Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 613 Anton’s Family

In a blink of an eye, it was Constitution Day, and Anton rushed back to Moscow. This is a relatively important festival in the Soviet Union. It's just that this year there isn't much cheerful atmosphere on the streets during this festival, as if everything was in short supply overnight.

Bread, milk, and various daily necessities. Queues began to form at various bakeries, and even if they got their money, they could only buy a very small piece.

Moscow is very cold in winter, and people here tend to eat high-calorie foods. When Anton opened the door, his wife Zhenya was boiling milk on the stove. The two daughters were faced with an apple and had a headache about how to distribute it.

Because of Anton's return, the family is not short of money. But what can we do about the food shortage? Zhenya ran around all morning and bought three apples and half a smoked fish. This is all the supplies they use for the festival.

Seeing Anton coming back, Zhenya stepped forward and kissed him. Still holding spoons in their hands, the two daughters cheered like two koalas hanging on their father.

Anton kissed the two women and then put down the large bag in his hand. The bag was very heavy, so the two daughters quickly packed it into it. Anton motioned for them to open their bags.

The moment the zipper was opened, the two daughters cheered, and it was filled with food. Beef, lamb. There are also some dried fruits. The eldest daughter asked excitedly: "Dad, have you moved the farmer's market back?"

The daughters ate the dried fruits, while Zhenya was busy picking up the meat and putting it in the refrigerator. Although the temperature is lower when hanging outside the window than in the refrigerator during this season, it is not safe. What if it gets stolen?

The lunch was very rich, including bread and cheese, beef stew with potatoes, and a bowl of red beetroot soup. Russians like to eat black bread, which has a sour taste from the old noodle shop.

Cut the bread into slices and spread it with cheese, and take a bite of it for a sweet and sour taste. Put a piece of beef in your mouth and your taste buds will be fully activated.

My little daughter likes to eat potatoes. She puts the potato pieces on her plate and mashes them with a fork. Mixed with some cheese, she thought it tasted better than bread. Since Anton had just returned from outside, he was still a little cold. After a few mouthfuls of red cabbage soup, his whole body began to feel warm.

Zhenya poured him a glass of vodka, then raised the glass in his hand: "Dear, if you hadn't come back, we wouldn't have known how we would have survived our days? I apologize to you for what happened before!"

Anton drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, smiled and shook his head: "Okay, it's all over. You are my wife, and the daughter was born between the two of us. Of course I will be there when you are in trouble. Do you want to let anyone else Will men take care of you?"

The two daughters laughed, and the younger daughter shouted: "I only want my father, and I won't let other men come to the house!"

Zhenya said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, when have I ever let other men enter the house?"

Halfway through the meal, the doorbell rang. Anton frowned. It is very impolite to visit during a meal. Who is this ignorant guy?

Zhenya looked through the peephole and discovered that it was his sister Niva. This is her youngest sister, who is twenty-five years old this year. Graduated from Moscow State University, specializing in fashion design. But now he is unemployed and at home.

My boyfriend is a soldier, violent and alcoholic. They had just broken up, and there were still slap marks on Niva's face that had not been completely eliminated.

Seeing her brother-in-law there, Niva hugged him. Zhenya's parents died early, and Niva lived with them for a while. So the relationship is very good.

Zhenya brought a set of tableware and asked her to eat quickly. Niva was a little embarrassed. It was obvious that she was just here to get some food, and now the landlord's family had no food left. What's more, my sister has two children at home.

Anton understood her embarrassment and directly put a piece of beef on her plate with his fork. Niva hadn't eaten anything since morning, so she couldn't resist the rich aroma, so she quickly lowered her head and started eating.

After eating some food, Niva felt comfortable. Then he stood up and took off his coat, letting out a long sigh of relief.

"Anton, aren't you also unemployed? Why is there so much food at home?"

Russians are not used to saving money. Houses, education, and medical care are all free. Their money can be used for food, drink and fun, so now they are facing a shortage of supplies, and their affordability is obviously not enough.

Anton smiled: "I'm working with Chinese people, so I earn a lot of money. It's enough to support my family. Don't run around anymore. Just stay here until you find a job."

"Last time I heard from my sister that you introduced all the technicians in the factory to work in China? Isn't the income very high?"

Anton nodded: "Their income now is three times that of the country, so life is not difficult!"

Niva's eyes lit up: "Anton, can you introduce me to him too? I haven't found a job for three months. If this continues, I will go crazy!"

Anton was a little embarrassed: "What they need over there are some automotive engineers. You are a fashion designer. I don't know if they are in short supply?"

Zhenya looked at her husband: "If you have a chance, you can ask her. What if there is a chance? It is difficult to find a job in Moscow right now."

Anton nodded and agreed first. At this time, the phone rang, and Zhenya quickly picked it up. Then he shouted to Anton: "A man with a strange accent is looking for you."

Anton picked up the phone and heard Yang Geyong's voice: "Anton, I'm here. I'm in Moscow now. Can we meet? I'll treat you to dinner."

Anton glanced at the family members gathered around for dinner and said with a smile: "Come to my house. The food is ready. You always invite me to dinner. Today I will treat you!"

Yang Geyong paused and happily agreed. He was at the train station at this time. He was not familiar with Akkerei in Moscow and did not come with him because of the holidays.

Anton asked his wife to prepare some more food, and then drove to pick up Yang Geyong. Yang Geyong didn't bring any gifts because he didn't plan to go to Anton's house. He wanted to buy some on the way, and Anton smiled and said: "Now Muscovites can't buy anything. Where can you, a foreigner, buy it?"

Entering the house, Zhenya fried some more steaks. Yang Geyong was asked to sit down at the dining table. And introduced it to my family.

Zhenya couldn't help but praise: "Your Chinese friend is also very handsome!" After speaking, he looked at his sister. Niva blushed and glanced at her sister, lowered her head and said nothing.

Yang Geyong knew that today was their holiday, so he took out some US dollars and handed them to the two children. "I was in such a hurry today that I didn't bother to buy gifts. Let them buy them themselves."

Zhenya quickly declined, but Anton knew some Chinese etiquette. It was embarrassing to come empty-handed for the first time, so he stopped his wife.

Yang Geyong looked at Niva. Russian girls looked relatively young before they got married. So Yang Geyong couldn't see how old she was, so he simply put a hundred dollars into her hand. "Go buy some candy and eat it yourself."

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