Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 505 Equipment Installation

Yang Geyong almost stopped crying. The management fee is so high! I really hope this kind of management fee can be maintained for a longer time.

"How much do you plan to exchange for this truck?" Yang Geyong asked. He really didn't know the price of the truck. Akkel had the final say on this.

Akkelei rolled his eyes and asked, "Will you still sell these rails in the future?"

Yang Geyong nodded: "I changed your car to pull the rails, and one car is definitely not enough. I want as much as you have!"

Akkelie smiled. Such second-hand cars were cheap for them. As long as Yang Geyong was willing to ask for scrap metal, he would be willing to give the car away for free. So he took a look at Yang Geyong's stall, and then drew a circle with his hand:

"These things belong to me, and you take the car. However. But we have to agree that you have priority to purchase the scrap metal I brought here at today's price."

Yang Geyong stretched out his hand and shook it: "It's a deal!"

The goods on Yang Geyong's stall cost no more than 1,000 yuan. Just replaced it with a GAZ truck. After loading all the other goods in exchange into the car, Yang Geyong drove away.

When they arrived at Shihezi, the two girls were very surprised to see him driving back a large truck. Quickly asked what happened? They were also very happy. Only a fool would not be happy to buy a truck for a thousand dollars.

But seeing the tatters on Yang Geyong's car, Zhao Ling'er asked in surprise: "Why are you pulling these things?"

Yang Geyong had no intention of telling her what he was planning to do. Zhao Ling'er had a strong personality and her father's status was there. He was not prepared to let Zhao Ling'er get involved in this matter. Just said a few words vaguely. And Zhao Ling'er didn't care about these rags.

The infrastructure company is a small company in a group and cannot be compared with the agricultural company and animal husbandry company. The total population of larger agricultural areas is almost over a thousand. The total population of the infrastructure company is now just over 300 people. This is also one of the main reasons for insufficient labor force.

Regarding this matter, both Ma Quanyi and Ye Wancheng had some headaches. The two newly built factories would only employ fifty or sixty people, no matter how small they were. But if all the men from the infrastructure company were sent to these two factories, they would be fine in the winter, but after spring there would be no labor in the prefabricated panel factory. Such a good business, no one is willing to give up.

However, winter in northern Xinjiang is relatively long, so you don’t need to consider this yet. However, the move of the clothing factory to a new factory building has been put on hold because the mulch film factory needs a relatively large factory building and has to give up the new factory building first. Liu Sannv was very unhappy about this, but she had no good solution.

For this hero of the infrastructure company, Ma Quanyi could only try his best to comfort him. There is no way, now the garment factory supports half of the sky of the infrastructure company.

What Ma Quanyi urgently needs to solve now is the problem of the steel plant's building. Although this steel plant is currently just a simple steel ingot plant that heats and purifies scrap steel, it cannot be operated in the open air, right?

After several discussions, it was decided to lay the foundation on the river beach next to the hydropower station. Let's pour the concrete before it freezes. Mainly floor beams, ring beams and columns. After these things are watered, it will be easier to build a house or build a shed.

Ma Quanyi sent a tractor to the regiment headquarters to borrow several mixers. At that time, there were no large mixing stations, only small mixers. If five or six machines are used together, they can be fully used.

Steel work and carpentry are all readily available. After opening the slot. Vigorous construction began. In order to support the development of the infrastructure company, Liu Qinghua also sent the construction company from the regiment headquarters. This time, the speed is faster.

Yang Geyong hired all three trucks in the regiment and began to haul scraps to the company. At that time, there were no overload checks, and a trip of four vehicles weighed 60 tons. By the time it snowed, more than 2,000 tons of waste had been piled on the river beach.

At this time, the equipment sent from Germany was also in place. Because they are not high-tech equipment, only two engineers were sent there to guide the installation.

Because there were really not enough staff, Ma Quanyi had to transfer all the girls from the garment factory to learn how to install and use the equipment. Of course, this refers to the mulching film factory, and naturally there are boys at the steel factory. Wei Yuxiang was also removed from the hydropower station and was mainly responsible for the debugging of the steel plant.

What was unexpected this time was the equipment of the steel plant. It's small and uses electricity. Ma Quanyi looked at it for a long time and couldn't believe that this little thing could produce twenty tons of molten steel every day.

He was dumbfounded just when he was trying to drive the car. Pieces of scrap steel enter the intermediate frequency furnace along the conveyor belt, and in a blink of an eye they turn into flowing molten steel. After simple purification, they are poured into the ink mold. The steel ingots started from white to red, then dark red, and finally turned into blue steel ingots. These few simple processes made the men in the infrastructure company's eyes wet.

The debugging of the mulch film factory is a bit more complicated. Mainly those two blow molding machines. Ma Rong and Yu Lan, as the most highly educated people in the infrastructure company, are responsible for learning installation and use from German engineers.

The engineer at the steel plant is a middle-aged man in his forties, rigid and serious. It was very uncomfortable to deal with him. But Wei Yuxiang didn't care about his attitude at all. No matter how he roared, Wei Yuxiang always did his job in an orderly manner.

As time went by, the foreigner was eventually tempered by Wei Yuxiang's studiousness and meticulousness. Under Luke's translation, Wei Yuxiang was told all the key points of maintenance and debugging of this equipment.

The Germans are better than the Japanese in this regard. They basically teach them all the equipment and technology they sell. When the Japanese first sold equipment, they didn't teach these things much. Because they ultimately make more money from after-sales and maintenance than from selling equipment.

The engineer at the mulching film factory is a woman and very young. The most amazing thing is that she still understands some Chinese, although she often cannot express what she means. But the more we communicate, the more accurate we become.

She is very kind to people and quite enthusiastic. The company set aside a dormitory for her. Ma Rong and Yu Lan moved over to take care of her food and daily life.

At the beginning, the most uncomfortable thing for this foreign girl was that there was no bathroom. The public toilet in the company is just a few large wooden boards placed directly on top of the cesspool. The first time she entered, she came out and retched for a long time.

However, humans are the most adaptable creatures. In particular, Ye Yuze paid the engineers for this installation and commissioning ten times what they paid in China. Under the temptation of big money, no matter how difficult the environment is, it doesn't matter.

Because the equipment in the steel plant was simple, the engineer left within a month. The female engineer waited three months before leaving after completing her visa. Before leaving, she was still reluctant to leave Ma Rong.

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