Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 5 Love defeated by the house

I met Cao Qingqing at that time. She was the cashier of Jincheng Hardware Factory.

Because this factory often needs Ye Yuze's logistics company to transport goods. And their settlement method is monthly settlement. At the end of every month, the logistics company takes the receipt to the finance department of their factory to settle the bill.

Because he and his boss are from the same hometown, the boss trusts him more. Ye Yuze usually does all the chores. Ye Yuze also ran around a lot for things like checking out.

The first time he met Cao Qingqing, Ye Yuze, who came from a small county town, was astonished. So beautiful, with a high ponytail. The skin can be broken by blowing. Fair skin with pink hints. The facial features are all as drawn, without a single flaw.

The age when love begins. How could Ye Yuze resist this temptation? Every day when I have free time, I go to wait for her on the way to and from get off work.

I just have an introverted personality and never dare to express myself to others. I feel inferior too. Every time I follow them secretly for a while and then go home. He went back satisfied.

This persisted for half a year, until Cao Qingqing was scratched by a car while riding her bike. Fell to the ground.

He rushed forward with all his strength, lifted her up and watched carefully. Lest she get hurt in some way.

At this time, the driver came down and was obviously drunk. Not only did he not apologize, he even cursed and checked his car. Seeing that, I am ready to hold Cao Qingqing accountable.

How could Ye Yuze endure it at this time?

He rushed forward like crazy and started fighting with the guy.

Finally, the traffic police came to deal with the accident. That guy can't get away with driving drunk. Naturally, the car will be seized and detained.

But Ye Yuze injured the guy's arm during the scuffle. Naturally, compensation must be made.

However, Cao Qingqing was not injured, so these compensation methods naturally offset each other.

So Ye Yuze lost more than 3,000 yuan. Didn't he save any money at all when he arrived in Tianjin?

So he had no choice but to borrow it from his boss, who was very generous. I helped him get the compensation without hesitation.

More than three thousand, Ye Yuze's salary at that time was only more than three hundred. This is enough for him to last more than a year. Unexpectedly, Cao Qingqing found the logistics company the next day. Insist on giving three thousand yuan to Ye Yuze.

The two argued for a long time, and Cao Qingqing was firm. Ye Yuze could only accept it. He returned the three thousand yuan to the boss.

Then the two of them went to eat. Cao Qingqing asked Ye Yuze how he met her so coincidentally that day?

Ye Yuze didn't know how to lie, so he had to tell the truth about how he often secretly sent her to and from get off work.

The little girl blushed and looked at him lovingly for a long time. He was obviously moved!

The rest fell into place. People from the logistics company saw that Cao Qingqing often came to the company to look for Ye Yuze. How could they not understand what was going on?

Even the boss excitedly patted Ye Yuze on the shoulder and praised him: "You're a good boy! He really gives credit to us, the people of Qiu County!"

The next days are about mixing honey with oil. As long as Ye Yuze didn't go out with the car. I stay with Cao Qingqingni every day.

Until a year ago, Cao Qingqing's family discovered it. When I knew she was looking for a logistics driver. And when he was a foreigner. I couldn't help but get furious! Force two people to break up!

Naturally, the two of them would not give in. Ye Yuze had little pressure to resist. But Cao Qingqing suffers from fatigue bombing every day.

See if there's really nothing you can do about them. The family members thought about it. That means you must buy a house of more than 100 square meters near the city center.

I finally let go after seeing my family members. Cao Qingqing came to Ye Yuze excitedly to discuss buying a house.

After consulting the house price, the two of them were completely dumbfounded. Now Ye Yuze's income is not low, only more than three hundred.

At current house prices, you can buy one square meter in one year. Still not eating or drinking.

Ye Yuze was afraid that Cao Qingqing would be wronged because of his salary in the past few years. Basic moonlight clan. Where did the savings come from? From that day on, there was a grudge between the two of them.

We can't blame Cao Qingqing for this matter. After all, every woman wants to have a family. That is her most basic protection! Until the day Ye Yuze traveled through time, Cao Qingqing must have given up completely.

Ye Yuze finally fell asleep in the memory. In his sleep, he was already far away from that world, and there was a pair of invisible hands that almost erased all his memories. Only some fragmented fragments of his memories of his relatives and friends remain. Maybe this is what rebirth should be like.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming in a few days, my parents got up very early. Company hasn't had a holiday yet.

Dad is a doctor, so naturally he has to work in the clinic. And my mother’s job is in kindergarten. They get up early these days. Prepare things for the New Year.

The time in northern Xinjiang is two hours behind that in the mainland. So Ye Yuze woke up early. At eight o'clock, the genius here has just begun to shine.

I saw my parents getting up. He also got up and walked out of the house, only to see a horse galloping towards him in the distance.

Immediately it was a Kazakh man. It turns out that he delivers milk to the family. The Kazakh herdsmen near the company all work as family units. Scattered in their own pastures. But it is winter now, and everyone is concentrated in the winter nest.

Because my father is a doctor. When they are sick, they are used to coming to the company to see their father for medical treatment. Naturally, I have a good relationship with them. Therefore, Ye Yuze's family is never short of dairy products and beef and mutton.

This Kazakh man speaks Chinese very well. A few pleasantries were exchanged. Mom took over his skin. Go back to the house and pour the milk inside into the pot. Then he returned the skin to him.

When his father saw Ye Yuze getting up, he smiled and told him to call him Uncle Amir. Ye Yuze's eyes were shining, and Amir was riding a group of big white horses. tall and big.

Maybe it was because he had just passed a gallop and was breathing hot air from his nostrils. He also snorted from time to time.

Boys' love for this thing is natural. He couldn't wait to ride on it immediately. As for whether he can ride it or not, that is not a question for him to consider.

Amir saw Ye Yuze and knew that the boss of Dr. Wang's family was back. Smiling, he took out a handful of yellowish milky white lumps from his pocket.

"Come on, eat the milk pimples!"

Ye Yuze was a little hesitant. He didn't recognize this thing. Some dare not accept it.

The father smiled and let him take it. Said it was made from milk. tasty.

Ye Yuze finally took it and put it in his mouth in one bite. Then I almost vomited. It tastes so sour! He really couldn't get used to this. It is different from the yogurt of later generations.

In later generations, a lot of sugar was added to yogurt to give it a sweet and sour taste. And this milk pimple is obviously made from yogurt without any sugar. How could an eight-year-old Ye Yuze swallow this?

Looking at Ye Yuze's wrinkled little face. Father and Amir laughed together.

Amir pointed to Ye Yuze's hand. "There's something sweet in there, you can choose it yourself."

Then he mounted his horse and drove away. It seems he is going back to feed the sheep.

Mom started making breakfast, and dad brought a basin of sheep into the water from the south room. Pour in alkaline flour and salt and start cleaning.


This is a novel about regimental life, many of which are based on personal experiences. So don’t read this as a time-travel novel. Otherwise everyone will be disappointed.

There are no cheats or systems in the book. It's just the ordinary life of a group of retired soldiers who put down their guns to participate in frontier construction.

Because most people don't understand them. I just recorded their decades of frontier life from the perspective of a bystander.

Of course, there will definitely be exaggeration and exaggeration in the novel. If you don’t like it, don’t criticize it. As long as we each stay well

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