Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 430 Nightclub

"What's going on?" Wang Honghua looked a little stern. Ye Yuze didn't dare to tell lies in front of Wang Hong, so he had to tell the story in a low voice. I thought my ears would be twisted, but I didn't expect that Wang Honghua sighed, stretched out her hand and scratched his head: "He has grown up after all."

Since they had agreed to celebrate, they naturally couldn’t leave Martha behind. They discussed where to eat. At this time, Ye Yuze complained with a bitter face: "Western food is too unpalatable, and Chinese food has changed. I can't think of anything else in the United States." have eaten?"

Martha lowered her head and thought for a while, then suddenly shouted: "Friends, I will take you to try our German delicacies today. I guarantee that everyone will be satisfied!"

Ye Yuze was a little surprised. In his impression, the dishes in Western countries were all the same. Either the grilled steak was medium rare or the vegetables were chopped and mixed with salad dressing. It was not much different from the food of primitive people, but looking at Martha's tone, it seemed that German food was different, and she couldn't help but become interested.

The three of them drove out of the campus in Wang Honghua's Wrangler. Originally, Ye Yuze was about to drive, but two women stopped him and told him that if he drove without a driver's license in the United States, he would be sentenced if caught by the police. Ye Yuze had no choice but to give up. He saw all the police and patrol cars walking around the street.

The car drove out of the city and drove on a road for about forty minutes when a light appeared in front of it. It turns out that this place was a motel, and motels are also a cultural product of the United States. At first, there were no guest rooms. Travelers still rested in their cars, but they could provide places to eat and wash.

Later, it developed into a two-story building, with parking on the first floor and accommodation on the second floor. After all, sleeping in the car is too tiring.

This motel is obviously different. The yard is a bit big and full of cars. The yard is brightly lit. If you didn't look outside, you would feel like you were in a bustling town.

There is a restaurant here, which is not big but has a lot of people. The three of them went in and found a table to sit down at. Ye Yuze took a look at what the guests next to him were eating. He couldn't believe his eyes. Isn't that pork knuckle?

In the past few days in the United States, Ye Yuze thought that foreigners did not eat pork, but he did not expect that Germans actually eat it.

When ordering, Martha didn't need two people to interrupt. She waved to the waiter and ordered the dishes. When the dishes were served, Ye Yuze's mouth watered immediately. The pork knuckles were grilled until they were shiny, and there were also pork knee bones. What surprised Ye Yuze the most was that their potatoes and cabbage were actually cooked.

The waiter brought several kinds of beer and asked them which one to drink. Ye Yuze was more interested in the dark beer and ordered two bottles. Martha wanted the light beer. Wang Honghua didn't drink because she still had to drive.

Pork knuckles are not eaten roasted in China. Ye Yuze tasted them and was very impressed. Although it is not soft, it is chewy. And that pig knee bone is full of collagen. Even Wang Honghua couldn't stop eating.

What shocked Ye Yuze the most was their sausages. Most of the sausages in China were made of starch and had a unique taste, but their sausages were full of lean meat, just like the horse intestines in northern Xinjiang. And the dark beer has a slight bitterness in the mouth, but soon the aroma of barley fills the mouth.

This is the most satisfying meal Ye Yuze has had in the past few days. He kept clinking glasses with Martha, one sip at a time. Martha, a woman with a good capacity for drinking, drank several bottles with Ye Yuze without any reaction. Finally, after eating two slices of brown bread with cheese and butter, the three of them left the restaurant. Martha's smile was as bright as a flower. She was really happy that two Chinese people liked their country's food so much.

It was time to go back, but Martha was obviously still unfinished. She pointed to a sign with neon lights and asked. "Would you like to go in and try a typical American Nightclub?"

Ye Yuze didn't understand this word, but Wang Honghua obviously understood it, but she hesitated. Martha advised: "Since it's a celebration, then have some fun. It's rare for you to come out."

Wang Honghua explained to Ye Yuze that this was an American nightclub, similar to a domestic dance hall. This Ye Yuze is really interested. After all, he is a young man and it is the time when he wants to try everything.

Wang Honghua regretted it just after entering the door. It turned out that the sound insulation effect here was very good, and there was no sound at all from outside, but the music inside was deafening. Groups of young people with various costumes and hairstyles were scattered everywhere, all doing the same thing, which was twisting their buttocks like provocative monkeys.

The light was very dark, and several colorful neon lights kept rotating on the roof, making the colorful lights dance in various colors in the room. In the middle of the room were two dance floors, on which young men and women crowded and danced in various styles. It's just that some of the actions they made made Wang Honghua really afraid to watch them.

When Martha arrived here, she immediately became excited and ran to the bar to order a few bottles of Chivas Regal and stuffed one bottle each. She even forgot that Wang Honghua couldn't drink. Then he opened the bottle and took a sip, then rushed to the dance floor with Ye Yuze.

Music and alcohol are the best catalysts to stimulate emotions. Originally, Ye Yuze couldn't dance, but after being pulled to the stage by Martha, he drank a few gulps of wine and started swaying along with the crowd. Anyway, those people looked like they were dancing in a messy way.

Martha's appearance stood out among the crowd, and soon several black men with dreadlocks gathered around her. They kept making various provocative moves around Martha. One of them even let go of his female companion, held Martha's crotch and pushed her forward.

How could Ye Yuze be willing to suffer such a loss? After all, Martha was his dance partner now. He also followed the guy's example and nudged the black partner. Martha covered her mouth and giggled, not taking these actions seriously at all. On the contrary, the girl raised her middle finger and gestured downward to express her contempt for Ye Yuze.

At this time, the black man quit. He walked up to Ye Yuze and pushed him. Ye Yuze reached out and pushed, and the guy sat down on the dance floor.

When several of the black man's companions saw that their own people were suffering a loss, they were about to move forward. At this time, a strong man came up and stopped them. Tell them that it is okay for two people to fight, but they are not allowed to fight in groups, otherwise he will not be polite.

Seeing the strong man's height of nearly two meters and his bulging muscles, those guys didn't dare to move. At this time, the crowd surrounded Ye Yuze and the black man who took action, cheering them on. It was not a big deal to really watch the excitement.

Ye Yuze had been drinking a lot of beer during the meal. He had just drank half a bottle of Chivas Regal, and he was in a state of high excitement. He kicked the knee of the braided man who had already rushed over.

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