Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 555 Important Call

Hearing this voice, Ye Yuze jumped out of bed: "Sister, where are you? How are you now? Tell me your location, and I will go find you tomorrow!"

Wang Honghua smiled, her voice a little weak: "Yuze, don't worry, sister is fine. I have been traveling around the country recently. I have almost visited the United States. I will go back to class when school starts. Come back then."

"Then why is your voice so weak? Tell me where you are now?" Ye Yuze became more and more anxious.

"I'm really fine. It's just that I ate some weird food here in Mexico yesterday, and then I had a stomachache all day long. I don't have much energy now. But there's nothing wrong anymore. Just come to school in September."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Honghua touched her bulging belly, full of happiness. The single ward she lives in has dedicated doctors and nurses. Capitalist society has its advantages, that is, you can enjoy thoughtful services by spending money.

The due date has arrived, and her stomach is already hurting today. She called Ye Yuze because she was feeling uneasy. There was a boy in her belly, the doctor had told her during the ultrasound. Will he be as capable as Ye Yuze?

Wang Honghua shook her head, rubbed her belly and murmured: "Don't compare with your dad, he is a monster. Just don't be so naughty in the future. If you are like him, your mother will be exhausted by you!"

Mr. Zhao frowned tightly every day. It's already mid-July, and not a drop of the rain has fallen. The sown rapeseed, cotton and sugar beet have lost their freshness in the ground. The leaves drooped softly.

In the past few days, he has visited several nearby groups. Except for the experimental fields covered with mulch film, almost all other lands are like this. Even the winter wheat sown last year is not doing so well.

Yituan is currently the group that gives him the greatest comfort. All spring-sown crops are covered with mulch, which effectively prevents the evaporation of snow water. Compared with the withered pasture around them, the crops look so vibrant.

Mr. Zhao regretted a little. Liu Qinghua’s suggestion and Wu Tianming’s mobilization failed in the end to convince everyone and choose mulch. He, the teacher, is responsible for this. As long as he is stronger and gives an order, the entire division's land will be like a ball.

It's just that there is no such thing as regret medicine. If the entire division suffers a large-scale production reduction or no harvest this year, then he, the division commander, will be responsible. Especially after Wu Tianming led people to convey Mr. Wang's instructions.

Thinking of this, he felt that he should take an attitude in advance. Otherwise, by the time autumn has become a fait accompli, he will be completely passive. It is definitely impossible to contact Mr. Wang directly, so contacting Wu Tianming is the best way.

"Hello, Director Wu? I'm Zhao Changsheng from the Ninth Division." Mr. Zhao reported the matter to Wu Tianming in a heavy tone.

Wu Tianming didn't speak for a long time. This Zhao Changsheng made him speechless. If this matter had been reported in advance, he would have been able to remedy it, but what could he do now? It's mid-July. There will be snow in some places in northern Xinjiang in September, and it will be too late to replant anything!

After hanging up the phone, he thought for a while before calling Mr. Wang. He failed to complete the task assigned by Mr. Wang. He must review it.

After hearing what he said, Mr. Wang just asked: "Are you saying that the land covered with mulch film is not only not afraid of the cold spring, but can also retain moisture?"

Wu Tianming answered in the affirmative. He also introduced the knowledge he heard from Yu Lan to Lao Wang. After all, the Germans also have developed agriculture, and they have long applied this technology. With relatively rich experience.

"Okay, you did a good job. Report the output of one group to me in the fall." Wu Tianming was originally prepared to be criticized, but unexpectedly he was praised. This made him a little baffled.

Mr. Wang hung up the phone and said to his secretary: "This doll is good. Call him and I will tell him personally!"

The secretary immediately took out the phone book and called. Sun Lanyu answered the call. When he heard that he was looking for Ye Yuze, he immediately called him over to answer the phone. Ye Yuze hasn't gone out these days. He would always go out for a walk during the summer vacation, but he has been feeling inexplicably uneasy these days and dare not leave the phone.

Ye Yuze was a little excited when he heard that old but loud voice. "Hello, Grandpa Wang, why did you think of me today?"

Mr. Wang's voice was very calm: "That's good, baby. How much have I saved for mulch film? Next year I will promote mulch film technology throughout the Corps."

Ye Yuze knew that all the mulch films had been sold, and that demand exceeded supply. But Mr. Wang suddenly brought up this topic today, leaving him speechless.

"Grandpa Wang, the Ninth Division ordered part of it this spring. Then all the merchants in my mouth bought it. And now they take it away as soon as it is produced. There is no inventory. But now the factory has added equipment. The output has increased several times compared with the past. times, I promise to reserve enough mulch film for the Corps by next spring!"

"Oh? All the people you talked to were taken away? What price did they ask for?" Mr. Wang obviously suddenly became interested in this topic.

"Grandpa Wang, I give one thousand and one tons to the Corps, and two thousand and one tons to the merchants, and we don't care about the freight." Ye Yuze quickly showed his dedication.

The other side pondered for a while: "You can just follow the market price from now on. But if you don't have enough money, you must promise to pay them on credit first, and let them pay back the money in the fall. If you have financial difficulties, just tell me!"

Ye Yuze chuckled: "Grandpa Wang, you have a high position, why should you worry about such a small thing? I can fully bear it myself! When something big happens, I will come to you and you can't ignore me!"

Mr. Wang couldn't help but cursed: "You have such a big deal. In addition to treating your family members, you also ruin their marriages."

Ye Yuze said aggrievedly: "Grandpa Wang, I was trying to save a young girl from jumping out of the fire pit, okay?"

Mr. Wang hung up the phone directly and stopped listening to his ramblings. After hanging up the phone, Mr. Wang shook his head and laughed: "This little monkey, you can't talk to him too much, just kick your nose and touch your face."

Sun Lanyu's eyes widened in surprise: "Whose phone number is this? Which Grandpa Wang?"

Ye Yuze pointed to the sky. "Of course it's our Grandpa Wang in Northern Xinjiang. They sold all the mulch film I gave you to redeem yourself. The old man taught me a lesson."

Having said this, he quickly picked up the phone and dialed. The call was answered by Yu Lan. She was extremely surprised when she heard Ye Yuze's voice. She dared to reminisce about the past, but Ye Yuze interrupted her: "You go find Company Commander Ma to answer the phone. I have something urgent."

Ma Quanyi was pulled back from the construction site by Yu Lan and picked up the phone: "Uncle Ma, just now Grandpa Wang called me personally. He told me that next year the whole Corps will popularize mulch film, and from now on not even a meter will be sold out. Guaranteed internal Use it, or I will ask Grandpa Wang to settle the score with you!"

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