Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 520 Zhao Linger panicked

After being scolded by her father, Zhao Ling'er felt extremely unhappy. But the old man was very principled, so it was impossible for him to favor his daughter in such a big matter. But Zhao Ling'er really wronged her father. In fact, before she called, the teacher had held a meeting on this matter.

Moreover, what was held was an enlarged meeting of the entire division, and leaders from all regiments attended. First, Liu Qinghua introduced a group that benefited from mulching this year and still achieved a bumper harvest in a year of great disaster. But it also elaborated on the fact that not all the land was replanted due to lack of time.

In fact, today's meeting is to discuss whether to use mulching film technology in the entire division. However, there were mixed reactions at the meeting. Some were fiercely opposed, some were skeptical, and most people still held a wait-and-see attitude.

As a division commander, it was not easy for Lao Zhao to give direct orders on this kind of matter. After all, the crops haven’t been planted yet, so spending a sum of money to buy mulch film is a big burden for the groups involved. Let’s take another look.

Liu Qinghua was a little disappointed, but he couldn't control anything? We can only use mulch film as much as possible on the land in the group. It’s just that the regiment doesn’t have enough money, so they have to take advantage of the infrastructure company. Credit first.

Zhao Ling'er dialed Ye Yuze's phone: "Ye Yuze, the infrastructure companies are almost full of iron lumps and plastic sheets now. What are you going to do?"

Ye Yuze said lazily: "Don't worry about men's matters. Hurry up and cook for my dad and your husband!"

Zhao Ling'er wrinkled her nose: "I don't want that brother of yours. Dad just had dinner."

Ye Yuze didn't care what she was saying, and acted more calmly: "Okay, then I'll tell my brother that you have a new love. Anyway, he likes Kazakh girls, and it seems that there is a good relationship with him in Horgos. Yes, just ask him to get married."

"He dares!" Zhao Ling'er suddenly jumped up, and the stool under her butt was overturned.

"Why don't you dare? He likes to live in a yurt, raise a group of children, and herd a group of sheep. He rides a horse freely on the grassland all day long." Ye Yuze continued to be calm and calm.

Zhao Ling'er hung up the phone with a bang and looked at Ye Wancheng: "Uncle Ye, when will the scrap truck arrive?"

Ye Wancheng thought for a while. The car left last night and should be back around tomorrow morning. However, it has been snowing heavily these past two days, so walking is expected to be slower.

Zhao Ling'er couldn't sit still and felt flustered. Are there any Kazakh girls? She wasn't sure, but she knew that guy had that complex. No, she had to go and see. What if.

Chinese New Year will be here in a few days, and school is on holiday. Ye Yuze was bored at home. He doesn't care about things in the factory. According to Sun Lanyu, you just need to be responsible for the general direction. We'll do the rest.

This year, all the garment factories in Tangcheng began to produce for them. According to Sun Zhengzheng's intention, he should contract all these factories.

However, he was rejected by Ye Yuze. The current environment is not suitable for large-scale individual economy. The incident of the Eight Kings of Wenzhou is still fresh in people's memory. Now, although my factory is branded as a joint venture. But the Chinese-invested part still has the signboard of a street factory. Once there are any policy changes, it will be very troublesome.

Sun Lanyu is very contented at the moment. Although he is a little busier, compared to his previous business, he is still much less worried. At the very least, you don’t have to worry about late shipments. The factory only produces when there are orders.

It was time to go home for the New Year again, and Sun Lanyu was a little worried. In a blink of an eye, I am 32 years old, and I am forced to get married every time I go back. In a family like theirs, marriage is usually not something you can decide on your own. It doesn’t matter whether the relationship between husband and wife is good or not, but it must be in the interests of the family.

However, being dizzy is not a guarantee of death, and you have to face it no matter what. I had to pack up and get ready to go home. The factory has already decided on the holiday. We will have the holiday on the 26th and go to work on the 6th day of the lunar month. However, the workers were too dissatisfied, saying that ten days was too long to make money.

Young people are nothing, but the key is those middle-aged women. Now the female workers in the Warrior Garment Factory earn almost ten yuan a day. With the current monthly salary of coal miners being more than 100 yuan, their wages have long been crushed. Pressed.

Middle-aged women in China are the most hard-working. After having children, they may become nagging and irritable. It makes men bored and uncomfortable. Where did that lovely girl go before marriage? Just ask yourself, are they really the only ones to blame for this situation?

Women are small-minded and worry too much. The elderly, children, husband, house deposit. These things are always in their minds. Therefore, the crisis awareness is particularly strong.

Most men basically muddle along in this regard and rarely think about the future. However, according to the domestic income situation, without a woman's frugality and calculation, once something unexpected happens, it will really be difficult to survive.

Therefore, most families in China are still supported by women. Men are just tools for making money. But now the wages of women in the factory are twice as much as those of men, so their backs are naturally tight.

In desperation, Meihua had no choice but to agree to extend her holiday until noon. But I can no longer go to work early. Work must start on the sixth day of the Lunar New Year. But it’s not production at thirty o’clock in the morning. It’s about general cleaning and cleaning up the equipment. There is no pay for this kind of work, but the workers are willing to do it.

At noon, the factory had a completely new look. Plum Blossom gave everyone a red envelope. This is the privilege of a joint venture, and red envelopes will be given at the end of the year.

There was no such thing at the district clothing factory, but Meihua also allocated a sum of money and distributed it as a bonus. The contract period was extended for another year. Originally, Ye Yuze did not intend to contract and promised that their future wages would not be less than they are now, but the workers refused. Went to the city.

Sun Zhengzheng did the work himself, and Ye Yuze had to sign another one-year contract. In fact, many workers are now asking to come to the Warrior Garment Factory. Because at the district garment factory, even if it is operating at full capacity, the salary is only around 200 yuan.

There are many reasons for this and it is something that cannot be changed. Just like those manufacturers that now provide OEM services to warrior clothing factories, the production tasks are actually very heavy, but the wages are only 70 or 80 yuan.

Every time she met workers from the district garment factory who asked to work here, she would follow what Ye Yuze taught: "Your place is a large collective enterprise, and there will be pensions in the future. We may not have it here in the future. Because Once the factory’s business fails, it will go bankrupt.”

This is also true. As a new type of enterprise, joint ventures have just emerged. No one can tell what will happen in the future. After all, pension payments at that time were borne by the factory. Once the factory is gone, who will send it to you?

At that time, state-owned enterprises were not allowed to close down, and the state would bear the burden if they could no longer operate.

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