Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 551 Supply Base

However, Akkerei hesitated and said: "Actually, if this is woven into blankets or woolen cloth, the price will increase several times. You also know that our light industry is underdeveloped. As a result, these things are very expensive in our country. "

Yang Geyong nodded. He knew that there was a blanket factory in Yining. That factory has carpets, tapestries and the like. I wonder if we can coordinate and let them use wool from the Yining Woolen Mill. As for the manufacturers that produce woolen fabrics, Yang Geyong really doesn’t know where they are? I can only inquire slowly.

When we drove to Maofang Factory, the door was locked. A few workers were squatting at the door chatting. It was an era when such border cities had fewer means of making a living. At this time, each worker only received a small amount of living expenses, which was money allocated by the city. Otherwise, the workers would not even have money to eat.

Yang Geyong felt a little sad when he saw it. How long has it been? This is what a prosperous factory looks like. Although he has not worked here for a long time, he still has some feelings for this factory.

The noodle shop is still open, but because the factory is not operating, their business is also very deserted. Yang Geyong liked the mutton braised noodles they made, so he went in and ordered a bowl.

Seeing that it was him, my cousin's expression was obviously a little embarrassed, and she said hello sheepishly. Yang Geyong smiled and lowered his head to eat noodles. These two couples were actually quite nice to him.

Halfway through eating, Hong Liu walked in from outside. Seeing it was him, he stood there motionless. The expression is very complex. Yang Geyong also saw Hongliu at this time and waved: "Sister, come here and let me ask you something?"

Hong Liu walked to his table and sat down. He didn't know what to do.

Yang Geyong pulled the noodles into his mouth in several mouthfuls, then raised his head and asked: "Do you know how many products are backlogged in the factory now?"

Hong Liu thought for a moment and realized it was probably a hundred tons. The warehouse can no longer hold it, and we have no money to buy raw materials.

After the system reform, the factory director was responsible and the state no longer underwrote products. In fact, that is to say, the country is transforming from a planned economy to a commodity economy. Those large state-owned enterprises will definitely have to be supported by the state for a while, but small municipal enterprises like them will naturally not have that kind of preferential treatment. Throw it directly into the market to be destroyed.

"Sister, call Uncle Hong here and I'll discuss something with him. If he refuses to come, just tell me that I have a way to sell all the goods in the factory!"

The reason why Yang Geyong had this idea was actually not just to help Hong Xuesi. There are more and more scraps arriving recently, but currency transactions are not allowed there. In fact, it’s not that currency transactions are impossible, it’s just that what people want is U.S. dollars. Where can Yang Geyong get U.S. dollars?

And the supply of goods on Yang Geyong's side of the barter transaction is not sufficient. He doesn't have the ability to bring over the entire Corps' department store supplies for border trade, does he? After all, the Corps members themselves have to use those towels and soap. and various textile corps were also transferred from the mouth.

So Yang Geyong has been thinking about how to build his own production chain recently. The reason why we found a woolen mill was because neighboring countries liked such fabrics.

Hong Xuesi came soon. Originally, he refused to come when his daughter told her about it. Later, Hong Liu said that Yang Geyong wanted to buy products and he came.

Although Hong Xuesi has a somewhat domineering personality, he loves the factory very much, just like his own children. Originally, the factory recently wanted to transfer him to work in the Industrial Bureau, but he refused. He couldn't bear to leave these workers behind and live a comfortable life on his own.

"I heard you want to buy wool?" Hong Xuesi was naturally a little embarrassed when he saw Yang Geyong. After all, what he did was a bit bullying. But now that Yang Geyong wanted to talk about something related to the fate of the factory, he naturally had to speak first.

Yang Geyong nodded: "I will take away fifty tons of wool first. Can you process the remaining fifty tons into blankets or woolen fabrics?"

When he heard that Yang Geyong was asking for fifty tons, Hong Xuesi's heart beat a few times. The price of wool on the market at that time was 70 per kilogram, and the ex-factory price was about 55. The backlog in the factory is probably close to a year's worth of production.

If half of this is taken away, the wages of the workers can be made up, and the raw materials for production can also be purchased. As long as the factory is running, the factory can survive.

The factory director at that time had a simple mind. He knew that as long as there was work to do, that would be enough. I still don’t realize why there is no work. This is the drawback of the planned economy, which does not take the market into consideration at all.

"The blankets are easy to deal with, but they owe us a lot of money? They can't sell their products either. Just buy the goods directly. But we don't pay on credit, so you have to pay first when you buy the goods."

"Dad!" Hong Liu glanced at his father angrily. What he is doing is bullying, as he has already sold so many products on credit. But when it was Yang Geyong's turn, he refused to pay credit. This is a typical example of being difficult.

Yang Geyong smiled: "Don't worry, Uncle Hong, I can give you the money at any time, and I will send a truck to pull it myself. Please count the products at the blanket factory and pay me when I load the truck tomorrow. Tonight I Just stay at the YN City Guest House. Just tell me the number."

Hong Xuesi was finally moved. Not only did he pull away half the wool, he also needed all the blankets. How big a feat is this? After thinking for a moment, he said: "Well, let me give you a discount of five yuan per kilogram of wool, and you can give me 50 yuan."

Yang Geyong smiled: "Uncle Hong, I don't care about the five yuan, but it is pure profit for the factory. Don't lower the price. Just don't give me defective products when loading the truck. I am doing border trade. If there is a problem with the quality , it’s not just me who’s in trouble. Then this is the only time we’ll have to deal with each other.”

Yang Geyong knew that trade at this time was not as harsh as in later generations. As long as there are no major quality issues. After Hong Xuesi agreed, he excitedly went to arrange for people to count the goods. I still have to go to the blanket factory to communicate.

Hong Liu looked at Yang Geyong gratefully and said, "Thank you."

Yang Geyong looked a little embarrassed: "Sister, you are so good to me, what can I say to thank you for doing this? We are a family."

"Are you coming home? Your clothes are dirty and no one will wash them for you. Where is that college student of yours?" Hong Liu obviously still had some grudges about this matter.

Yang Geyong scratched his head: "Where is she going to school? I haven't seen her for a while."

In fact, Zhao Ling'er really didn't care whether Yang Geyong's clothes were dirty or not. Her character lines are sometimes thicker than those of Yang Geyong! Yang Geyong's clothes were changed and washed at the urging of Yueji and Ayina.

But if he didn't go to these two places for a few days, then he would definitely only be wearing the same clothes these days. Although the last two women had prepared a replacement for him, he couldn't remember it.

Of course Yang Geyong couldn't go back with her after that time. Yang Geyong also knew and paid attention to some things.

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