Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 498 Cross-Border Cable

In October of the golden autumn, northern Xinjiang has entered into a large-scale autumn harvest. All the harvesters of the Corps are working continuously for 24 hours. In the remaining corners where the harvesters cannot harvest, the soldiers of the Corps also go out with their families to start harvesting.

Winter comes early in northern Xinjiang, and we are afraid that the harvest will be delayed and a snow will fall, burying the crops that have been busy for a year in the snow.

Liu Qinghua has had several big blisters on his mouth these days, and he is very anxious. I called several times to borrow a harvester from my brother's unit, but they kept using it and couldn't borrow it at all.

That snow in spring wiped out all the winter wheat. At least the mulch film that Ye Yuze helped get was a big help. These agricultural companies had another harvest, at least it was a bumper harvest of rapeseed. This finally made Liu Qinghua completely relieved.

Of course, there is also a regret, that is, there is too little mulch. The cultivated seedlings were transplanted manually, and the manpower was insufficient, so many areas could not be planted. There is no way around this, there is too much land, and tractors are usually used to sow the seeds. Don't even think about relying on artificial farming in the Corps.

But this attempt allowed the group to find a new way, that is, mulch technology can effectively help crops withstand severe cold and usher in a high yield.

But this is too difficult, not to mention that there are no mulch film manufacturers in Northern Xinjiang. Even if there are manufacturers, where do the raw materials come from? At that time, polyethylene materials were only available in a few large state-owned factories in China.

I sent several reports to the division, but nothing came of it in the end. After the rapeseed was harvested, the group quickly sold it. Then Liu Qinghua gave the money to Ye Yuze, even though he repeatedly said he didn't want it. But Liu Qinghua couldn't do it if the group didn't pay back the money owed to individuals.

The current situation in the group is very bad. What I mean by bad is that we are completely dependent on God. This makes Liu Qinghua's heart always clenched.

There is no way, the only side businesses of the entire regiment are the quilt factory and the newly established construction company at the regiment headquarters. Because the entire infrastructure company has been contracted, they will no longer undertake projects, so they can only set up a new construction company to undertake projects throughout the region. The results were pretty good in the first year of this year. In addition to wages, he also handed over more than one million yuan in profits to the group.

And the bidding for next year's project has already been invited. Construction will begin in the spring. Relative to local construction companies. The Corps still has its own strength.

Because the quilt factory has a good foundation of plum blossoms, it follows the trend closely. As long as there are good-style clothes on the market, they will immediately follow them and turned over more than 200,000 yuan in profits last year.

But when Liu Qinghua wanted to ask them to contract, no one dared to try. Mother Wan has always been in charge of the factory. In fact, she has retired a long time ago, but there is really no one else who dares to take on the contract except her. But Wan’s mother is old after all. I wonder how long she can hold on?

The one-year contracting threshold for infrastructure construction has not yet been reached, and the contracting fee of 300,000 yuan has been paid in advance. According to gossip, the per capita income of infrastructure company employees has reached 2,000 this year. Liu Qinghua doesn’t know whether this is true or not. Anyway, Liu Qinghua’s salary is not that high.

Relatively speaking, the infrastructure company is the most worry-free unit in the regiment. If every company was like this, Liu Qinghua, the regiment leader's only job would be to sit and count money.

"Ding-ding-ding!" The phone on the table rang again. Liu Qinghua was awakened from deep thought. When he picked up the call, he found out it was from the Animal Husbandry Company. There was an anomaly on the border. Someone from the neighboring country went out last night and buried a cable in our territory.

Does anyone know what this cable is for? No one knows whether it is a cable or a communication cable.

Liu Qinghua thought for a while and then called the soldiers of the regiment's security company to assemble. The regiment leader is hospitalized and has been in the provincial capital. He is in charge of everything in the regiment. This matter supposedly needs to be reported to the division, but he wanted to find out the situation before talking about it.

The guard company is currently the most capable company in the regiment, with all of them under the age of thirty-five. He has high military quality and can fight at any time. Half of the soldiers in other companies are over forty years old. Even the first group to enter Xinjiang are already approaching retirement age.

Liu Qinghua only took 30 people with him this time. Because the situation was unclear, he just went to check the situation. And avoid conflicts.

When he arrived at the animal husbandry company, Liu Qinghua just went to inspect the situation alone with the company commander. Because it was buried just last night, the floating soil filled in is still clearly visible. The company commander pointed to an dug place and said:

"Political Commissar, what do you think this is? I can't understand it?"

Liu Qinghua looked down and saw a cable as thick as an arm lying in the dug trench. Because the outside is wrapped in black rubber, the structure inside can't be seen at all.

At this time, the sentry on the opposite side seemed to have noticed something unusual here, and stood on the sentry post and stared closely at the movement here.

Liu Qinghua couldn't figure it out after observing for a while. But I was so angry that I buried this thing right in front of our house. Are you still observing? So he waved his hand: "Sixth company commander, call the troops immediately and dig this thing out for me."

The sixth company commander saluted and left. Liu Qinghua ordered the soldiers of the guard company hidden in the grass to be ready to fight at any time.

This section of cable is not far from Liulian territory. It's about more than a thousand meters. Company Commander Liu brought more than 30 people back with pickaxes and shovels. Liu Qinghua took a shovel from his hand and started digging directly.

The soldiers followed suit, the team dispersed, and they all dug in. The cable is not buried deep, about twenty or thirty centimeters. In some places, I grabbed the excavated cable and pulled hard, and the remaining ten meters were pulled out.

In this way, more than a thousand meters of cables were dug out within an hour. It's just that both ends are in each other's territory, so I don't know what's the structure here?

At this time, the opponent's post was already facing a formidable enemy, and three or four people had already set up their guns and aimed them here. But the soldiers of the Sixth Company didn't take them seriously at all. Are you trying to figure out how to break this thing?

There was an impatient soldier who took a shovel and started shoveling it without waiting for everyone to come up with a solution. Not to mention, his shovel was sharp and he cut half of the cable open in just a few strokes.

Liu Qinghua observed it and saw that it was full of aluminum wires. It must be the cable. But naturally he can't just watch the cables being buried in our country.

"Get it out of the way and throw it back to them!" Liu Qinghua ordered. The soldiers immediately took action. At this time, gunshots were heard from the opposite post. The gun was fired into the air.

How could such a little trick scare the soldiers of the Corps? They were all people who had been playing with guns for decades.

Hearing the gunfire, the soldiers of the guard company naturally rushed out. The muzzle of the gun was raised high and pointed at the opposite post.

When the cable was shoveled into small pieces, they were thrown back to the other side. Liu Qinghua clapped his hands and shouted to the opposite side: "Next time you come to bury this in our country, I will put the loudspeaker directly on your outpost!"

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