Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 623 Lost on a snowy night 1

At this season every year, if the wind and snow are too heavy, the Corps will send people to inspect it. It has become a practice to help herders living in single households.

There were a total of five households relatively close to the infrastructure company. Ye Wancheng packed up early in the morning and set off with five soldiers. They brought some food and medicine with them. As for the fodder, that was not under their control. The superiors would make arrangements after reporting the matter.

Ye Wancheng first went to Amir's family, which had a large population and many cattle and sheep. Every year, they are the focus of the company's care.

Although there was a lot of snow on the road, the horse could barely walk. But it doesn't work once you enter the mountains. It's difficult for the horse to move by itself, let alone carrying a person.

Today, several people are wearing very tight clothes. They are all in military uniforms. The cotton-padded jackets and trousers of the military uniforms are all very tight. The outside is a military coat, but this military coat is made of materials. The inside is not cotton, but a thick layer of sheepskin.

He was wearing felt boots, which were still warm inside no matter how much he stepped on them in the snow. Unless it's wet.

Ye Wancheng was fully armed today, with the May 4th Movement hanging on his waist and a riding rifle on his shoulder. Of the five people behind, one held a submachine gun and three had semi-automatic guns.

Anyone who lives in northern Xinjiang has experience that this season is when the beasts are more active. The earth is covered with ice and snow, and all kinds of animals cannot find food, so they will try their luck in inhabited places. Although humans are dangerous, they are no longer afraid of this danger compared to starving to death.

Amir's family lives in a mountain nest 20 kilometers east of the infrastructure company. His winter nest is in a good location, not only guarding the creek. And the woods.

In places like this, there will be less snow because of the cover of the woods. When the snow is heavy, the sheep can go to the forest to eat fallen leaves instead of climbing the mountain.

When they arrived at Amir's house, the family was drinking milk tea together. The eldest son led some dogs to herd sheep in the woods. It can be seen from the door of the house.

After letting everyone in, Ye Wancheng and the others drank a few cups of milk tea. The body warmed up quickly. After asking about the situation at home, everything was fine, so I left.

Amir's wife had so many children that she did not take good care of herself during confinement. Her arthritis was so severe that her joints were deformed. Ye Wancheng left some medicine and left.

After visiting the fourth house, it was already getting dark. Ye Wancheng took off his goggles. You need to wear black goggles when walking in the snow, otherwise you will easily get snow blindness. But when it gets dark, this thing is no longer needed, just put it on the hat.

When the weather is more than 20 degrees below zero, no matter how thick you wear, you will soon freeze into popsicles. After all, these people had been walking. If they had been riding horses, they would have been frozen.

"Doctor Ye, the fifth home is still more than ten kilometers away. How about we go back and go tomorrow." A soldier obviously couldn't bear it anymore and made a suggestion.

Ye Wancheng thought for a moment and pointed to the three people behind him: "You go back first, Lao Li and I will just go and take a look,"

Those three people obviously couldn't stand it anymore. The trembling upper and lower teeth made a chattering sound. Only Lao Li is better.

Lao Li is Xuelian's father, a carpenter in the company. Because there is always enough oil and water. So it is more resistant to freezing. But after hearing what Ye Wancheng said, he was a little unhappy.

"Doctor Ye, the regiment has not specified a number of days for inspection. We don't need to work so hard, right? If you ask us to come back tomorrow, at least we can get back on the same day. There was nothing big going on with these families just now, please inform the regiment. If we have some fodder to survive the snow, we’ll be fine.”

Hearing what Mr. Li said, Ye Wancheng smiled and said, "Then you can go back with them. Don't be in a hurry to come out tomorrow. If nothing happens, I will go back in the morning."

As soon as the three people heard that Dr. Ye was going by himself, they immediately expressed their intention not to leave. Only Lao Li looked like he was about to leave.

Seeing this posture, Ye Wancheng smiled: "You all go back, it's not far anyway. I'll stay there for one night and go back tomorrow morning. Don't worry."

Several people looked at each other, and Ye Wancheng repeated it again. Everyone finally left, mainly because they were cold and tired. At the end of the day, they had come full circle. It takes less than two hours to go home directly from here.

You can take a hot bath and drink some wine when you get home. Lie comfortably in bed and have a good sleep. If you go to Dongwozi, you will have to sleep with your clothes on tonight. The sanitary conditions are not good and it's still cold.

Ye Wancheng understood the mood of these people, so he forced them to go back. On the way, everyone complained a little bit about Lao Li, saying that Dr. Ye should not have been allowed to go on his own. Lao Li didn't care:

"He is an instructor and he has advanced ideas. There is no need for us to suffer along with him. Isn't it the same thing to go home and sleep at night?"

Everyone was silent. After all, this was not a matter of the company or the corps. So there was one person who objected, so no one insisted.

Although it is closer to Lianli, the road is very difficult to walk. Ye Wancheng led the horse over a mountain with difficulty. But the further away Ye Wancheng felt, the more something was wrong. Have you gone the wrong way? He has been to this house before. There are no such steep mountains?

Climbing to the top of the mountain, he looked around. But it had already become dark. Because it had been snowing and the sky was dark, the telescope he brought was useless.

He put his hands on his eyes and looked around vigorously. Everywhere he could see was white. The scenery is the same. Can't see where it is at all? He had decided that he was lost.

He was a little flustered and wanted to go back the way he came. Just looking around, the footprints were covered by snowflakes as big as goose feathers. After climbing several hills, he could no longer tell the direction.

As a soldier of the Corps, he knew that encountering this kind of situation was basically a narrow escape. If you can't find a place to stay warm on such a cold day, you will be completely frozen even if you cover yourself with a few quilts in one night.

Lightning was also a little restless, and it seemed to have discovered its master's predicament. The hooves scratched the ground a few times.

Ye Wancheng calmed down, then turned around and looked around. At night like this, although the visibility is not high, it is indeed easiest to see if there are lights. Moreover, herdsmen are accustomed to hanging a lantern at the door of their yurt or earthen house. Wolves are afraid of fire.

Finally, in the northeast he found some light. Although it is very weak and appears and disappears. But he knew he was right.

He no longer pulled Lightning, but pointed in the direction and told it to go on its own. This horse is spiritual and can understand what its owner means. It took the lead to walk ahead and explore the way for Ye Wancheng.

After stumbling for more than an hour, I finally saw the vague mud houses and sheep pens on the hillside not far away. Ye Wancheng felt happy and walked over quickly. But he was a little confused, why didn't the dog bark? At this distance, the sheepdog is already barking.

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