Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 441 Exploration of Reform

Liu Qinghua rubbed his brows and lay on the bed. The division's orders one after another made him and the regimental commander anxious. The contracting system has become an irreversible trend, but it takes a process for the Corps to adapt.

These soldiers are all good at fighting and can complete the tasks assigned to them. But once they were left to face life alone, they began to panic.

Since entering the army, they have been accustomed to obeying orders. Their leaders have arranged everything every day, and they just follow it. But suddenly no one was in charge, and everything was decided by themselves, which suddenly left them with nowhere to go. Habits are sometimes terrible things. Over time, they form dependence.

Every company has this situation. There is no wake-up number or departure number. You still get up early in the morning, and then you don’t know what to do? Most men are worse than women. Women knew they had land, so they took tools and urged men to work in the fields.

But when we got to the field, the man was still confused. Am I from the team? Why does this land belong to me? They even forgot how to plant the land because they were already used to everything being arranged by their leaders.

Many women began to run the family at this time. Most of the women in the Corps came from the countryside, but came to northern Xinjiang after they accepted the call when they became adults. They are no strangers to farming, but they cannot farm the land in northern Xinjiang.

The land allocated by the Corps is almost 60 acres per person, and 180 acres for a family of three. If there are more children, it will be even more. If you plant so much land like you do in your mouth, you will be exhausted and you will never finish it!

The geographical location of the group belongs to the Barluk Mountains. Although there are nine rivers in the territory, the rivers are all in ravines or depressions, and most of the cultivated land is on the hillside.

Therefore, most of the farming depends on the weather. Although there is heavy snow here in winter, there is very little rain in spring and summer. In addition, the sunshine hours are long, so it is very dry. Disasters such as strong winds and freezing damage also occur frequently, making farming a high-risk activity.

These things were all in Liu Qinghua's mind, but the general environment was something he couldn't resist, so he was racking his brains to find a feasible solution suitable for Yituan.

And there is the most important thing, a big thing that is ten times more important than farming, which is still his priority as a leader, and that is guarding the border. If the land, cattle and sheep are divided, will people's hearts be dispersed? Who will remember their true responsibilities when their hearts are broken?

If production is for life, then guarding this border is their real responsibility. Why was the Ninth Agricultural Division established in the first place? Why was a group formed? Isn't it just to fill in the blank areas along the border so that neighboring countries have no chance to take advantage of it?

Compared with other units, the First Regiment is the vanguard of guarding the border, so both the natural environment and the living environment are the worst. Many companies stationed on the hillside had no choice but to dig wells on the spot because they had no water source. However, the water in the wells was salty, but they still managed to survive.

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However, the Corps is no longer the former Corps after all. The People's Liberation Army is not in front of the name, but the Production and Construction Corps is added, which means that production and construction come first. Therefore, how to coordinate the relationship between production and border defense is the top priority at present.

The contract system has always been implemented, but the methods are different. But now, among the people in the whole group who have signed the contract, some people make money, but there are always people losing money. Even if they lose money, they will still be charged in the group, and no one will ask for the account. But after a year of hard work, they still owe money. They are all people with families and families. How do you ask them to live?

Therefore, leaders of the Youth League should go out to find out the situation before the year, and provide subsidies to such families to help solve their difficulties. These things have prevented Liu Qinghua from having a good sleep for many days.

However, the infrastructure contract signed by Ma Quanyi inspired the Youth League Party Committee. Although instructions for company contracting have been issued long ago, no company commander has yet dared to do so. But now it happened that a company with no land and no livestock was the first to take advantage.

Regarding this matter, the Youth League Party Committee was not blindly optimistic, nor did it directly sign a contract with the Infrastructure Company. Instead, Liu Qinghua went to investigate in person. He would not allow a grassroots leader to disregard the lives of others for the sake of great success. This kind of thing was not uncommon in a certain era.

The results of the investigation greatly excited Liu Qinghua. The facts are there. The income of the infrastructure company will definitely exceed a lot if it engages in contracting. The group must support this kind of thing!

So after assessing the risk tolerance of the infrastructure company, we gave the infrastructure company a fair contracting price, and the example of the first contracting company in the division was established.

The most important thing is to give the group leaders a new idea through this incident. That is, don't put all your energy on land and livestock. Soldiers should be strongly encouraged to develop side jobs so as to reduce the risks caused by natural disasters.

The figure of the child appeared in Liu Qinghua's mind again, and he sighed secretly: "Sure enough, I can't do anything without you! It's just that the group venue is too big, and you can't do it all with one method."

The infrastructure and equipment of the garment factory are all in place. In winter, the prefabricated panel factory has stopped working, but another problem has arisen, that is, there is not enough staff in the garment factory. Although the men are all free, but if you let a bunch of big men step on the sewing machines, the scene is indeed a bit inconsistent.

Nowadays, the women in the infrastructure company are like victorious roosters, walking with their heads held high. There is no way, men don’t make as much money as they do! Economics determines family status.

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