What woman can't love a man who treats her like this? It's just that people don't like to talk to her, and Yu'e doesn't dare to come forward. In front of Ye Yuze, she was extremely inferior.

After all, what are the conditions for the two of them? Even if they are now college students with a high status, the key person is also a college student, right? He is still the direct disciple of the head of the department. Now we have secured a top-notch research institute for the school.

The store closes at nine o'clock every day, so she can actually leave early. Erhong also kept telling her to leave early and not wait until the door closed. After all, she was still a student and had so much homework. But Yu'e would leave early unless her second sister was in the store. Normally I wouldn't leave.

After closing the door, Yu'e got on the bicycle and had just pedaled twice. The car suddenly hit a person, and Yu'e screamed and fell to the ground.

The man didn't fall, he was just startled. It was already October, and there was no one on the street. This man raised his head and stared at Yu'e and scolded: "Don't you have a damn good eye for riding a bicycle?"

Yu'e quickly got up and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It was too dark, I really didn't see you."

Li was just about to continue scolding, but looking at that delicate but panicked little face, he suddenly woke up from the drunkenness. How could there be such a beautiful girl?

Li Gang has been wandering around here a lot recently. After the coal mine was transferred, he didn't have much money in his hands. Several video halls simply couldn't bear the consumption he was accustomed to.

The girls who were around him gradually disappeared. Meng Lina would still look for him from time to time and stay with him for a night. But compared with Er Hong, this Meng Lina is obviously a notch behind.

Li Gang's mentality is full of regret. The longer the time goes by, the more serious the regret becomes. Countless times I wanted to go to Erhong to confess and want her to forgive me. But he understood that it was just nonsense. Erhong's explosive temper made it impossible for him to have anything to do with him again.

When he was feeling uncomfortable, he would often stay near the clothing store just to take a peek at Erhong. But I haven't seen Erhong appear for a long time recently. The little girl who bumped into him was in the store every day.

After seeing Yu'e clearly, Li Gang immediately restrained his anger. "It's you, I'm sorry, didn't I scare you?"

Yu'e shook her head. This person seemed to know her, but she really didn't. But there are so many people coming to the store every day, so it’s normal for her to not remember.

"Why do you come home so late? Is it like this every day?" Li Gang asked with concern. He really didn't have any intention in asking this, just pure concern.

Yu'e didn't answer the question, but just asked: "Brother, are you okay? If you are okay, I have to leave quickly."

Li Gang glanced at Yu'e a few more times, and the more he looked at her, the more he liked her. This girl seems to be more beautiful than Er Hong? She's just not that tall, but it's not good for a girl to be too tall.

"It's okay, let me take you back, shall I? It's so late, it's not safe for a girl to leave by herself." Li Gang had completely forgotten about Er Hong, and his mind was entirely on Yu'e.

Yu'e said goodbye in a hurry, got on the car and left. Li Gang rode on his motorcycle, which was a small black Suzuki. Japanese cars are not much bigger than bicycles. When they are started, the sound can be heard miles away.

Unable to afford a car, Li Gang bought a motorcycle like this through his connections. It's much faster than a bicycle anyway.

After Yu'e walked for a while, Li Gang kicked off the fire. Follow her until you see her entering the medical school gate.

Li Gang frowned. It turns out that he is still a college student. This girl is not easy to pick up, right? People like me would definitely look down on unemployed vagrants. Although Lao Tzu's status was there, the status of the second generation was not so popular at that time.

Li Gang gritted his teeth, no, since Er Hong was completely out of luck. You must not let this go. You are not a hooligan. There is nothing wrong with pursuing the girl you like, right?

When the brother-in-law came back from work, the captain talked to him. His parole materials have been submitted, and the court has not raised any objections. This means that it will be approved soon.

In this case, he will usually be transferred to the prison team. After a period of study, it will be released.

Chang San walked in from outside and nodded to his brother-in-law: "Are you leaving soon?"

The brother-in-law was noncommittal. He didn't have a good impression of this person. He knew the name. If they were all gangsters in the past, then this person definitely belonged to the eldest brother level. Mainly because he is cruel and ruthless.

When he first came in, Chang San nodded and bowed in front of the captain. But once the captain is gone, he immediately looks down upon everyone. The two had a conflict, and Chang San was beaten directly by his brother-in-law.

It is true that Chang has three tricks, but the brother-in-law already has some skills. In addition, he didn't know what fear was, so when he started to attack, Chang San was directly crushed.

Unexpectedly, Chang San would become close to his brother-in-law. From time to time, I would bring some delicious food and cigarettes to share with my brother-in-law.

Chang San was sentenced to three years for gathering people to gamble. According to his crime, this sentence is definitely not enough. It’s just that fish has its own path, and shrimp has its own path. After some operation, he was only sentenced to three years.

After meeting Ye Yuze last time, the brother-in-law's mentality completely changed. He knew there was a brother out there helping him. He could feel this from the captain's conversation. And being able to be paroled so quickly has a lot to do with Ye Yuze.

Although Ye Yuze has never been here since then, the brother-in-law understood mentally that he did not delay at all what Ye Yuze should do.

He didn't want to get in touch with Chang San. The younger brother-in-law was not a social person at heart. He just likes to fight, and every fight is not for himself. But Chang San is the kind of person who will do anything for money. The two of them are not in the same boat at all.

However, Chang San always deliberately tries to please, and his brother-in-law is not a person who can be embarrassed. The two of them can be regarded as lukewarm friends.

"Bring me a message when you get out." Chang San suddenly said. The brother-in-law was stunned for a moment. He originally didn't want to deal with this kind of thing, but then he thought, as long as it's not a violation of the law, he might as well help out if he can.

"Go find that Li Gang. Tell him that you have to pay back the debt. If you don't pay back the money, send me in. I will collect the interest."

The brother-in-law was stunned for a moment. He must know Li Gang. But he really didn't know what was going on with Chang San, so he asked a few questions.

When Chang San finished telling what happened, the brother-in-law fell silent. He must take care of this matter, because it is the target of the second sister Ye Yuze. Moreover, he helped Ye Yingying to open the video hall and she owed him a favor.

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