Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 474 Wei Zhongyi’s illness

It seemed there was only one way to go. After knowing each other for several years, Ye Yuze asked him for something, which was a big back door. This time it was a matter involving the Corps, and this was done openly through the back door.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number: "I'm Ye Yuze, is Grandpa Wang here?"

"What's the matter? Can you tell me?" The voice in the microphone was very stable, without any emotional changes.

Ye Yuze didn't hide anything and responded to the situation truthfully. The other side said wait, but there was no sound.

After a while, Grandpa Wang's loud voice came from the receiver. "Ye Yuze, is the situation serious this time?"

Ye Yuze quickly replied: "This time it is only regional, and other groups have not been affected at all. So I beg Grandpa Wang to use his privileges, and you can give me an account wherever the money goes."

"You're doing a good job in the factory, you seem to be making a lot of money, right? You look like you have a lot of money, so be careful not to go astray! But your performance is pretty good so far! Like a corps kid."

Ye Yuze suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect that his small factory would be noticed by Grandpa Wang. It seems that you should really pay attention to what you do in the future, otherwise it will be troublesome if you are caught and beaten.

"Just wait for the call and let Xiao Zhou contact you." Grandpa Wang always spoke so briefly and forcefully, and hung up the phone without asking any more questions.

Half an hour later, the phone rang again, it was secretary Xiao Zhou. "You go to Tianjin No. 1 Chemical Plant tomorrow. You can pick up the goods today. When you get to the station, just say it's an urgent shipment to Beijiang."

How dare Ye Yuze delay? Early the next morning, I drove Sun Lanyu's car straight to Tianjin City. When I arrived at the No. 1 Chemical Plant, I called Wang Chunsheng and told him to come over. He wanted him to help find a car to transport it to the train station.

After Wang Chunsheng arrived, Ye Yuze learned that there was a fleet of cars in the factory and he had been notified to take him to the train station for free.

After completing the check-in procedures and knowing that the train would leave in an hour, Ye Yuze breathed a sigh of relief. Wang Chunsheng looked at him with almost admiration: "Brother, how did you do it?"

Ye Yuze pointed to the sky and said nothing else. Wang Chunsheng didn't ask any more questions. There was no need to ask about many things. Even the mayor of Jin City didn't ask so vigorously, so what else could he ask? This time, Ye Yuze took things to another level in Wang Chunsheng's heart. This doll reaches the sky!

After such a big thing was done in half a day, Ye Yuze breathed a sigh of relief. First, I followed Wang Chunsheng to his office and made two phone calls. One is to tell Liu Qinghua the arrival time and train number. He has to send a car to the provincial capital now, and each car has to have two drivers taking turns. Otherwise, picking up the goods will be delayed for a day.

Liu Qinghua was overjoyed: "Yuze, Uncle Liu won't say anything. But I will definitely give you this Qiu Hou!"

"You don't have to give it to me. I'm not short of these two dollars. Taking good care of my dad is the best thank you to me." Ye Yuze didn't need to say polite words to him, just tell the truth.

Then I called my dad again and told him that the matter was done. I told my dad to take care of his health and so on, but he didn't expect to make my dad impatient with his nagging: "I'm not 70 or 80 years old, why are you so verbose?"

In fact, Ye Wancheng was upset. After Liu Qinghua took Wei Zhongyi to the regiment hospital, he suspected liver cancer. Because the regiment hospital was not well-equipped, he was sent directly to the provincial capital hospital. There are the most advanced instruments and experts in various fields here. Wei Zhongyi was diagnosed with liver cancer, and it was already in the advanced stage. Inoperable.

Of course, the doctor didn't tell Wei Zhongyi all this. Instead, he told Liu Qinghua over the phone, and Liu Qinghua told Ye Wancheng. People are already on their way back. There is no longer any need for hospitalization and he will be sent directly back to the regiment. He asked Ye Wancheng for his opinion, should he stay in the regiment hospital or be sent back to the company?

Ye Wancheng pondered for a while: "It's better to send him back and let him spend the last time with his wife and children."

After Wei Zhongyi returned to the company, Ye Wancheng told him that he had brucellosis. I need to rest and cannot go to work. The company gave him three months of sick leave.

Because Wei Zhongyi has been working at the hydropower station and has not had a break for many years. This long vacation made his wife extremely happy, but Wei Zhongyi still couldn't be happy and felt vaguely that something was wrong.

That night, when there was no one else in the clinic, he walked in, looked at Ye Wancheng and asked: "Dr. Ye, please stop hiding it from me. Is my disease out of cure? I have been living alone for so long. How is the situation at home?" You also know that if it really doesn't work, you can tell me so that I can make arrangements at home, and you also know that my wife will collapse if she doesn't make arrangements in advance!"

Ye Wancheng looked at this old comrade who had worked with him for ten years, and finally sighed and told the truth. Old Wei was a down-to-earth and conscientious person who worked hard. Maybe he shouldn't have kept it secret from him in the last moments of his life. The deadline given by the Corps General Hospital was three months at most.

Wei Zhongyi left the clinic silently, and Ye Wancheng didn't offer any further advice. There is no need to talk to a terminally ill person about the meaning and value of life. He had read through every book he could find these days, and there was really no cure.

Yesterday he even went to see a well-known local Uyghur doctor. Uighur medicine was not a doctor in the formal sense at that time. Rather, it is some Chinese herbal medicine knowledge mixed with poems or classics passed down from generation to generation in the Uighur tribe.

Of course, there are also people among the Uighurs who are good at this knowledge. Moreover, the unique herbs in northern Xinjiang are indeed miraculous in treating some diseases. Because people in some places live relatively scattered and there are no hospitals nearby, people spontaneously go to such people to see a doctor.

Ye Wancheng went there with the intention of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that the man told him that the disease could be cured. Just use the most venomous snake to soak in wine, and then eat the wine and the snake together.

Ye Wancheng didn't know if this recipe would work, but looking at Wei Zhongyi's lonely figure leaving, he decided to give it a try, even if he ate it first? As long as you are not poisoned, you can give Lao Wei a try.

Early the next morning, he called Wei Yuxiang, who had just finished the night shift. Go catch snakes with him. Wei Yuxiang wonders why Uncle Ye catches snakes? But he always obeyed his words. Without saying a word, I followed him up the mountain.

There are more snakes on the front mountain of the infrastructure company, because there is a cliff there, where Yang Geyong and others hunted pigeons. The reason why pigeons choose to build their nests on cliffs is to avoid natural enemies. Birds of prey such as eagles and hawks cannot enter their nests.

But there's one thing they can't guard against, and that's snakes. Snakes can travel between cliffs without any obstacles and devour their eggs.

One of the most terrifying snakes is the seven-inch snake, which is highly venomous.

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