Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 437 This love can be remembered

After a few needles were inserted, the old man's pain was quickly relieved. He took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from the pain on his forehead, and couldn't help but praise: "Great craftsmanship! I didn't expect that the Corps has such a good Chinese medicine doctor?"

Ye Wancheng quickly shook his head: "I am not a Chinese medicine doctor, I am a Western medicine doctor. When I was in the training class, I learned acupuncture and pulse counting from an old Chinese medicine practitioner. Later, I explored it on my own and finally gained some experience."

The old man's surname is Lin. He is a cadre at the Qinhuai District Cultural Center in Jinling and is good at calligraphy. It's written in a thin golden style. It's just that rheumatism has tortured him for many years. Meeting Ye Wancheng today finally didn't hurt him. This disease causes pain for several days.

When he learned that Ye Wancheng was going to Tangcheng, Lao Lin couldn't help but lament the earthquake and was concerned about the current situation in Tangcheng: "That time, my sister's children also joined the medical team and went to Tangcheng. When they came back, they shed tears when talking about the scene at that time. "

Ye Wancheng couldn't help but be stunned. Is there such a coincidence in the world? He knows everyone from the Jinling Medical Team. I wonder who he is talking about?

He pretended to be unintentional and asked: "What is your niece's name? Girls must be scared when they encounter the situation at that time. There are too many injured."

Lao Lin nodded: "Who says it's not the case? She said that she was often frightened to tears. Later, she met a doctor from the Corps who helped her for several days before she got used to it. Her name is Ye Ling, and she is also a hard-working girl."

Speaking of this, Lao Lin didn't know what he thought of? Couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong with her?" Ye Wancheng was shocked and looked at Lao Lin with straight eyes.

"Didn't I get married the year before last? After getting married, I gave birth to a daughter. The couple originally lived a good life, but suddenly my husband went to Japan, and then they divorced last year. Now I live with the child. The man does not support him. fee."

Ye Wancheng fell silent, and he did not dare to ask any more questions. Now that it's in the past, let's get over it completely. That person and those things have nothing to do with him anymore.

Ye Yuze came to the capital again. He was called here by Laorou. This guy actually said he had no money. Ye Yuze was full of doubts, knowing that he left 10,000 yuan for him when he left! How can two people spend more than two months and spend so much. According to the prices at that time, he and the five or two people had to live on ten yuan a day, so they had to live in hot and spicy food, because the workers' monthly salary was only fifty or sixty yuan.

It just so happened that his father called and wanted to come back to visit the family, so Ye Yuze came over two days early and took his father back. The Chinese New Year would be celebrated in a few days.

Ye Yuze was startled when he entered his yard. The yard was full of things, including jars and jars, leaving only a gap in the walkway. Ye Yuze shouted, and the old man came out to greet him.

"Are you changing the scrap collection station?" Ye Yuze asked somewhat unhappily. No one would be happy if their yard was like this. After entering the house, it was even more lively. Some wooden furniture was piled up, and some were missing arms or legs. There is a bench in the main room, and tools such as saws and axes and planes are placed next to it. It seems that the old man is repairing these things.

"How broken is this thing? Isn't it a good idea to buy a new one? You don't mind being too tired!" Ye Yuze blamed again.

The old man remained silent, but a voice came from the room: "You know nothing! These are really good things. Once they are repaired, they can be sold for multiple times."

It turned out to be Na Wu walking out of the house. He looked at Ye Yuze impatiently, as if he would scold Ye Yuze if he kept talking.

Ye Yuze stopped talking. He still knew what this old man was capable of. If he asked me to buy it, I would definitely not be able to lose the money. But the key point is how can anyone live in this house? Of the three rooms, only the west room could be entered. His east room was full of things, even the Qiangong bed.

"I said, old man, even if you buy things, you still have a place to stay for yourself? There are so many piles that you can't even put them down. How do you usually cook and light a fire?"

The five eyes widened: "Who asked you to buy such a small house? Now that the houses in the capital can be transferred, why don't you hurry up and buy one? By the way, I have also gone through the procedures for you."

Ye Yuze finally listened to this. Siheyuan is a characteristic building in the old capital. He really doesn't feel bad spending money to buy it. So he asked: "Old man, do you know where I can buy it? If so, you can take me to see it."

"Okay, bring the money and let's go shopping. There was a set for sale a while ago, right on Nanchizi Street. Take it if it suits you. You won't lose money!" Na Wu agreed without hesitation. .

Now the old man is used to being taken care of by Lao Rou and serving delicious food and drinks. Although Lao Rou is his apprentice, he understands that this is all agreed by Ye Yuze, otherwise where would the money come from?

The three of them strolled to Nanchizi Street, and when they looked up, they could see the walls of the Forbidden City. The courtyards here are very large, and most of them have three entrances and four entrances.

Ye Yuze liked the area as soon as he saw it. Nawu walked to the door of a house, took the copper ring on the door and knocked on the door. After a while, a sentence came from inside: "It's coming, it's coming, stop knocking."

The door opened with a creak, and a guy with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks poked his head out. When he saw Wu, he was surprised and said: "Oh, isn't this Mr. Wu? What kind of wind brought you here?"

"Wai Feng! Who are you hiding from with such a sneaky mind?" Na Wu said angrily, reaching out and pushing the door open.

This courtyard is a large courtyard with three entrances, about seven or eight hundred square meters. Ye Yuze counted the houses, and there were probably more than fifty. The house was a little dilapidated, and it was obvious that the owner was not a diligent owner.

Nawu didn't say anything, took Ye Yuze for a walk and asked, "What do you think of this house?"

Ye Yuze nodded, he was naturally satisfied at such a big age. At least there's room for all the junk they got, and it can't even fit in a yard.

At this time, the thin monkey also understood the intention of Na Wu and the others, and his face was full of surprise. It seems he is in a hurry to sell the house.

"How much are you going to sell it for? Just tell me a suitable price, and I'll sell it to you today!" Na Wu didn't make any detours. It seemed that this thin monkey was not far from him. Not a word of nonsense.

The thin monkey rolled his eyes a few times, "Fifth Master, do you think fifty thousand is a success?"

Na Wu raised his foot and kicked: "Why don't you go and grab it?"

Thin Monkey dodged away and smiled slyly: "Then you have the final say on both sides. I will definitely not refute your face regarding the price you mentioned."

Na Wu lowered his head and thought for a moment: "Then let's take 40,000. At this price, you won't suffer any loss."

The thin monkey nodded without hesitation. His house is too big and has been difficult to sell. He has been planning it for several months, and the highest price he paid was 35,000. His asking price just now was also sky-high, so he had to pay back the money on the spot.

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