Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 511 Run with life

Ye Yuze was silent. He couldn't explain this. Could he say he was pushed down? I really can't. A man must be on top even if he falls.

The game on the second day was basically nothing to watch. Ye Yuze's strengths, the 100 meters and the 110 hurdles, also failed to win the championship. There's nothing I can do about it, my legs are short and I don't exercise enough. He finished second in the 100 meters and only finished fourth in the 110 hurdles.

Gao Zhanjiu said angrily: "Isn't he the record holder in Tangcheng? Is it at this speed? It seems that there are too many people in the world who are seeking fame."

Wang Shuqin glared at him: "Why don't you sign up if he can't do it? You can't beat him if you go there? If you have the ability, you can beat him once."

Most of the women in the class looked at him with dissatisfied eyes. Gao Zhanjiu was a little sad and angry. He was talking about Ye Yuze. What do you mean? Why don't you let people tell you if it doesn't work?

However, he is not a person who gives up easily. He was shocked by Ye Yuze yesterday, but today he is full of confidence after seeing Ye Yuze being crushed by others one after another. There is nothing remarkable about this man. He looked at Wang Shuqin: "Squad leader, let's make a bet. What if I beat him?"

Before Wang Shuqin spoke, Zheng Lanzhi took over. If you welcome me, I will give you one hundred yuan to treat everyone to eat popsicles and drink soda. What if you lose?

Gao Zhanjiu was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the two heavyweight girls in the class would support Ye Yuze so blatantly. He was unwilling to fall out with these two people. After all, their backgrounds were not simple.

But as a man, he also needs to have a good face. When he heard that Zheng Lanzhi was willing to bet Ye Yuze with 100 yuan, he also took out 100 yuan and handed it directly to Wang Shuqin's hand: "Okay, I'll make this bet. You can keep the money, and someone will save it when the time comes. Cheating."

Zheng Lanzhi ignored him. She had nothing to do with cheating, and she couldn't afford to embarrass him. As for pretending to be generous and getting money in advance, she really doesn't care.

When it was the women's 3,000-meter final, the track was filled with six people. As soon as the starting gun fired, Yu'e took the lead and ran ahead. This girl seems to be ready to fight.

It’s just that she is obviously a novice, and the most important thing in long-distance running is to learn to evenly distribute her physical strength. The most taboo thing is to try to get rid of your opponent from the beginning. Unless you are strong enough to crush them.

But Yu'e obviously didn't have this kind of strength, so she made a big mistake. On the fourth lap, because she started to exert too much force, her energy was basically exhausted, her steps began to become sloppy, and the people behind her began to catch up. Her steps staggered and she fell onto the track.

Ye Yuze felt something was wrong with her yesterday and had been paying attention to her. Seeing this scene, he ran down from the stands. He helped her up and said, "Take a few steps slowly and come down with me!"

Yu'e glanced at him, and suddenly her eyes became moist. She was not moved, but felt a little embarrassed and embarrassed for him. I originally signed up for this event just to cheer him up, but fell down before the race was over.

Yu'e got up and took a few steps. At this time, four people had passed her. She gritted her teeth, stepped forward and chased after him.

"Don't run away!" Ye Yuze shouted. He could see that Yu'e's energy was exhausted, but he didn't expect that this girl had such a stubborn temper and refused to listen to him. He gritted his teeth and continued the game.

Ye Yuze thought for a moment, then took steps to catch up. When I chased Yu'e, I saw her mouth wide open and panting violently, as if she was about to suffocate at any moment. I couldn't help but shake my head and ordered: "Close your mouth, breathe through your nose, and lengthen your breath."

Yu'e glanced at Ye Yuze who was running beside her. She felt inexplicably calm and followed his instructions to take a longer breath. Not to mention, although she couldn't do it at first, there seemed to be not enough oxygen. But it didn’t take long for me to get used to it.

After breathing evenly, my aching lungs slowly began to feel better, and I began to regain strength in my steps. He ran according to Ye Yuze's rhythm.

She didn't look ahead, just stared at Ye Yuze's footsteps. She followed him wherever he moved his legs. Then the steps of the two began to become consistent, and even the footsteps became one.

She ran like this for who knows how long. In a daze, Yu'e saw a red rope appearing in front of her. She had forgotten what it was for. But she felt that she should knock the rope away, otherwise she would not be able to run forward.

The red rope hung on her chest and she continued to rush forward. A voice came from my ears: "Don't run away, you got first place."

Yu'e tilted her head and looked at the man beside her, and found that he had slowed down. She turned around and saw that everyone else had stopped. She finally smiled and smiled at the man beside her: "I didn't embarrass you."

After saying this, her body slowly fell down. Then nothing is known. The last image that stayed in his eyes was that man shouting something to him with his mouth wide open, his eyes full of anxiety.

When she woke up, Yu'e found herself surrounded by people. It turned out that she was sent to the college's affiliated hospital. The doctor on duty was chasing people away: "Everyone, please go out. This classmate needs to be quiet. There is nothing serious."

"She must need someone to take care of her!" Hearing this voice, Yu'e felt relieved. Although this man is a bit rude and domineering, with him around, I will feel at ease.

The doctor seemed to hesitate for a moment: "Then leave two people and let the others go back. This is a hospital, so many people in the ward will affect others."

Everyone discussed for a while and then decided that squad leader Wang Shuqin and Ye Yuze would leave the others and go back. But Zheng Lanzhi stood there stubbornly and refused to leave, so she had no choice but to leave.

Wang Shuqin peeled an apple, then cut off a small piece and handed it to Yu'e's mouth. Yu'e glanced at Ye Yuze who was walking towards the door, opened her mouth and ate in.

Zheng Lanzhi picked up the washbasin under the bed and followed Ye Yuze. Yu'e was carried down on the playing field, with streaks of sweat on her face, like a little cat.

Ye Yuze walked to the stairs and lit a cigarette. "She's a good girl and she's doing this for you."

A voice startled Ye Yuze. He turned to look at Zheng Lanzhi beside him: "What does it have to do with me? She is doing it for the class."

Ye Yuze didn't know why he said this. He knew it wasn't the case, but he just didn't want to admit the fact. Some people and some things are in the past. He didn't want to bring that pain back and continue to rub it in front of his eyes. Even if his nerves were strong, he couldn't bear the pain.

Zheng Lanzhi curled his lips and cursed: "Hypocritical!" He turned around and went to fetch water.

Ye Yuze took a long puff of cigarette until the thick smoke filled his lungs. It started to hurt from holding it in, so I slowly vomited it out. But some things are not smoke and cannot be spit out.

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