Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 358 Yang Geyong who can’t afford stamps

Yang Yulin first searched all the money in Yang Geyong's pocket. He understood that this son was too wild-minded and would easily disappear once he got rich.

Although Yang Geyong has good physical strength, he is exhausted from the whole day's work. But at this time, he had no good solution. His father had resigned from his job and his household registration had been transferred back. Even if he returns to Northern Xinjiang, there will be no place for him there.

Of course, he must have a place to go, and that is Chi Naer's house. However, Yang Geyong was still a little unwilling to enter a Kazakh family like this. His home is in the Corps and the Animal Husbandry Company.

Because he didn't know he was coming back, he didn't even bring a notebook with Ye Yuze's contact information on it. At this time, even Ye Yuze could not be contacted at all. The only way is to write to Zhao Linger and ask.

A farmer's work is endless after planting peanuts. Weeding and fertilizing are also required. It has been two months since all these things were completed.

There is less farm work, and there is not much money left from northern Xinjiang to settle down and buy a house. The brigade they belong to belongs to the ocean area and is called Xuzhuang. Most people in the village have the surname Xu, and the Yang family is also a wealthy family.

There is a village-run enterprise in the village that is a power distribution equipment factory. Most of the people working there are young people from the village. The brigade secretary's surname is Xu, and his name is Xu Mao. He is also the factory director, and the accountant is his daughter who just graduated from high school. My name is Xu Qiangwei. The daughter is very beautiful, one of those beauties of later generations who are as thin as lightning. The little face is very delicate. However, in that era when women were expected to be fertile, many families were unwilling to marry such girls.

The purpose of marrying a wife is to carry on the family line. If you marry a girl with no breasts and no butt, she will be a burden and will not be able to work. Even looking at giving birth to a child is scary. So even when the girl was in her twenties, no one proposed marriage. You must know that at that time, all rural people aged eighteen or nineteen got married.

Yang Geyong naturally wanted to work in the factory when he was free. The salary here is neither high nor low, about thirty yuan a month. Rather than saying it is a village-run enterprise, it is better to say that it is his own enterprise that the brigade secretary uses the reputation of the brigade to associate with.

Xu Mao has a wide range of social connections, and many leaders in the city give him face. Therefore, the products of this factory are basically in short supply.

Yang Geyong has always been the kind of person whose hands-on ability is stronger than his words. For various equipment with strong electricity and weak points, he had a thorough understanding of it in half a month, and he could basically get started with electric welding in a few days.

What boss wouldn't like such a young man? Knowing that he was only seventeen years old, Xu Mao paid special attention to him and asked him to learn skills from an old engineer who had retired and been reemployed in the city. This is to train him as the pillar of the factory.

Originally, the apprentice's monthly salary was only 18 yuan, and the official salary was 30 yuan only after three months. However, after one month, Yang Geyong's salary was directly increased to 50 yuan. This is because he can do all kinds of work in the factory.

Working in the factory is not as tiring as farming, so Yang Geyong has free time. Yang Yulin took the eighteen yuan from last month directly. He also promised that he would leave ten yuan to Yang Geyong this month.

Yang Geyong was very conspicuous among the young people in the factory. His hair was slightly curly, his facial features were relatively three-dimensional, and he was tall and relatively strong. In that era of widespread lack of nutrition, he naturally looked very special.

Yang Geyong always wanted to write a letter to Zhao Ling'er, but he didn't even have the money for stamps. The envelopes had already arrived, and there was glue in the factory. He used white paper to glue a few for himself.

On this day, the work was finished early, and he was taking out the envelopes he had made to study. Studying how to make it more similar to the one for sale, otherwise he would be afraid of sending it out and being called back by the post office. As for the stamps, he also figured out a way. The letter carriers in the brigade are now kept in the factory, because they guard the roads here.

He looked at it several times and found that the postman was sometimes in a hurry and did not seal the stamp. Unstamped stamps can be reused. It's just that I haven't noticed anything like that in the past few days. Today when he saw the postman coming, he ran into the office again.

Usually there are only Xu Mao and his daughter in the office, and the workers will not come here if they have nothing to do. Yang Geyong came more often, because Xu Mao always called him in to ask about things in the factory, and he became familiar with Xu Qiangwei more often. The two of them joked a bit from time to time.

Xu Qiangwei looked at Yang Geyong picking at the envelope and said casually: "I have read all the letters that are not yours."

Yang Geyong ignored her and continued to pull her. Then his eyes lit up and he finally found a stamp with only one side covered. It shouldn't be visible if you rub it with an eraser. He took out a small razor blade and carefully peeled off the stamp. Then he asked Xu Qiangwei for an eraser and wiped it carefully until he was sure that it was no longer visible, and then stuck it on his envelope.

"When the postman comes tomorrow, give him this letter and let him send it away. Don't forget it." After Yang Geyong told Xu Qiangwei, he walked out.

"Why did you take the stamps off other people's letters instead of buying them yourself?" Xu Qiangwei asked curiously.

Yang Geyong didn't even look back, he simply said "No money!" and left the house.

When Xu Qiangwei picked up his letter, she felt something was different. After reading it, she realized that he had made the envelope himself and had drawn lace on it. It looked very nice. The address is Beijiang, and the recipient is Zhao Linger. The name sounds like a girl, but what kind of girl is this? For the first time, Zhang Qiangwei became interested in a stranger.

Zhang Qiangwei likes Yang Geyong. Such a tall and big boy is not common, and he has a simple and honest personality. Xu Qiangwei has always been very enthusiastic towards him, but this guy didn't know whether he didn't understand or didn't pay attention, and never responded to Xu Qiangwei.

Seeing the three words Zhao Ling'er, Xu Qiangwei felt that she had found the root cause. Curiosity made her want to see what was inside. But she was timid and was afraid of being discovered by Yang Geyong. It wasn't until the factory got off work and Yang Geyong returned home that she followed Yang Geyong's example and opened the envelope with a razor blade.

The letter was short, just a few lines. That is to say, he was brought back to his hometown by his father, and now he doesn't have a penny, and Ye Yuze's address has also been lost. Call Zhao Ling'er's father Ye Yuze's address and tell him that he wants to write a letter. He doesn't want to stay in this place and wants to go back to northern Xinjiang. Ye Yuze must have a way.

Xu Qiangwei suddenly wanted to burn the letter. She was afraid that the man named Ye Yuze really had a way to get Yang Geyong away. Although she and Yang Geyong had basically nothing to talk about, she really didn't want to let him go.

After hesitating for a long time, she still didn't dare to burn it. Wait until Yang Geyong gets the address and writes to Ye Yuze. His household registration is in the village, where else can he go? In this era, it is difficult to live anywhere without a registered permanent residence.

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