Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 587 Private Visit on Weibo

Ye Yuze was surprised to see Sun Zhengzheng and two people coming on bicycles. I wonder what these two great gods are doing? Could it be the legendary incognito private visit?

Sun Zhengzheng saw him and smiled: "Let's go, ride a bike and go shopping with us."

Ye Yuze looked outside and felt a little cold. So he smiled and shook his head: "Leader, there is something wrong with the current outing season. Why not come to the factory to understand the public sentiment. Anyway, we are inspecting everywhere."

Sun Zhengzheng was stunned for a moment and quickly reacted. What they say makes sense. Regardless of your identity, what will happen if you walk around on the weekend? So the cart entered the factory.

Ye Yuze let Sun Zhengzheng into the office without being polite to him. The needle hadn't been inserted yet. Continue to finish the rest of the things yourself.

Yuan Kewang didn't know Sun Zhengzheng and Liu Jianguo, so he thought they were guests in the factory. Sitting there seriously, he was prescribing prescriptions and discussing his condition with Ye Yuze.

TCM diagnosis pays attention to looking, smelling, asking and feeling, and the symptoms can be clearly understood. Only then can we judge the condition and prescribe targeted prescriptions. In fact, this is the most difficult part of Chinese medicine, which is dialectics.

Same disease, different physique. The recipe is different. Otherwise the medication will have no effect. But Western medicine is all the same, so Western medicine can copy a lot, but Chinese medicine can never do it.

A good Chinese medicine practitioner needs to go through a lot of clinical diagnosis and treatment with a master to find out. For example, in medical schools, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners who have studied systematically for several years cannot treat diseases at all. This is also one of the reasons why traditional Chinese medicine is increasingly declining. Non-replicability.

Sun Zhengzheng found it interesting to see the two people treating patients decently. I couldn't help but say: "Let me take a look at it later."

I don't mean to be dismissive when I say this. Sun Zhengzheng knew that Ye Yuze went to the United States to fix a cerebral palsy specialist.

Ye Yuze hadn't spoken yet, but Yuan Kewang looked at him and refused righteously: "I'm sorry, you are not an employee of this factory, I can't treat you."

Sun Zhengzheng raised his eyebrows: "What's going on? Do you treat people differently here? Isn't this called discrimination?"

Yuan Kewang ignored Sun Zhengzheng's somewhat provocative words. The natural answer: "Because we are not doctors yet, so we cannot treat outsiders."

Well, Sun Zhengzheng shut up. This reason is strong enough. Unexpectedly, Ye Yuze pursed his lips: "Brother, feel his pulse. We don't need to prescribe medicine. This is my friend."

When Yuan Kewang heard that he was a friend, he didn't refuse. After prescribing the prescription, he really felt Sun Zhengzheng's pulse. His pulse check was different from others. It didn't take just a few minutes, but he kept moving his three fingers back and forth for more than twenty minutes.

At this time, the female worker also finished the acupuncture treatment, and left with the prescription in her hands with great gratitude. Generally speaking, Ye Yuze's acupuncture is still very effective. It's just that his diagnosis is poor, so he brought Yuan Kewang here.

He is expected to be studious, but his personality is not that pedantic like that of an old master. So the relationship between the two people has always been good.

Ye Yuze sterilized the silver needle and inserted it into his bag, then looked towards Yuan Kewang. He didn't think Sun Zhengzheng was sick, because patients usually look good, no matter how healthy the person appears.

Unexpectedly, after checking the pulse, Yuan Ke looked hesitant. Ye Yuze couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? Is he sick?"

Yuan Kewang shook his head and looked at Sun Zhengzheng: "Have you had bad sleep recently?"

Sun Zhengzheng was stunned for a moment and nodded. I didn’t expect this student kid to have some abilities? Taking his pulse really revealed his recent problems.

"He has heart-kidney disharmony, because the heart fire cannot reach the kidney water, and the kidney water cannot go up to relieve the heart fire. The water and fire are not effective, causing the heart fire to be too strong, the heat disturbing the mind, and affecting sleep." Yuan Kewang turned around and stated to Ye Yuze. .

Ye Yuze understood and looked at Sun Zhengzheng with a smile: "The leader is overthinking. From now on, he has to go to bed early and get up early, and he has to go home often when he is free."

Liu Jianguo suppressed laughter on the side. Only Ye Yuze dared to say this, and he didn't dare to say this anyway. Even if he is higher than Sun Zhengzheng.

Sun Zhengzheng ignored him, and this kid couldn't do anything. Not to mention identity, the critical age is here, and there are many things that cannot be discussed!

"Let's go, take me to see the factory." Meihua went to the city's clothing factory today. Now the city's clothing factory has also begun to produce tops. One batch of products had some problems, and Fatty Sun personally drove to pick her up and solve them. So Ye Yuze stayed behind to look after the house.

Nowadays, Ye Yuze rarely enters the workshop. The equipment is all new and installed very rigorously. As long as the maintenance is correct, German products will not break down easily.

The main reason is that the workers maintain their equipment very well. They know how to take time to do it every day. There will be no accidents like if it breaks down and needs to be repaired for a day. You know, a day's delay is a loss of more than ten dollars!

Seeing Ye Yuze bringing people in, the workers all greeted him affectionately, but no one stopped what they were doing. Even the assistant workers were jogging around doing their own thing.

I walked through several workshops in a row and the scenes were almost the same. This made Sun Zhengzheng a little confused. He often went to factories, but there were idle people in every factory. As for Ye Yuze and the others, the only idle staff seemed to be the man watching the gate.

"How did your mother manage to make everyone rush to work like this?" Sun Zhengzheng couldn't help but ask.

"Money, if you work harder, you can earn a few more cents. Who wants to delay?" Ye Yuze replied casually.

Sun Zhengzheng felt it was a bit harsh. After all, that era was all about feelings. Sun Zhengzheng is also accustomed to talking about ideals and responsibilities when he speaks. This is really not a high-profile statement, but a belief.

He frowned: "Don't you provide ideological education to your employees?"

Ye Yuze was too lazy to argue with him about these things. Many things were not useful just by talking about feelings. It’s about letting everyone see the real thing.

"Leader, our workers don't need to talk, but I can guarantee it. As long as the country needs something, they will definitely be the most enthusiastic people."

Sun Zhengzheng's brows relaxed, and then he asked again: "Yuze, I know you are capable, but many companies in the city have stopped work and production. The city has thought of many ways recently, but there has not been much improvement. What do you have? Any suggestions?"

"The problem of the company is not the workers' problem, but the leadership's. Just replace the incompetent people and let the capable people come in." Ye Yuze did not hesitate on this issue and expressed his opinion directly.

"But we have also implemented a contracting system! We ask capable people to contract. But it is basically not possible. Some companies even have no one to contract at all."

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