Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 57 Mom’s sad story

Naturally, one bottle is divided among each person. Ye Yuze is not a stingy person.

When I got home, my mother's meal was already ready. I am naturally happy to see my son back.

Just seeing the can in his hand, his expression turned from sunny to cloudy again.

My younger brother jumped up when he saw the can. He rarely sees this thing a few times a year.

After grabbing the can, the boy went straight to find a screwdriver to study how to open the lid.

As for his mother calling him to eat, he really can't hear it now.

Mom immediately started digging into Ye Yuze's pockets. As a result, I took out 12 cents. His face immediately turned cloudy and gloomy.

Seeing that the form was wrong, Ye Yuze quickly looked at his father with pitiful eyes.

Dad really couldn’t stand it anymore. Said something:

"I earned this money myself, so just spend it! What are you doing?"

Mom immediately quit, pointed at dad and shouted:

"You all know how to be a good person! Should I spend the rest of this money on myself? What have I bought for myself over the years?

The only money I earn is to buy clothes for you guys. It is sent to your family to support your mother and younger siblings. Did I say anything? "

My mother's eyes turned red as she yelled. I couldn't help but shed tears.

Dad lowered his head and stopped talking. He had no choice but to tell the truth. There is absolutely no way to refute it.

My father's family is in the countryside, and my grandmother has been a widow and raised them all. Dad has four brothers and sisters. Dad is the boss.

There are two younger brothers and a younger sister at home. The rural areas at that time were very miserable, mainly because there was not enough food to eat. Grandpa was the first to starve to death.

Without dad's support, I don't know what the family would be like.

My mother's family is in Tangcheng, and the conditions are better. Not only did I not ask for money from my mother. He also helps them from time to time.

After all, Ye Yuze is also three brothers. Although my parents’ wages are not low. But the burden is not small.

This is in the Corps anyway, if it is in the mouth. These half-sized portions are simply not enough to eat!

It was so sad to see my mother. Ye Yuze walked over and took his mother's hand.

"Mom, let's buy some cloth for you to make clothes tomorrow, shall we? Then send some money to grandma."

Ye Yuze's words completely evoked the softness in my mother's heart. Crying out loud all at once.

At this time, Ye Yufan finally opened the can. I was a little panicked when I saw my mother crying.

He took a spoon, scooped out a piece of peach meat and stuffed it into my mother's mouth:

"Mom, don't cry and eat canned food!"

Looking at his two sons nestling next to him. Mom finally stopped crying.

At this age, you may not even be qualified to cry anymore!

She ate the canned food Ye Yufan handed over first. Then he touched Ye Yuze's head.

"Son, you are your mother's pride. It was your mother's fault just now and she shouldn't have lost her temper with you!"

Ye Yuze stretched out his hand to help his mother wipe away her tears. He also felt uncomfortable.

Isn’t it all about money? He will never let this family be so poor again in this life!

Mom glanced at Ye Yufan, who was sitting and eating a can.

"Yuze, your mother will save this money for you. When you grow up, it will be used for you to find a wife."

Ye Yuze was shocked to death. He quickly refused.

"Mom, it's better to send it back to my grandma to build a house! The house in my hometown keeps leaking and it won't work without repair."

Mom hugged Ye Yuze into her arms. Nothing could be said.

Dad smoked silently on the side. Not a word was said.

Ye Yuze turned his head to his father: "Dad, please bring your third brother back! We can't eat white flour a few times a year back home. When we come back, we will be together as a family. At least we won't be hungry."

Dad thought for a while and finally nodded.

"Ask your uncle to send him back! He's just coming here to find a job!"

While lying on the bed, Ye Yuze had insomnia. How to make this money? He really couldn't figure it out.

The bonus thing was accidental. It is basically impossible for such a thing to happen again in the future.

But what to do? I tossed and turned on the bed for a long time. I finally fell asleep at some point.

The next day, dad went to the regiment headquarters. The main thing was to take Wu Tianming for a checkup. The deputy instructor also followed.

Although he felt he had no hepatitis-like symptoms. But Ye Yuze's words were like a curse. He feels uncomfortable everywhere.

So he had to check it out. At least he would feel at ease, right?

Dad also has a personal matter, which is to send money to grandma by the way. I also sent a telegram by the way, asking the uncle to send the third brother back.

Although Lao Yumin also has a post office. But it is always not as convenient as the regimental headquarters.

Ye Yuze quietly told his father to buy a piece of cloth for his mother.

The clothing styles of that era were too monotonous. There are no ready-made clothes to buy.

Many women like to use that kind of plaid cloth to make Bragi wear.

Bragi is the dress worn by women in Soviet movies.

Even though I made it, I didn’t have much chance to wear it. But that’s the way women are.

Even if you wear it at home for a while at night, it will be enough.

My younger brother also went with his father. Ye Yuze was the only one left at home. There was nothing much going on today, so he strolled out the door after breakfast.

He originally wanted to visit Yinhua's house, but the girl was obviously unhappy yesterday. Walking back all the way, I pouted and didn't like to talk.

Yu Lan clearly provoked her along the way. Coupled with Gu Li's extraordinary enthusiasm. This girl must have been injured.

At this time, the door of Wei Yuxiang's house opened. Wei Yuxiang waved to greet him.

"Ye Yuze, the experiment was successful!"

Ye Yuze didn't know what he was talking about, so he just waited for him to run over.

I saw two bullets in his hand. Each eggshell also has a medicinal twist behind it.

Only then did Ye Yuze understand that it turned out to be the unsuccessful research that day. He is continuing.

After all, it is the nature of a child. Ye Yuze also wanted to see the power of this new firecracker. Who has seen the firecrackers of bullet research?

The two people found a slope again seriously. Put the bullet on it. Then he lit the medicine and ran away.

"Bang!" After a burst of blue smoke, the bullet jumped up suddenly.

They both ran over quickly. Pick up the eggshell. Only the shell casings were found.

I wonder where the bullet inserted in the front went?

The two of them searched for a long time but found nothing. Finally an idea struck me. Aim the second homemade bullet at a big tree. Then light it.

After the explosion sounded, the two of them hurriedly searched for it on the big tree.

Sure enough, we found that the warhead had been inserted into the tree.

Although it was only inserted with difficulty, it fell off after pulling it with my hands. But this is also a success, isn’t it?

"What kind of medicine did you pretend to be this time?"

Ye Yuze naturally knew that what he used this time was not firecrackers. That thing is too weak.

Wei Yuxiang told him mysteriously. The original ammunition depot was moved because of water damage. A damp bag of explosives was abandoned. But a lot of them are still usable.

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