Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 343 Mixed with Sand

Li Gang lived in a building, and when he was sent downstairs, he asked Ye Yuze to go up and sit for a while. Unable to push him away, Ye Yuze had to help him go upstairs. The house has three bedrooms and one living room. In that era when housing was generally tight, Li Gang's family was obviously not simple.

You must know that housing was still allocated at that time. Such a large house was not available to ordinary families. It is estimated that there were not many such houses in the entire Tangcheng. But Li Gang lived alone. Ye Yuze couldn't help but look at the furnishings in the house a few more times, and was secretly stunned. They were all the most popular things.

Li Gang's two younger brothers didn't come up and went home directly. Li Gang took out a bottle of Arctic Ocean from the refrigerator, which surprised Ye Yuze again. There was only a color TV in the living room. This refrigerator was a rarity, but I was really thirsty after coming all the way. He bit open the lid and drank it. .

The cold liquid was poured into his stomach, and the heat along the way immediately subsided. Li Gang's home had heating, which made Ye Yuze sweat a little.

Looking at this young man with good physical fitness, Li Gang was also a little curious. After all, the three of them weighed nearly 500 kilograms in total. The child didn't notice how strenuous it was, so he couldn't help but ask: "How old are you?"

Age has always been Ye Yuze's flaw. Along the way, he seems to have been hanging out in a circle that is older than him. He was often ignored and despised by others, which he really couldn't do. Like Geng Xier, Xiao Ming and other peers who played with glass balls all day long, he really couldn't play anymore.

But now that Li Gang asked, Ye Yuze could only answer honestly: "I am fourteen years old this year, but I am in the first year of high school." The look on his face was that of a child who was afraid of being looked down upon.

Li Gang couldn't help but laugh, but because his face was also injured, the smile affected the wound, so he couldn't help but frown again. "Are you the brother of the female boss?"

Everyone outside this store thought it was Erhong's store, but only two salespeople knew that the boss was actually a child. But Erhong is the boss's sister, so it's no different from her shop. As for the other owner, Sun Lanyu, basically no one has ever seen him. Even if he comes once in a while, no one likes to enter the store. They all met Ye Yuze elsewhere and left.

"Does your sister have a boyfriend?" Li Gang stopped paying attention to how old Ye Yuze was and began to ask himself the questions he really cared about. Although it may not be possible to fall in love with her, it is still necessary to find out the details.

Ye Yuze completely understood Li Gang's thoughts this time. He thought for a moment and then answered: "She doesn't have a partner yet, but that cripple named Gao Shan keeps going to the store recently. That guy seems to be very rich. He opened a video parlor and earns several hundred a day!"

Li just wanted to say how could that cripple be worthy of your sister? But Ye Yuze's last words hit him hard. The effects of reform and opening up are already obvious. As the market gradually opens up, money is increasingly showing its magic power.

Isn't the reason why Li Gang is embarrassed today because he doesn't have enough money to buy clothes? But now Gaoshan is obviously very wealthy. I really don't have the shame to say anything to others when I'm like this.

Ye Yuze sighed: "Actually, he is nothing if he doesn't have that store. It's a pity that my sister is always pestered by him. It makes me tired just to look at it. By the way, my sister asked me to tell you not to go there, otherwise those people won't I will let you go easily again."

After saying these words, Ye Yuze took his leave. Li Gang wanted to stay with him for dinner, but he firmly refused. If you talk too much, you will make mistakes. You have to leave after adding the sand that needs to be mixed, leaving enough time for others to think. This is called professional ethics.

After Ye Yuze left, a group of people entered Li Gang's house soon. The boss was beaten, so naturally the brothers couldn't just watch. That night, the lights in Li Gang's room stayed on until dawn.

The next night, because Gaoshan's video room was open 24 hours a day, he also sent someone on duty 24 hours a day. But there are fewer people in the latter half of the night, so there are only three people on duty.

At two o'clock in the morning, the boy who collected money at the door was sitting on a chair at the door, nodding hard and dozing off. He almost fell off the chair several times.

At this time, several black figures quickly rushed forward, and one of them strangled the man holding the door by the neck, preventing him from shouting. The people behind them flashed into the video hall and went straight to the video recorder. Then there was a chaotic sound of "Ping Ping Pong Pong Pong!" mixed with shouts and curses. Soon those figures flashed out of the video hall and disappeared into the darkness.

When Gao Shan was woken up and others arrived, there were only a few boys lying on the ground in the entire video hall. He walked up and asked for a long time, but those guys couldn't explain the reason. Gao Shan was so angry that he One person picked up the crutch and hit it a few more times.

A group of people frowned and thought for a long time, there were only two targets, one was Li Gang. The other one is the brother-in-law. However, after some analysis, it was basically determined that Li Gang did it. Naturally, this loss cannot be taken, but taking people to fight in Lubei District really needs to be carefully arranged. After all, that guy Li Gang is very strong there.

Mainly because people living in building communities are relatively concentrated. And there are more people than here. If you just shout out, there will probably be more people than they send. It's really easy to suffer a loss!

After some discussion, we decided to open the video parlor first. This source of income cannot be cut off. If people have been without money, they will get used to it, but once they have money, it will be difficult to adapt to the days without money. That's what they are like in the mountains.

Gao Shan immediately took people to find Wang Genfa himself. After arriving at the hotel, he found out that the two people had gone home. This made Gao Shan angry and cursed at his mother at the door of the hotel for a long time. If they come back a few days later and then ask them to go back and buy a video recorder, how big a loss will it be?

But things are already like this, and it's useless to scold the sky. I can only go home and sleep until they come back. At this time, outside the gate of Li Gang's community, a group of people had already returned on bicycles.

After everyone told Li Gang what happened, Li Gang happily asked them to wait for two days. When he was rich, he would definitely ask everyone to drink. These people were originally excited to avenge Li Gang, so they were naturally happy to hear that there was still wine to drink.

But one of them, Ci Xilong, sighed and said, "Brother, that video parlor is really profitable. It would be great if we didn't smash the VCR and TV just now. Just take it back and we'll open one too."

Li Gang's heart moved when he said this, but he stopped thinking about it when he thought about the video recorder. That thing was too hard to get, and it was too troublesome to open a video studio and watch it every day, so he couldn't afford to worry about it.

Early the next morning, Li Gang went home and asked his mother for some money. Then he took the people directly to the hill. Although he was beaten, his words to Er Hong could not be ignored. I am a man.

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