Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 47 Military Reclamation Warrior

This time it took a little long for the instructor to go to the group headquarters. Generally speaking. He goes to the group for a maximum of two days at a time. Because after all, there are still so many things in the company.

But this time no one was seen for a whole week.

Ma Quanyi began to frequently summon some people with good connections who didn't know what they were studying.

The company has already begun to take turns. The vermicelli factory said it was a factory. In fact, it is a workshop. There were only about ten people in total.

The oil press shop only supplies oil for the whole group. So there is no need to produce every day. From the end of the New Year to now, the work has basically been suspended.

Wu Tianming is the busiest one in the entire company.

He patrols his territory twice a day, morning and evening. Once the new weapons on his warship are activated.

Although it's not too close to Lianli. But the whole company could hear it.

Now Lao Wu became the most diligent person in the company. Although it only takes an hour at a time. But people get up early and come back late!

They are all people who are used to working, and many people don’t know how to spend their days in this free time. Ma Quanyi simply announced the start of winter training.

Corps soldiers are also soldiers. They all have weapons. Their weapons were not taken back and were kept at home.

When needed, just blow the muster call. All soldiers will be fully armed and assembled within ten minutes. Although ready to complete any task assigned by superiors.

The division to which the infrastructure company belongs is later than other corps divisions. It was established because of an incident instigated by a neighboring country.

This incident had a great impact at the time, although the deceived people found themselves deceived when they arrived in neighboring countries. There is nothing like the heavenly life that those who instigated them say.

It's just too late. A large number of people want to come back. But our government did not give them another chance.

The motherland will never abandon its children. But we will not tolerate those who abandon their mothers!

To this end, the Construction Corps quickly mobilized troops from various divisions. A new division was formed. Quickly fill the empty border areas of Yili and Tacheng.

The slogan of this division at that time was three generations. It means farming, grazing, and managing on behalf of others!

Quickly collect the large amounts of land and livestock caused by the loss of population. and redrawing borders.

Let the deserted border quickly prosper.

The Corps is the continuation of the iron-blooded spirit of our soldiers.

Although they later lost their military ranks. But they will always be soldiers of the motherland! Not only are they.

Even their children are destined to shoulder the same mission from birth. That is, the motherland cannot be violated or trampled upon!

The military training in the company is not just about training and five-kilometer cross-country.

What they pay more attention to is live-fire exercises.

No matter how difficult the period was, the state did not impose any ammunition restrictions on the Corps.

Because the leader who formed this team was one of the founding fathers of the Republic.

No one of that era would be unfamiliar with that song.

That is the famous "Nanniwan!"

Guo Lanying's sweet voice sounded every time the broadcast came out. Everyone will be excited.

"The flowers in the flower basket are fragrant, please let me sing."

Not only does everyone in the Republic know this song. Also know the famous 359 Brigade. We will never forget the leader of the 359th Brigade.

It was this leader who brought the spirit of Nanniwan to the broader land of northern Xinjiang.

And the soldiers of the 359th Brigade. Already like tall poplar trees. It has taken root deeply in the desert of northern Xinjiang!

But that's just the top. And every soldier of the Corps never regards himself as a common person!

They are the soldiers of the king's leader, and they have tools in one hand. A soldier holding a weapon in one hand!

So, the result of each live fire shooting. The real army warriors are coming. You have to admire it too.

Corps soldiers are the real veterans. He is the military soul of our republic!

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong lay down behind a big rock to watch the soldiers practice target.

At this time, it was Yang Geyong's father's turn to shoot targets in a row.

I saw him lying on the ground. In his hand is a light machine gun. The bullet is pressed into a round iron box.

Finally, the iron box was stuck on the machine gun. A trigger. Dozens of bullets can be poured out in an instant.

Of course, that kind of play is definitely not suitable for target shooting.

Target shooting requires precision. Rather than the kind of momentum that plummets thousands of miles.

Yang Yulin took aim with his gun. "Da da da." One shot was completed.

The target reporter quickly ducked out from behind the stone.

"Five rings, six rings. Five rings!"

There was a great uproar. "The platoon leader is awesome! The machine gun has achieved results as good as a rifle!"

Yang Yulin frowned. He cursed: "I just reached the passing mark."

Then he continued to aim.

The target shooting performance of the Corps is generally a 100-meter rifle target. Ten rounds of bullets resulted in a passing score of 60 points.

A score of forty rings for machine gun fire is enough to pass. After all, you can't use a machine gun as a rifle.

The function of the machine gun is fire suppression rather than precision strike.

This time Yang Yulin closed his left eye again.

"Da da, da da da..."

After a crisp sound of gunfire. The target reporter immediately ran over to check again.

Then he froze. He stood there silently for a while.

Finally Ma Quanyi couldn't bear it anymore. asked. "What are you doing? Report the target quickly!"

The man shouted excitedly. "Company Commander, both the tenth and ninth rings have been knocked out!"

Even Ma Quanyi was stunned for a moment. Run over and check it out for yourself.

All I saw was the red number 10 in the bullseye. The paper and the 9-shaped circle on its outer edge were all torn. It became a hole.

This foreshadows. Yang Yulin's ten-shot burst score was 90 points at worst!

Because the machine gun bullets were large, the target paper was smashed. Ma Quanyi thought for a moment and took the lead in applauding. Then announce.

"Ninety-five rings! The platoon leader's point shooting performance is not only top-notch for our company, but also for the entire regiment and the entire division! We applaud and congratulate him!"


Warm applause broke out. Especially a platoon of soldiers. Platoon leader is their honor!

There are really only a few people in the group who can use a machine gun as a rifle.

During the new book period, everyone is welcome to collect and recommend it.

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