Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 443 New Year’s Goods

At that time, no one knew about jujube in northern Xinjiang. The younger brothers really felt that this fruit was new, and they started to eat it one by one. Only Ye Yuping had little interest in this thing because he had followed his grandma since he was a child, but his grandma just paid attention to him.

The old uncle's house has also been built, but it has not been decorated yet. It is the habit of rural people to put it away for a while before tidying it up. This way it won't get wet when you move in. Ye Yuze took a look at the New Year's goods prepared by grandma, including cabbage, tofu frozen outside, and radishes. Grandma seems to have gone all out this year and bought more than ten kilograms of meat.

But there are more than a dozen people in the whole family. How can this little thing be enough? Seeing that it was not too late, Ye Yuze drove directly to the county seat.

The old uncle stopped him and asked him what he was doing. Ye Yuze whispered that he was going to the city to buy meat. The old uncle pointed to the neighboring village. There was a big market there today and everything was sold. Ye Yuze waved to him to get in the car, and the two of them went to the market.

There has always been a market in my hometown. Even in the most difficult times, even though I didn't have much money, I would still take out the wealthier things at home and exchange them for what I needed. For example, fruits such as dates, apricots, and pears can be exchanged for cloth coupons and grain.

After two years of land contracting, people's lives have changed a lot. The rows of full pockets at the food stalls in the market are the best proof. These are all food sellers.

Regardless of whether there was food for sale in the past, even if someone did, they would only pack a few kilograms in a small bag and disappear in the blink of an eye. All that could be seen in the food market were elm bark, dried sweet potatoes and other food substitutes. .

"Is there enough food at home?" Ye Yuze asked his uncle subconsciously, because he was used to buying food every time he came back.

The uncle smiled, showing his white teeth: "If your grandma hadn't been so careful, our family wouldn't be able to finish the white wheat flour every day. But she wouldn't let her eat it. She had to give her one meal every two days, and she didn't know how to put it away. Why are you holding so much wheat? When new wheat comes in June, you don’t even know where to put it?”

Ye Yuze also laughed, this is a naked showoff! I didn’t expect that people’s lives would change so much in just two years after the household responsibility system was implemented. At least you won't go hungry. Ye Yuze bought some snacks and went straight to the meat stall. He couldn't celebrate the New Year without meat.

There are three stalls selling pork. The richness of the food is reflected in the pork. The thick layer of fat is as thick as four fingers. In the past, where did people have anything to feed pigs? They are all wild vegetables from the field mixed with boiling water and boiled. They are no different from what sheep eat. How can they gain weight?

However, pork is obviously more expensive than before. Today, the fattest part of pork costs one yuan a pound, and pork belly costs eighty cents. Pig heads cost six cents, and ribs cost five cents a pound. Big bones are given as a gift when you buy meat directly, and no one buys those things.

Ye Yuze directly rounded up the ribs from the three stalls. When paying the bill, his uncle competed with him to give him money. Ye Yuze asked quietly: "How much did grandma give you?"

The old uncle also whispered to him that at the end of the year, he and his uncle secretly kept some private money. After all, they were both married and had children. What could we do without some money? Grandma’s patriarchal system is still too strict.

Ye Yuze quickly pushed his money back: "If you spend it like this, be careful that my aunt won't let you go to the kang at night!"

After loading the ribs into the car, Ye Yuze thought about it and bought a large piece of fat. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain when he went back. Even if his grandma couldn't bear to scold him, she would feel distressed for several days.

The mutton in my hometown is cheaper, only 80 cents per pound, but the mutton is sold with bones. Ye Yuze asked for one directly.

The most rare thing is that there is beef for sale, and it only costs 60 cents a pound. Ye Yuze will definitely not let this go. The biggest regret when returning to the mouth is that it is difficult to eat beef. Although there are many cattle, they are all used for farming. Who is willing to kill them and sell them for meat?

After buying 60 kilograms of beef, the two of them returned home. Dad was in the yard with his uncle guarding the tractor and talking about something. Ye Yuze didn't know that Ye Yuze had bought this.

Seeing them coming back, the three younger brothers immediately rushed over and helped unload the truck. There is no refrigerator in my hometown, so the meat is hung under the eaves. There are several iron hooks under the eaves of grandma's house for this purpose. They are as high as one person from the ground and cannot be reached by cats and dogs.

The fourth child went to the kitchen with a leg of lamb in his arms. In his pocket were two knives that he sharpened with a saw blade. It's just that the charcoal must be fired again, and this project is a bit large.

Grandma smiled and watched the little grandson, whom she met for the first time, working there, and reminded him from time to time not to hurt his hands. If someone else had done this, he would have been scolded.

The third child also became interested when he saw so much meat. I took the initiative to find a few wooden sticks and ran to the yard to start burning charcoal, but my skills were not good. It was only after Lao Si cut the meat that the two of them worked together to make it successful.

Ye Yuze took some meat and a few bottles of wine and went to Ma Ye and Lao Rou's parents and told him about his situation. The old couple were very happy and said that they would definitely have a future in the capital.

Mr. Ma is living a very comfortable life now. After the land was divided, the family had a lot of labor, and he was good at tending the crops. There were bumper crops in both seasons of the year. He also bought the team's carriage, which made it almost My second son is also pulling bricks in the brick factory, and he is planning to buy another car after the Chinese New Year.

At that time, fireworks were not allowed to be set off, but there were no fireworks in the countryside, they were all firecrackers. People are no longer satisfied with that little red whip. There is a company in the village that specializes in making firecrackers, and Ye Yuze went to watch the production process.

A wooden head is placed on the beam, and underneath is a roller with a wooden board. The paper is spread on the table, and the wood is pushed, and a paper tube is rolled up. Then seal it with mud, and then fill it with medicine and twist it when the mud dries.

The popular cannon here is called Ten Rings and One Gudong, which is ten small whips with a marle in between. When it is fired, it is "pop, bang, bang!"

Generally, this kind of firecrackers cost one hundred rings and cost five for one dollar. Ye Yuze directly rounded up his firecrackers. This New Year's Eve I will go to the grave in the afternoon to release it. The emphasis here is that whose grave has firecrackers going off for a longer time, whose family will have an easier time.

Life has passed that era when the poorer we were, the more glorious we were. Only when the family has money and food, the daughter-in-law will come to the door. After eating, the most significant change in the village is that the price of wedding gifts and the things the woman wants has skyrocketed.

Now that you are getting married and there is no sewing machine or bicycle at home, the girls will ignore you. Ye Yuze secretly smacked his tongue. Fortunately, refrigerators and color TVs have not been popularized in rural areas, otherwise this stupid man would have been struggling for several years.

From twenty-nine to thirty, these two days were steamed pork buns. Generally speaking, no staple food is cooked at home before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. On those days, adults are busy visiting New Year greetings, and others will come to the house to pay New Year greetings. Meat and steamed buns can be eaten at any time if they are warmed up.

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