"In view of the fact that Comrade Ma Hongkui did not pay attention to safety measures during the exercise when he served as the platoon leader of the second platoon of the infrastructure company. This caused economic losses to the company and brought hidden dangers to the personnel.

Moreover, this comrade has a weak sense of organizational discipline and neglects the education of his children. Bring certain harm to society.

Therefore, the Youth League Party Committee decided. Comrade Ma Hongkui was given the decision to remove the second platoon commander and stay on party probation for one year.

This decision shall be implemented from the date on which it is delivered. "

The audience was completely silent, they were all soldiers. There will never be a leader speaking on the stage and a buzzing sound in the audience.

However, most people had smiles on their faces. If you choose the most unpopular person in the infrastructure company.

Then Ma Hongkui made it to the top three. This guy doesn't have a high IQ, but he likes to act like a fox and a tiger.

And it was done without any disguise, nakedly.

Mr. and Mrs. Mahonkui should have received the news from the beginning today.

Sit in the last row. In normal company-wide meetings like this, one must sit in the front row early and shout loudly.

After Ma Quanyi finished speaking, he looked around. Then he said:

"The instructor will announce another order. Everyone is welcome."

There was applause, but people were also puzzled. Usually, decisions made by superiors are announced by the company commander. The instructor just makes a summary at the end.

This is the first time everyone has encountered this situation. So everyone looked at the stage curiously.

The instructor stood up from behind the desk and walked to the stage.

He also took out a piece of paper. People can see the big red seal on the paper from the back.

The instructor read out the order without even starting. Instead, he pointed at several machines under the stage and said:

"You may not know much about this thing, right? You must be curious about it.

Then let me explain it to you. Those sewing machines are similar to each other and are called electric sewing machines. The usage is the same as that of various sewing machines.

It's just that this one needs to be plugged in, no pedals required. And you can sew leather shoes directly! "

Everyone was in an uproar. The women began to be surprised. I can't figure out what the instructor is doing with this? Do you want to make leather shoes?

Looking at everyone's shocked expressions, the instructor was very satisfied.

Without explaining directly, he pointed to two smaller machines and said:

"This is called an ironing machine. It can bond two layers of leather or plastic cloth together using temperature."

Watching the people in the audience talking again. The instructor became more and more proud. He seems very proud of the suspense he created.

"In the future, our company will add a sideline business. That is the processing of plastic pencil cases! And the regiment headquarters agreed. Ten percent of the profits will be used as bonuses for the soldiers of the infrastructure company!"

The audience finally became noisy. Especially women. They know how expensive this kind of pencil case is and how difficult it is to buy!

And it's painful. They all have children, and the children are clamoring for it. What mother doesn’t want to fulfill her child’s wishes?

It's just that I can't buy one. Even if I can buy one if I have the connections, I feel sorry for the price!

Now that I heard that my company was going to produce that, I was naturally very excited.

Many people secretly have small calculations in their hearts. I have to take two defective products home. Let the children use one and display one to look at.

There is no way, you have to be willful if you have money!

When people calmed down a bit, the instructor waved his hand.

“What I want to tell you today is that this idea came up with Dr. Ye’s son Ye Yuze!

After the last icebreaker, he made another great contribution to the company! "


Warm applause broke out. Enduring. Mom sat there looking around and nodding to everyone. Lest people don't know that the instructor is talking about her son.

The instructor continued: “But this matter really posed a problem for the leaders of the regiment.

Because Ye Yuze is neither a soldier nor a student. The regiment headquarters didn't know what to call him even if they wanted to give him a certificate of merit.

In desperation, the regiment leaders had no choice but to decide. Give him a bonus. For encouragement!

This is the first time since we formed a team! Now let’s invite Ye Yuze to come to the stage to receive the award! "

Applause broke out again. Ye Yuze, who was in a daze, was pushed by Ma Rong.

Only then did he realize what he was doing, and he walked towards the stage with some staggering steps. I stumbled a bit while walking up the steps. All of a sudden he fell to the ground. It made everyone laugh.

The instructor came over and pulled him up. Patting the dirt on his body, he joked:

"Didn't you just chase me for a prize? Why are you giving up now?"

Ye Yuze was really embarrassed on this occasion. Scratching his head. "Isn't there a lot of people here?"

The audience burst into laughter again!

The instructor took out a large envelope from his arms and shook it towards everyone.

"This is the bonus awarded to Ye Yuze by the regiment headquarters."

Look at everyone staring closely at the envelope. The instructor deliberately let it slip.

"One thousand yuan!"

"Buzz!" The audience in the audience was boiling like a pot was exploding!

This thing is so shocking! The company will be evaluated as advanced every year. The bonus for an advanced worker is only a few dozen yuan.

This is already a great honor. But the amount of money today really scares people.

Two years’ salary for a soldier with ten years of service!

The instructor thrust the envelope into Ye Yuze's hand. Said loudly:

"Take it, you deserve it. Compared to your contribution to the company! This is really not much.

If you are already a soldier in the Corps, no one would dare to award you so much money! Because what the corps soldiers need is glory! Because I can't give you the honor you deserve, I can only compensate you with money. "

Ye Yuze took the money and bowed to the audience. The instructor also did not allow him to give a speech. We can only go on like this.

Then, the instructor issued two more certificates. Uncle Wei Zhongyi helped Ye Yuze develop the icebreaker.

Award certificates. There is also a 50 yuan bonus. Yang Geyong was also awarded a certificate because he was a student. But the prize is one hundred yuan.

Ye Yuze stepped off the stage and walked directly towards his mother's seat.

My mother was so happy that she was still wiping her tears. She couldn't bear the surprise.

Ye Yuze obediently gave the money to his mother, and then asked timidly:

"Mom, can you give me ten dollars? I have to celebrate!"

My mother, who was still wiping away tears, immediately stared.

"What do you want so much money for?"

But after thinking about it, I felt a little embarrassed. After all, the son earned the money. Then he said:

"Five dollars at most!"

But when I took the money, the envelope was full of solidarity. I really can't find five dollars. I had to draw a ten-dollar note and give it to him.

Ye Yuze didn't care what the instructor had to say. They took Yang Geyong's money and ran out.

We went out to discuss it. Several people decided to go to Lao Yumin. Only there are supply and marketing cooperatives.

It's time to return Han's horse, which still has the sword. After all, there is no grass at home to feed the horses. He has been fostered in a horse pen for the past few days.

A few people went to the stable to get the horses and walked happily towards old Yumin.

During the new book period, everyone is welcome to collect, recommend and invest.

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