Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 355 Ye Wancheng sets up a stall

Ye Wancheng and Chen Mingsheng came to his hometown together. This is a small village close to Guangzhou. Although it is a village, Ye Wancheng was surprised by the houses of every household. Most of the houses in rural areas are self-built, but that kind of splendor is really beyond what Ye Wancheng could have imagined.

By the time he arrived at Chen Mingsheng's house, Ye Wancheng had completely understood why he asked to be fired. This family's house in the village is like a dig house in northern Xinjiang now, and it can only make people look at it with suspicion. Even the children coming in and out didn't dare to raise their heads, for fear of seeing the pitiful eyes of the villagers.

Ye Wancheng sighed, times are really different. Especially the south, which has become two completely different concepts from the north. He didn't say anything more, took a hundred electronic watches with Chen Mingsheng and left. This time Chen Mingsheng took three hundred yuan.

Ye Wancheng didn't take that much. His total net worth was only five hundred yuan, which he still had to borrow from Yang Yulin, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make up enough for travel expenses. Chen Mingsheng wanted to go to the Corps to sell, and asked Ye Wancheng to go with him. Ye Wancheng thought for a while, but still refused. He really couldn't bear to make money from his comrades.

He took the train from Guangzhou and headed north. He was originally going to Tangcheng. He just thought that he had not earned any money yet, but his job was gone. He had no shame to see his wife and children, so he got out of the car when passing by Jinling.

Walking out of the train station, he was a little confused. He had never done anything like this before and didn't know how to do it. So, he walked to the edge of the square in front of the station, found a clean place to sit down, spread a handkerchief on the ground, and put the electronic watch on it.

I just sat there for over an hour and no one even asked. He had no choice but to put away his things in frustration and wanted to eat something. There were many vendors selling goods in front of the station. He followed the flow of people and walked out, hoping to find a state-owned restaurant to have something to eat. He had a natural feeling of repulsion towards small vendors. Although he is currently a hawker himself.

When he arrived at the restaurant, he was just about to order food when he took out his pocket and found a cut in his jacket pocket. The money inside was gone, along with the letter of introduction that had been packaged with it.

Ye Wancheng stood there blankly as if he was struck by five thunders. In addition to buying goods, he should have had 200 yuan in his hand, but on the way here, he spent almost 80 yuan on travel expenses and food. Although Chen Mingsheng kept fighting for it, how could he possibly take advantage of Lao Chen's money. His burden is heavier than his own.

But now the 120 yuan is gone. Along with a letter of introduction. Now I only have thirty cents and twenty kilograms of food stamps in the lower pocket. This money can still buy a bowl of rice and a vegetarian dish, but after spending all the money, I will completely stop eating.

Ye Wancheng had no choice but to just have a bowl of rice and eat it with the free vegetable soup in the store, which at least filled his stomach. He doesn't know what to do next? Without a letter of introduction, I couldn’t even stay in a hotel, so I was a person without an identity.

After walking out of the hotel, he unconsciously followed the crowd. He didn't know how long he walked until he felt tired. When he stopped to rest, he found that he had reached the edge of the Qinhuai River. Ye Wancheng is also a person who likes reading, but he never expected that the legendary ecstasy cave would now become a smelly ditch.

However, there are still many shops here. Although the river emits a foul smell, it does not affect those leisurely people shopping. There are already some vendors on this street, most of them selling snacks. Occasionally you can see one or two clothing stalls.

Seeing this, Ye Wancheng opened his stall again and saw others shouting in Nanjing dialect that he couldn't understand. He tried several times but couldn't shout out.

But a commercial street is a commercial street. Even if he is not selling, there will always be people stopping to look curiously at this unprecedented watch. "how much is this?"

Finally, two young men stopped and asked about the price.

"Ten, ten yuan." Ye Wancheng gritted his teeth for a long time and finally told the price. He was really embarrassed to ask for fifteen. Although Chen Mingsheng always sold it at that price, he felt it was too evil.

After trying it on her wrist for a long time, the girl finally picked a pink one and put it on, and helped the young man choose a black one. Then he took out ten yuan and waved it towards Ye Wancheng: "Ten yuan and two yuan, do you want to sell it? If not, we will leave!"

How can Ye Wancheng know how to bargain? There is no such thing as bargaining when buying things in Beijiang? He looked at the girl at a loss, not knowing what to say?

Seeing that he was only looking at her, the girl frowned and let out a soft "hum" in her nose. He said, "Hillbilly, and then left to mind his own business."

Ye Wancheng looked at his old military uniform. He had not changed it after rolling on the train for many days. It smelled bad now, so he could only laugh to himself. I wanted to go wash in the river, but because of the smell, I gave up in the end.

It got dark soon and started to rain lightly again. Ye Wancheng had to hide under the eaves of a shop. I definitely can’t stay in a hotel, and I’ll have to sleep on the street today. A total of four watches were sold just now, but Jinling people seemed to be good at bargaining, and everyone was only willing to pay five yuan.

This time Ye Wancheng learned his lesson and kept tightly guarding the pocket containing the money. If it gets stolen again, you will have to starve. Now I can only sell everything quickly and make money before buying more goods. He won't go to Tangcheng unless he earns enough money.

He calculated for a long time that if one piece was sold for five yuan, the five hundred yuan would only be enough to cover his capital. This would definitely not work. The price would have to be raised tomorrow.

He lay on the stone steps and fell asleep with his big school bag containing the electronic watch on his pillow. In his sleep, he was still muttering: "You must sell it for ten yuan, otherwise you will lose money."

Early the next morning, he found a water pipe to wash up. I also washed my clothes, put them on a tree, and set up a stall under the tree.

Today, the situation is slightly better. Because of his persistence, he refused to sell it for five yuan, but he couldn't sell it for the ten yuan he wanted. Basically, he sold it quickly at seven or eight yuan. Because he really couldn't deal with the women who spoke Nanjing dialect that he couldn't understand. Very good at bargaining.

He also found a stall selling sesame cakes, the kind baked in a hanging oven, with sweet and salty varieties. Two for a dime, and he buys four at a time. You can eat enough with just tap water.

At the end of the day, ten electronic watches were sold, which cost seventy-five yuan. Including yesterday's nineteen, it was originally twenty, but today I bought a piece of sesame seed cake. He has 94 yuan. He finished counting the money when it was dark and no one was around, and lay down on the stone slab with satisfaction, feeling the wind blowing in the air, which was very comfortable.

It's been almost half a month since I came out, and I don't know how Lianli is doing? Has the hygienist been sent?

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