Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 621 Wolf’s Tactics

Chi Na'er's family originally had three shepherd dogs, but one of them got lost for some reason during the transition. It must have been abducted by another dog. It didn't remember the winter nest, so it couldn't come back.

There is also a shepherd dog left at home to look after the house, so today there is only one shepherd dog accompanying Chi Naer to herd the sheep. This is a white native dog. Tall in stature. The ears and tail were cropped. This is to prevent being bitten by wild beasts when fighting with wild beasts.

Although this dog is called a native dog, it is actually the Kazakhs’ own shepherd dog. This kind of dog is tall, and an adult dog is as big as a calf. Wolf dogs like Huzi can't get close at all.

This dog is brave and loyal. Moreover, he is dedicated to his duties and is much more reliable than ordinary herdsmen, just because of his limited IQ. A lot of work cannot be done independently, otherwise there would be no need for artificial grazing at all.

The one left at home is the one that grew up with Chi Naer. He is ten years old this year, which is already in his twilight stage according to the age of a dog. Chi Na'er no longer asked him to do anything, but was playing with her daughter at home.

There is less snow on the top of the mountain, but there is also less grass on the top of the mountain. So shepherds rarely drive their sheep to the top of the mountain. Chi Naer just drove the sheep to the north slope near the top of the mountain. Although there was little sunshine here in winter, the grass was dense.

The sheep struggled to push through the snow with their heads to find grass inside. For animals, the consciousness of survival is definitely much stronger than that of humans. Maybe people just have thoughts, but their willpower is somewhat lacking.

The leader sheep should be the wise one among the sheep. He leads the sheep to find places with thin snow and plenty of grass to eat. In each place, it digs out the grass, takes a few bites, leaves them for the sheep behind, and then goes looking for them again.

Groups all need hierarchies, and hierarchies and systems are the most effective means of improving group discipline. It's just that animals like to use force, while people use intelligence.

When they arrived at the place where the sheep began to graze, Chi Naer sat down on the snow. After giving birth to a child, she had started to gain weight due to long-term high-calorie food and her ethnic constitution. Her somewhat bloated figure made her gasp for breath while climbing mountains.

Simply lie down and position your body into a big character. Her body sank into the soft snow. If she lay here motionless for half an hour, the falling snowflakes would completely cover it up, as if she had never existed.

The sheepdog ran to the top of the mountain and looked down at the sheep. This is its territory, and the sheep are its people. It only needs to obey its master. This means that it is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand sheep, right?

There will also be some disputes within the flock, such as fighting over grass, or fights between rams that have not been fanned out. They are also very ferocious. Don’t think that sheep are as gentle as Pleasant Goat? When two sheep started fighting, they ran about ten meters away, then rushed over and butt heads against each other.

That kind of force can knock you out and cause internal injuries if you can't avoid it. You must know that not all sheep are afraid of ferocious beasts. Those kind of rams will also attack wolves when they see them. If you can't defeat it, it means your equipment is not good enough. It doesn't mean you don't have courage.

The snow falling on Chi Na'er's face quickly melted away, in such a low weather. She also couldn't feel the coldness of the melting snow.

The few wolves that were scared away by Zhang Jianmin did not go far because they were unable to run away due to hunger. After running to Chi Naer's winter den, several wolves hid in a cave all night.

The little wolf's legs have begun to tremble. It is not as able to endure hunger as the adult wolf. I haven't eaten for three days, and the last time I ate, I still ate half of a hamster. That thing is tight enough to fit between teeth.

You must know that wolves have a strict hierarchy. If you have food, you have to wait for the wolf king to eat it first. If the wolf king allows it, his wife can eat with him until they are full. Only other wolves are allowed to eat. Because the little wolf is not a descendant of the wolf king, it does not have any special privileges. You can only eat it last.

Now that the wolf king is gone, his mother is the most powerful among the three remaining female wolves, so she naturally becomes the leader. Seeing his son's exhausted look, he made up his mind. I must get something to eat today.

As for Chi Naer's pasture, it secretly observed it last night. I wanted to take action early this morning, but Arslan suddenly came back, which made the she-wolf retreat. Such a strong man cannot be defeated.

It took its two companions and its son out of the cave and began to circle around the side and rear of the sheep. The dog's eyesight is not as good as that of the wolf, so the wolf naturally saw the dog standing on the top of the mountain showing off his power.

The dog is on the top of the mountain and the sheep is in front. And the shepherds were also near the top of the mountain. Their target is the very back of the flock, which is closer to the house but in its current form, is the best place to get prey.

Getting closer and closer, we finally locked the target, which was a big-bellied ewe. Because of his inability to move, he was left at the back of the flock.

The she-wolf quickened her pace and approached in a straight line, while her two companions circled on both sides, trying to cut off the ewe's way into the herd.

When they were still about ten meters away from the ewe, the sheep had already noticed the presence of the wolf and began to speed up. The wolf also began to sprint at this time. Although the snow was thick, the wolf's speed was still much faster than the sheep.

With a cry, the ewe was bitten by the wolf on the neck. Screaming in agony for help. However, its companions have run away, and its fate has been sealed.

At this time, the shepherd dog had noticed the movement below and began to run down the mountain. But with such thick snow, it would take twenty minutes to get here.

The three wolves tore open the belly of the female wolf as quickly as possible. The little wolf rushed over and took the internal organs in his mouth and started eating. Hunger has made him unable to care whether there is anything in his intestines. Anyway, as long as it eats something, it can survive.

The wolf eats very quickly. Within ten minutes, all the internal organs have been eaten, including the formed sheep fetus. If you want to eat meat again, you have to peel off the sheep's skin.

By this time the sheepdog was very close to them and growling loudly. The dog's barking alarmed Chi Na'er who was lying in the snow. When she stood up and took a look, Chi Na'er immediately followed and shouted loudly.

When the shepherd dog rushed forward, the female wolf asked one of her companions to go around, but she didn't try her best. She wanted to buy time for her companions to fill their bellies.

The shepherd dog bit hard at the female wolf that was facing it, but the she-wolf jumped slightly and got out of the way. When it rushed towards the dead sheep, the she-wolf took a bite out of its butt. The sheepdog turned and fought back, and the she-wolf circled it again. The sheepdog barked angrily.

At this time, another female wolf came out and bit it on the butt, and it turned around and fought back. The wolf in front had already run back to the sheep to eat the meat.

After several rounds of this, the sheep had basically lost its skeleton. Chi Na'er was almost rushing to the front.

The barking and shouting of dogs finally woke Arslan from his sleep. The shepherd was very sensitive to such movements. He rolled over and got up. He didn't bother to look at his daughter who was already asleep. He didn't even bother to put on his coat. He picked up the machete and rushed out.

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