Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 404 Household Transfer

"Yang Geyong, you bastard, do you know how hard it was for me to find you?" Zhao Ling'er's voice was so loud that even Hong Xuesi who was standing aside heard it clearly. He looked at Yang Geyong with some suspicion. "Is this child a fugitive?"

Yang Geyong took the receiver away, and waited until Zhao Ling'er finished losing her temper before patiently explaining: "I encountered some things, so I walked around. Now in Yining, everything is fine."

Zhao Ling'er's voice was choked up after she lost her temper. In the past few months, she had missed Yang Geyong all the time. If Ye Yuze disappeared, she would not be so worried. That guy was too clever. No matter where you go, it's others who suffer.

But this silly guy Yang Geyong is not like that. He doesn't like to talk, and he can't speak well. She would take action if she disagreed with him. She was really worried that something would happen to him.

She knew about Yang Geyong and Chi Naer. She has also experienced that feeling. When Ye Yuze first left the regiment, her mentality was like that, and her whole person collapsed. But after knowing that Ye Yuze didn't love him, it took him a long time to calm down. Feelings cannot be forced.

She had indeed been looking for Yang Geyong, and she had also gone to Chi Na'er several times for this purpose, but she got nothing. Yang Geyong seemed to have disappeared from the world, and she could only torment Ye Yuze every two days.

Ye Yuze was so annoyed by her that he finally shouted to her: "My brother is more stable than me and will not be irrational. He is just tired and wants to find a place to quiet down. Stop messing around and wait for him You’ll contact me when you calm down. I’ll let you know when you contact me, okay?”

Ye Yuze really wasn't too worried. He understood Yang Geyong's temper. There are just some things that I haven't figured out yet. When I figure them out, I will naturally contact you.

The moment Zhao Ling'er heard Yang Geyong's voice, although her mouth was roaring, her whole body was soft. It was like a string that had been stretched for a long time and finally broke, completely relaxed.

After Zhao Ling'er calmed down completely, she still couldn't get out of her voice and asked angrily: "I didn't know anyone when I was happy, but now I think of me, tell me, what's going on?"

Yang Geyong told her about the transfer of household registration. Zhao Ling'er fell silent. She was very happy in her heart. Although Yang Geyong was not with her, her hukou was back and she was close to her in her heart.

Hearing that there was no movement from Zhao Ling'er, Yang Geyong thought that Zhao Ling'er was not willing to take care of this matter, so he said: "If it's embarrassing, forget it. I'll call Yuze and ask."

"How dare you! Why don't you look for him in Northern Xinjiang? I'll just ask my dad to issue a transfer order for you and move your household registration back."

When she heard that Yang Geyong was looking for Ye Yuze, Zhao Linger became angry. She really hated Ye Yuze's careless look on this matter.

After saying these words, she still thought of a question. He asked tentatively: "You haven't told Ye Yuze where you are yet?"

Yang Geyong replied in a low voice: "I was the first one to call you. If you can handle this matter, don't tell him, otherwise he will run here again."

Zhao Ling'er suddenly felt happy. He was the first to contact her, but what was there to be happy about being the first to contact her? She didn't know and didn't think about it.

Zhao Ling'er always acted vigorously and resolutely, so she immediately called her father to tell her the story. Although Deputy Division Commander Zhao was always honest and dedicated to the public, he was still willing to do such things for the sake of his daughter, so he issued a relocation permit directly from the division headquarters and sent it to Yang Geyong's home by registered mail.

Yang Yulin had already figured this out, so naturally he would not stop him. After receiving the letter, he took out Yang Geyong's household registration and sent it back to the division.

Naturally, Zhao Ling'er could not transfer Yang Geyong's household registration to Emin, but to the regiment headquarters. After finishing these things, it was time for the winter vacation. Zhao Ling'er simply took the car directly to Yining and sent Yang Geyong's household registration book to him.

This thing is said quickly, but it took almost a month to complete the whole thing. During this period, the line reconstruction of the woolen mill was almost completed.

Hong Xuesi looked at the cobwebs hanging above people's heads in the past, and the wires were no longer there. Instead, there was a much neater and cleaner workshop. How could this change make him not excited? He is now urging Yang Geyong to ask about his household registration three times a day, for fear that if he is not careful, the boy will run away.

At this time, Zhao Ling'er arrived. After not seeing each other for a few months, Zhao Ling'er has become slim and graceful. She is seventeen years old and will take the college entrance examination next year. She is a big girl. Yang Geyong was doing the final installation in the central control room at this time.

Because the line modification is carried out in batches, a main gate must be built in the central control room at the end. After all the lines have been modified, the power will be cut off and the main gate will be connected and it will be completed.

At this time, Yang Geyong could hardly recognize himself. He was unshaven, and the color of his work clothes was no longer visible. It was so dark that he could stand even if he took it off and poked it.

Any other person would be disgusted by this image, but Yang Geyong gave people a sense of slovenliness and bohemianness, which actually added to the flavor of a man.

It was already lunch time, and several waves of female workers who came out to buy food came here and asked Yang Geyong what he wanted to eat and bring them back to him, but he declined them all. All this was seen by Zhao Ling'er, and she felt an inexplicable sour taste in her heart.

At this time, Hong Liu also ran in with a basin: "Yongzi, don't do it yet. This is your favorite braised noodles. I asked my cousin to catch a good pair of beef for you."

Yang Geyong looked up at her and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll eat this screw once it's tightened. Why did you bring someone else's basin? I'm not a pig..."

As soon as he said this, Yang Geyong's eyes seemed to catch something, and he quickly raised his head and looked over. I saw a familiar figure standing on the side of the door, looking at him intently.

Yang Geyong threw down the board and rushed over: "Ling'er, when did you come? Why didn't you call me?"

Zhao Ling'er pouted: "I thought you were suffering, but I didn't expect you to fall into the pile of beauties. No wonder you are so happy that you don't miss Shu. Can you hear me when I call you?"

As for Zhao Ling'er, Yang Geyong never quarreled with her and couldn't quarrel with her. Usually the best way is to just go along with her and wait until she's done venting before she behaves.

Hong Liu looked at Zhao Ling'er with a complicated expression. She suddenly felt inferior. This girl was too beautiful. Although she was not as tall as herself, she could only feel ashamed when she stood with her.

"Yongzi, who is this? What a beautiful sister." She couldn't help but ask.

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