Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 364 The Moment of Life and Death

Chi Na'er has been going crazy these days. She has been running to the Second Company several times. No one knows where Yang Geyong has gone. Moreover, Chi Naer saw that many people in the second company were moving, saying that the company was about to be disbanded.

She was a little girl, and her living environment had always been simple. She didn't know that she had to go to the leaders of the company to ask about this kind of thing. She asked young people of a similar age. But these people really don’t know what Yang Geyong is doing?

Chi Na'er knew where Yang Geyong's family lived, but she didn't dare to go. Girls' hearts are sensitive and fragile. From Yang Geyong's attitude, she knew that Yang Geyong's family did not approve of their affairs.

In the end, she gritted her teeth and went. Yang Geyong took Ma Ling and Yu Lan to her yurt, and she vaguely remembered Ma Rong's name. Only after asking about it at the infrastructure company did we find out that Ma Rong went to school in Lao Yumin.

I am quite familiar with Chi Naer, the old Yumin, because that is her commune. There are also some friends. So she rushed directly to the old Yumin Middle School.

After finally waiting for Ma Rong and the others to finish school, Chi Na'er finally recognized Ma Rong's figure at the school gate. Yu Lan beside her confirmed her guess, so she stepped forward to talk to Ma Rong.

Ma Rong remembered Chi Naer. This Kazakh girl made delicious milk tea. He was very happy to see her come to him. Chi Na'er didn't know how to exchange pleasantries, so she grabbed Ma Rong's arm and asked: "Sister Ma Rong, do you know where Yang Geyong went?"

Ma Rong was stunned. She didn't know much about Yang Geyong and Chi Naer, but she had a vague idea. Seeing how anxious she was, he hurriedly told her: "Yang Geyong's family has been transferred back to his hometown. They are in Hebei."

In fact, Ma Rong felt quite disappointed during this period. The departure of Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong made her feel empty. In the past, they went to school at the regiment headquarters and could see each other every once in a while, but this time they really left completely.

She doesn’t know how far Hebei is from Northern Xinjiang? But she understood that she might never see him again in this life. Seeing Chi Na'er's anxious look, she seemed to understand something. Instead of leaving together with Lan and the others, she got on Chi Na'er's horse and ran towards the company. She was going to find her father to get Yang Geyong's detailed address. .

Before Yang Yulin left, he left addresses for everyone he had good connections with. It will be convenient for everyone to have the opportunity to get together when we go back to visit relatives in the future.

The address was easily reached, but Chi Naer was worried. She doesn't know much Chinese, let alone writing. Ma Rong saw her dilemma and wrote a letter for her. The address was naturally the Infrastructure Company. The postman could not deliver it to Chi Naer's house.

After agreeing on a time to meet, Chi Naer hurried back and it was already dark. It was not safe for a girl to ride a horse at night, so Chi Naer refused to stay overnight despite Ma Rong's efforts. She ran away secretly. I wonder how anxious the family is now.

Today is the end of April on the lunar calendar, and there is no moon in the sky. Anyway, the bright starlight illuminated the way for Chi Na'er, and Chi Na'er galloped away. She was worried that her parents had already started to look for her at this time, because she had never been out at night. After all, this was a grassland where wolves often appeared.

Maybe it was time for something to happen. Chi Na'er found two pairs of green eyes looking at her on the hillside nearby. Children in the grassland were very familiar with wolves, and her heart couldn't help but "thump".

A horse is faster than a wolf, but that's relative. Horses are fast, but have poor endurance, so generally speaking, you can catch up with horses when chasing wolves on the grassland. What's more, Chi Na'er was riding an old horse and her legs were no longer strong.

Two wolves rushed down the hillside leisurely, they were in front of Chi Na'er. At this speed, Chi Na'er can be intercepted. Lao Ma also discovered the wolf. Animals are more sensitive to danger than humans.

The old horse started to accelerate without any urging from Chi Na'er. The two wolves also began to speed up, and the two wolves and one horse began to chase on the grassland. Just after running for a while, Chi Naer's horse began to breathe heavily. Its physical strength is no longer enough.

But the horse did not give up and used his last strength to gallop ahead. The horse knows how to protect its owner, and perhaps its cherishment of its own life is not as strong as its awareness of protecting Chi Naer.

Chi Na'er's father started to worry when he didn't see his daughter after driving the sheep home. My daughter is very well-behaved and never runs away. He thought for a moment and roughly understood where his daughter would go. So he rode his horse and galloped towards the second company. On the way, I happened to see the warrior who won the sheep-catching competition with Yang Geyong. His name was Arslan.

Seeing Chinar's father running anxiously, Arslan, who was drunk, stopped him and asked: "My respected uncle, where are you going to attend the party in such a hurry?"

Seeing him, Chi Naer's father was very happy. He quickly shouted: "Arslan, Chi Na'er is missing. I'll go to the Second Company to look for her. You go to the Infrastructure Company. She probably went to find that Yang Geyong. It's dark, and it's dangerous for her to walk alone."

When Arslan heard this, he immediately woke up from the wine. He nodded and didn't talk nonsense. He just hit the horse and ran towards old Yumin. This guy is very skilled in riding horses, and his horse is the best horse on the grassland. The running speed is natural and fast.

Chi Na'er's horse was completely out of power, and Chi Na'er could already feel the whole body of the horse trembling under her crotch. Chi Na'er was a little sad. Children on the grassland all know that if a horse runs like this, it will basically die. Even if it survives, it will never be able to run again in the future. It has become a complete useless horse.

At this moment, Chi Na'er suddenly didn't care whether she would be eaten by a wolf, and said softly: "Don't run away. If I am destined to be like this, let me become a grass on this hillside today." .”

The horse didn't understand her words, but felt the gentleness of its owner's hand on the horse's mane, so it raised its head and hissed, exerted force on all four hooves, and rushed forward again!

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and the horse's front hooves suddenly stepped into a hamster hole. Horses on the grassland are most afraid of hamster holes. If they step in with a hoof and rush forward, the horse's legs will be broken immediately. Therefore, few people dare to run wildly when riding horses at night, just for this reason.

The horse rolled on the ground several times and became completely motionless. This horse had reached the point where it was exhausted for its owner, and it immediately lost its life after this fall.

Chi Na'er's body was knocked up, flipped several times in the air, and then fell hard to the ground. He fell unconscious all of a sudden.

The two wolves chased after them, glanced at the prey that had lost the ability to resist, and then walked towards the horse together. The relationship between wolves and shepherds is very complicated. Unless they are really about to starve to death, they will not eat humans.

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