Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 348 Chi Naer’s Love

Both of them were drunk that night, and they had forgotten what their original intention was. The next day, Ye Wancheng discussed directly with Ma Quanyi and wrote a report on his handling of Chen Mingsheng to the group. The group approved it quickly.

In fact, what everyone doesn't know is that Ye Wancheng also reported his resignation to the group at the same time. But this was suppressed by Liu Qinghua and he was reprimanded. Ye Wancheng lowered his head and remained silent. After Chen Mingsheng left, everyone realized that Ye Wancheng was also missing.

After searching for several days, Xiao Liu cried and took out the note left by Ye Wancheng. It turned out that he was doing business with Chen Mingsheng. A resignation report has been submitted to the regiment. As for not being approved, he didn't mention it at all in the note. It seemed that he had already decided to leave.

It's a long journey from Beijiang to Guangdong. The two of them couldn't afford a sleeper, so they had to squeeze in a hard-seat car all the way. The hardships along the way can be imagined, but they did not feel tired at all because their future life filled them with hope.

Ma Quanyi went to the regiment headquarters and reported Ye Wancheng's affairs to the political commissar and regiment leader in detail. The group leader had only been here for a short time and was not very familiar with the staff. He looked at Liu Qinghua.

Liu Qinghua sighed and said in a low voice: "Ye Wancheng is a good comrade, and his achievements over the years are obvious to all. Now his family situation makes him unsteady. I have made the decision on this matter. I will keep his job for the time being. If he can't hang out outside, If he goes down, the Corps will always be his home."

The group leader also nodded: "I agree with Political Commissar Liu. The job will be reserved for him for the time being, and the salary will be sent directly to his family. However, the bonus cannot be paid, and the position of instructor must be removed."

Liu Qinghua even made a special call to Deputy Commander Zhao regarding this matter. Deputy Commander Zhao was silent for a long time and finally said in a low voice: "Just follow the opinions of the regiment."

Deputy Teacher Zhao returned home and told what happened about Ye Wancheng, which made Zhao Ling'er feel sad. At seventeen years old, I know everything there is to know. She knew that she loved Ye Yuze, but as he left, the thread holding him became more and more fragile. Now that even Uncle Ye was gone, could she still see him in this life?

She thought of Yang Geyong again. I wonder what happened to that boring gourd? He asked his father several times to transfer him to the regiment, but the guy refused. I don’t know what makes him nostalgic about the place where the rabbit doesn’t poop?

In April, tender grass has begun to sprout on the grassland, which is the favorite of cattle and sheep. Chi Na'er's family returned to their pasture. They couldn't build their own warrior all winter. Chi Na'er missed him very much.

Chi Na'er went to the Youth League Middle School to find Yang Geyong, but he had already graduated. I heard that he was assigned to the second company, but Chi Na'er didn't know that place, so she could only return to the yurt to wait for her little man.

Since the sheep-catching competition, everyone in the family has acknowledged the relationship between the two. It's just that once you enter the winter nest, it's inconvenient to come and go. So the two young lovers haven't seen each other for several months.

After arriving at Xia Ranch, Chi Naer would sit at the door of the yurt and stare into the distance every day. I hope that my little lover can fly to my yurt as soon as possible.

A sound of horse hoofbeats sounded from the distance. Chi Na'er put her hands on the awning and looked towards the place where the sun was rising. From a distance, she saw a figure bathed in golden light and galloping towards her.

Chi Na'er's face flushed with excitement. The shepherd's eyes could see the talons of the eagle on the snow-capped mountains. How could someone so close not recognize it? She couldn't help but put her hands to her mouth and let out a long shout of "Hey!"

Yang Geyong jumped off his horse and looked at Chi Naer shyly. Compared with the unrestrained Kazakhs, the Han people are much more reserved. Although Yang Geyong also missed Chi Naer, after jumping off the horse, he just smiled at her.

Chi Na'er threw herself into Yang Geyong's arms with a cry, and couldn't help but shed tears: "My warrior, my little man, don't you want your Chi Na'er? Do you know how much she wants to you?"

Yang Geyong stretched out his hand and hesitated for a moment, but still hugged Chi Na'er tightly. How could he not want to? From the first time he met this girl, he fell deeply in love with her.

Chi Na'er raised her face and kept kissing his face, lips, and hair. She pressed her body tightly against him, as if she wanted to blend her body into his.

Yang Geyong also began to respond, but a little clumsily. It was as if the girl in her arms was a porcelain doll that could be broken accidentally. The two people went from standing and hugging to lying on the ground, and then started rolling again. This boundless prairie became a big bed for them to vent their youth.

With four video recorders, Ye Yuze directly took a young man named Chen Gang to Li Gang's place. He found the house Li Gang mentioned and went in to see Ye Yuze, who was shocked. The room, which can seat 150 people, was packed. They are all watching TV there.

Ye Yuze complained in his heart, why doesn't this idiot know how to sell tickets? You can earn fifteen cents a piece.

Seeing Ye Yuze coming with something, Li Gang smiled and tried to hug him again, but Ye Yuze dodged him. I’m a fucking man, right? What is this bad habit of yours? I would never resist another beautiful woman.

Chen Gang started to install the video recorder, and Li Gang kicked everyone out and started selling tickets. The opening of business cannot be free, especially the historic first one.

During the installation, Ye Yuze and Li Gang negotiated the terms of cooperation. The expenses here are borne by Li Gang, and the video tape expenses are borne by the brother-in-law. A new film must be guaranteed every day, but it must be sent back after playing.

Only six games are allowed to be played here every day, with 150 people in each game. Money is delivered once a day. Just give it to the person who sent the tape. Contracts were not popular in those days, so verbal agreements were enough. Ye Yuze, a man like Li Gang, believed that he would be worried if he changed to Gaoshan.

In fact, Ye Yuze stipulated this to prevent Li Gang from being too loyal. If all his brothers came to watch for free, then this video hall would be a playground. He would pay for all the expenses, and the white people would watch for free. It is not that Li Gang couldn't do this kind of thing.

At this time, Gao Shan finally found Wang Genfa. He gave him 1,500 yuan directly, and then shouted: "Go to Guangzhou and get the video recorder back immediately. Why did it take you so long to go back this time? You know this?" How much is the daily labor loss?”

Wang Genfa was confused by his shouting. He didn't know what happened? Gao Shan told the story about the video recorder being smashed. Wang Genfa immediately took his cousin into custody here in Gaoshan without any delay. He rushed to Guangzhou without stopping.

This time he can carry Wutai back. Gao Shan's one can earn 750, plus Ye Yuze's one thousand, his income is now two thousand less. Which one can compare to this kind of money-making speed?

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