Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 513 Li Gang’s Changes

Li Gang didn't look back: "I'll go home and sleep." After saying that, he got on his bicycle and staggered away.

Erhong looked behind him for a while, but finally didn't call him. As for why? She also didn't know that this man had been with her for more than a year. Apart from no real physical contact, emotionally he was no different from a couple. Even his savings were kept by her, although she kept it until she saved some money for him, otherwise it would have been eaten up and drunk long ago.

But these days, he seems to have changed and rarely comes to the store. The occasional visit was drunk. She just knew that he was discussing business, which seemed to be about opening a coal mine, and the place he went to was in the county below.

Li Gang woke up from thirst, got up and drank a lot of tap water. My stomach finally felt better. Shake your head to clear your mind.

These days, he has been inspecting Fengrun and got acquainted with the owner of a small coal mine there. This man has a lot of money, drives a Japanese Crown, and has the aura of a nouveau riche in his every move.

The reason why I can get to know this person is actually because of my family. Li Gang's father is a leader in the city, and this boss got in touch with him through his brother-in-law. Of course, it was impossible for Li Gang's father to take this person seriously. So this guy tried every means to make friends with Li Gang. And took Li Gang on a trip to Hong Kong.

In fact, Li Gang is not bad in nature, but he is afraid of changes in the environment and circle. The trip to Hong Kong gave him too many shocks and made him understand what it means to live in a life of luxury. It also made him understand that money can do whatever he wants at certain times.

This boss's name is Gao Fulai, and coincidentally, he is Gao Zhanjiu's father. And his brother-in-law was once an old subordinate of Li Gang's father.

At this time, there were already dance halls in Tangcheng. The emergence of entertainment venues represented the improvement of people's material life and also gave rise to many things. And it was Gao Zhanjiu who played with Li Gang every day.

As for food and sex, Li Gang has been addicted to these things recently. At the same time, the desire for money is also increasing.

"Brother Gang, are you at home?" A delicate voice came from outside. Li Gang opened the door and saw a woman with heavy makeup entering the room. Then he frowned: "Oh, look at how dirty you are!"

After saying that, the woman hurriedly put down the things in her hands and cleaned up the house for Li Gang. Li Gang watched the woman busy there blankly, with a complicated mood.

He has had several women in his life. Because he is handsome and can be considered a big brother-level figure. How could there be less women around me? But since meeting Er Hong, he has never had contact with others. Erhong's beauty is something few can compare to. And he is so simple and capable.

Moreover, his parents are also very satisfied with Erhong. He was originally going to help her arrange work, but Erhong declined. Originally, when two people reached an age, it was natural for them to get married and have children. But all this was changed by Gao Laifu.

Now this woman is the one I met in the dance hall a few days ago. Her name is Meng Lina, and she is also very beautiful. Although she is not as good as Erhong, she is naturally charming, and it is difficult for men to refuse this kind of charm in her bones.

The biggest advantage of this woman is that she won't be jealous. Not only did he have a great time, he also introduced his little sisters to Li Gang. The reason why Li Gang rarely goes to Er Hong's place recently is because he hangs out with this group of people.

After Meng Lina cleaned up the house, she opened the schoolbag she brought. Inside were some chess cakes and two bottles of soda. She handed the soda to Li Gang: "Brother Gang, help me open it quickly. I'm dying of thirst."

Li Gang opened his mouth to help her bite open the soda cap, and Meng Lina praised: "Brother is so awesome." After that, she stuffed a sesame seed cake into Li Gang's mouth: "You drank too much last night when I saw you. You haven't eaten yet, right? Hurry up. Eat something, my sister feels bad for being so hungry."

Li Gang swallowed the sesame seed cake in two mouthfuls, then opened another bottle of soda and took a sip. Meng Lina stuffed another sesame seed cake into his mouth. Li Gang waved his hand: "I can do it by myself, don't feed me all the time. I'm not a child."

Meng Lina pouted: "But do people like to feed you? Do you not like Lina anymore? I saw your prince blushing last night. Although there must be more than one woman like my brother, you can't forget me."

Meng Lina's words were very helpful to Li Gang. He originally wanted to go to Er Hong's place, but by this time he had completely lost interest. There is such a woman waiting at home, why go to that woman who doesn't understand the charm?

Moreover, Ye Yuze stayed over last night and he was not allowed to disturb him. Although he completely trusted the two people psychologically, he still felt uncomfortable. Erhong, who was uncomfortable, refused to let him go to sleep in that room.

Yesterday Gao Zhanjiu told him that things about the coal mine were already clear. It was originally an abandoned well of a state-owned coal mine, but there was not much coal in it, mainly because it was not suitable for large-scale fully mechanized mining equipment.

The location of this well is the land of a brigade in Fengrun. Because the coal mines were removed, the land was naturally returned to them. Originally, they wanted to dig coal by themselves, but there was an accident and the brigade cadres did not dare to take the risk. I thought about selling it.

You must know that the abandoned wells of state-owned coal mines are treasures for small coal mine owners. Because there are not only tunnels supported by solid sleepers, but also complete transportation tracks. It saves a lot of effort than re-mining it yourself.

The team originally asked for 250,000 yuan, but Gao Fulai used his connections to negotiate for 200,000 yuan. He was planning to send a big favor to Li Gang. And he said that if the money is not enough, he can buy shares. No matter how much he invests, he only needs half of the shares.

It’s just that Li Gang hesitated on this matter. He is not stupid, he understands Gao Fulai's purpose of approaching him? So he doesn't want to be completely involved with Gaofei.

But he only had 80,000 yuan, so it was a problem where to borrow the rest. The family shouldn't think about it. If his father knew that he was going to open a coal mine, he would probably break his legs, let alone pay him. Erhong is indeed rich, but he really can't open his mouth with women's money.

As for those brothers, don't even think about it. Those who can have enough to eat are doing well. After thinking for a while, he finally thought of Ye Yuze.

He needs to borrow another 150,000. After scraping together the money to buy the mine, having 30,000 working capital is enough. Ye Yuze is definitely not short of the 150,000 yuan, but can he lend it to himself? He had no idea about this.

"Brother Gang, are you going somewhere to play later? Look, this dress is old. I heard that the clothes in Erhong Women's Clothing Store in Xiaoshan are good-looking. Can you take me to buy a dress?"

Li Gang trembled all over, he was frightened. If he dared to take a girl to Erhong's to buy a dress, he could guarantee that Erhong would chop him with a knife.

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