Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 467 The Persistence of the Corps Soldiers

Although the leader sheep has absolute influence among the sheep. But because of his IQ, this guy can only walk in front of the flock, and no sheep dares to surpass him. However, the base of the flock is large, and the sheep behind him cannot see him and will get lost, but the leader sheep will never Take care of what happens later.

At this time, you will encounter a shepherd dog. A good shepherd dog can accurately and quickly carry out the owner's instructions. Take the sheep out on time every day and drive them back. But this is not possible in extreme weather like today, because many shepherds don’t know what to do?

Zhang Jianmin spread his legs and ran forward. He couldn't ride the horse, so he had to rely on his two legs. He needs to find the leader sheep and drive it back first. Otherwise, the leader will not have this concept before it is time to turn around.

His horse followed suit, and the horse walked faster than people. Zhang Jianmin saw the horse walking side by side with him, and with an idea, he went around behind the horse and grabbed the horse's tail. Urging the horse to go faster.

This method really works, the wind behind the horse is smaller. The speed of the horse can drag him faster.

Soon, Zhang Jianmin saw Hu Zi. Huzi was currently on one side of the flock, desperately chasing those sheep that were about to leave the group due to the wind. Seeing his master coming, Huzi wagged his tail like a windmill, his face full of arrogance.

Zhang Jianmin took out a piece of dried meat from his arms and threw it to it: "Huzi, find the first sheep, let's go home!"

Huzi swallowed the dried meat in two mouthfuls, and then ran forward. At this time, the hard snow particles began to fall with the wind. It was very painful when it hit his face, making Zhang Jianmin unable to open his eyes. At least the horse understood what Zhang Jianmin meant and kept walking towards the front of the flock.

Just now, a strong gust of wind blew away Zhang Jianmin's fur hat, and now his entire face was so cold that he almost lost consciousness. My thinking also started to become slow, and there was only one thought left in my mind: "I must drive the sheep back!"

Finally, Zhang Jianmin caught up with the leader who had been stopped by Hu Zi. It's just that this guy is obviously not convinced by Hu Zi's driving away, because he hasn't eaten enough yet, and the wind and snow have not posed any fatal threat to him in the eagle.

Seeing his master rushing up, the tiger roared several times, "Woof, woof!" This alpha sheep has a fierce personality and is brave enough to fight against wolves, so he doesn't have much respect for this dog. Therefore, tigers always rely on the power of others when their master is around.

Seeing the owner driving the leading sheep to turn around, Huzi also started to drive away the sheep that couldn't react. When we returned, the wind was favorable and the sheep moved faster.

The snow had already picked up halfway, and it was so white everywhere that I couldn't see the direction. But there is no need for Zhang Jianmin to worry about this. The sheep, tiger, and horse all know the way better than him. Animals in this game all have their own instincts. They can accurately find their nests no matter what the environment is. On the contrary, humans are the fastest evolving species, but this instinct has disappeared.

Xia Jianguo and Li Lian finally came out at this time. The three men drove the sheep into the pen together. Many people may think that sheep on the grassland are not penned and can sleep wherever they eat.

That is definitely a wrong perception. There are four fields a year, and there are sheep pens in each field. They are all simply enclosed with wooden or dry earth walls, so that dogs can patrol outside at night.

Without this pen, the sheep would dare to wander around anywhere based on their intelligence. When eaten by wild beasts such as wolves and snow leopards, these sheep basically don't even dare to bark and just become snacks for others. Just ask: "Does it taste good? I'll change anything that doesn't taste good!"

After entering the tent, the temperature inside was no different from outside. Zhang Jianmin quickly lit the stove with the prepared firewood. Unlike the Kazakhs, the Xingtuan people do not burn cow dung.

After the stove was lit, the tent gradually became warmer. Zhang Jianmin suddenly remembered something, hurriedly put on his clothes and ran outside. Li Lian asked him what he was doing.

Zhang Jianmin replied as he ran: "You two keep an eye on the sheep, and I'll go check on the platoon leader. He ran to the boundary marker by himself."

The Animal Husbandry Company of the Corps has always had an unwritten rule. The most fertile pasture, even if it is grown by oneself, must eventually be given to the herdsmen. The place where they graze their own cattle is always the place closest to the border.

Within the Corps, the pastures for young people will be further inside. Those who walk along the border all day long are veterans.

Zhang Jianmin knew where the platoon leader liked to graze. It is the small river ditch equal to the boundary line. Because there is water, the grass there will be lusher than elsewhere.

The platoon leader would never let Zhang Jianmin and the others get close there.

By this time, the wind had subsided and snowflakes were falling in large swaths. Zhang Jianmin urged his horse to start running. But the road was too difficult and the horse couldn't run at all. Zhang Jianmin had no choice but to move forward patiently.

Mainly because he remembered that when he met the platoon leader in the morning, he was wearing a fleece jacket with his arms open. He was afraid that the platoon leader would freeze. Zhang Jianmin was hungry and tired. He had been in such a hurry just now that he didn't even bother to eat. He dug into his pocket and threw two pieces of dried meat as snacks to Hu Zi.

After walking for more than two hours, Zhang Jianmin finally saw the sheep in front of him. But there was no trace of the platoon leader. He shouted several times but got no response. He hurriedly rode up a hillside and found a man lying in the river. He hurriedly urged his horse to run over, and he was indeed the platoon leader.

By this time he was frozen in the river. It turned out that the river had thawed. But the sudden drop in temperature caused another layer of ice to form. The platoon leader lay whole body in the water, and another layer of ice had condensed on his body.

Zhang Jianmin jumped down and pulled him out. The platoon leader was still conscious at this time, and grinned when he saw it was Zhang Jianmin: "Damn, these sheep kept trying to cross the border, and my horse even ran away. I ran back and forth in the river by myself, and finally stopped them, but I’m too tired to move.”

The platoon leader's voice became quieter and quieter, and finally became inaudible. Zhang Jianmin hugged him, wrapped his body in a fur coat, and put him on the horse. Starting to drive the sheep back.

Not far away, the company commander and his men also came over. Seeing the platoon leader on horseback, he quickly asked Zhang Jianmin what was going on? Zhang Jianmin told what he knew.

The company commander quickly ran back and shook the unconscious platoon leader. But no matter how much I shook it, there was no response.

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