavy metal instrument is so noisy that it hurts my eardrums. After the prelude, the guitar sounded, and I really liked the sound.

"I kept asking when you would come with me, but you always laughed at me and had nothing!" A loud but hoarse singing voice came from the mouth of the farmer on the stage.

I don’t know much about music, so my exposure to songs is the ones I heard after arriving in the capital. He knows Teresa Teng and Liu Wenzheng. But this was the first time he heard this kind of singing.

"Your hands are trembling at this time, and your tears are flowing at this time. Could it be that you are telling me..."

The old man found it very unpleasant to listen to, but he still wanted to listen to it. This person's songs seem not to be sung, but to be shouted, hysterically and heartbreakingly. But this sound was like a hand, tugging at his heart. Make him tremble, feel pain, and even want to go crazy!

By this time Liu Zhenguo and Wu Weiguo had already stood up and sang along. It doesn’t matter whether the tune is right or not, what’s important is that we sang together.

The atmosphere in the cafe is already boiling. Most of the people who come here to drink coffee are young people and some foreigners.

The old man did not stand up, but added another piece of sugar to the coffee. This stuff was so bitter. He couldn't figure out why people spent so much money drinking this stuff? Isn’t it good to drink sugar water directly?

The noise finally stopped, and Liu Zhenguo sat down sweating profusely. He looked at the calm old man in surprise and asked, "Isn't this song good?"

Laorou thought for a while and replied: "This is not a song, it is a way to vent. It's like when we were tired when digging a river, but we pushed the car up the river slope with all our strength."

Liu Zhenguo was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

As for Piao Piao, the one in front is a bit far away. Go ahead

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