Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 335 Mother’s Choice

Unexpectedly, Ye Wancheng sighed: "Go back, that's fine. It just makes you and I stay in Northern Xinjiang for so many years, and in the end you don't even have a job."

Mei Hua was stunned. Her husband's tone made her feel as if he had been thinking about this issue for a long time. But this is abnormal? Mei Hua was ready to quarrel with her husband, but if he stopped her, she would definitely have a fight tonight!

But why could his tone be so relaxed? You must know that in that era, work was the life of the family. Only those who had a job would have enough food and clothing throughout their lives, including housing and medical care. She looked at her husband suspiciously.

Seeing his wife's gaze, Ye Wancheng closed his eyes and was silent for a while. It seemed like he was in a heavy mood. Finally he spoke: "You know that the Corps no longer belongs to the People's Liberation Army, right?"

Meihua nodded. As the director of the quilt factory, she has been at the regiment headquarters. She is better informed than Ye Wancheng about some information. But this news didn't have a big impact on her. Maybe it was because she was a woman. She was more concerned about real life.

Ye Wancheng lit another cigarette, took a deep breath and exhaled a thick smoke: "I was a soldier when I was 18 years old, and I am 39 years old this year. I always thought that I would be a soldier in this life, and my sons will also be Yes, I have four sons! When they grow up, they will be four-headed tigers."

Looking at her husband's frown, Mei Hua suddenly felt distressed. She rested her head on her husband's shoulder. She couldn't remember how long it had been since she behaved like a child.

Ye Wancheng smoothed his wife's short, messy hair and sighed: "But now, suddenly, I am no longer a soldier. I feel like I have been abandoned. Since no one wants me anymore, why should I let my wife and children do anything here?" ?”

Meihua suddenly understood the reason why her husband talked less these days. She stretched out her hand to rub away her husband's frown:

"Is the Corps still there? Now that we have our own administrative and judicial institutions, we have greater rights! Also, we are also a paramilitary unit now, so we should maintain the original establishment."

Who knew that Ye Wancheng shook his head in pain: "It's different, it's different, you don't understand."

Seeing her husband feeling uncomfortable, Meihua stopped arguing with him. She understands him. In fact, her eldest son's personality is very similar to his. No matter how fearless they are in anything, when the softest part of their hearts is truly touched, they will shrink back and escape.

"Then do you really agree with me returning to Tangcheng?" Meihua changed the subject. She didn't want her husband to be entangled in this emotion all the time, so let's talk about business.

Ye Wancheng nodded: "Our place is very good now, but it is still a ravine. No matter what aspect, it cannot be compared with the cities in the mainland. For the sake of the children, go back. Don't worry about the money, I will send it to you. I can support you." .”

Ye Wancheng's mentality was completely understood by Mei Hua. At this moment, he was like a helpless child. To put it more vividly, it was just like the eldest son in his mouth, who had no home. Thinking of her eldest son, her heart tightened again. I can’t wait to return to Tangcheng right away.

"Well, I will go through the resignation procedures tomorrow. Try to leave as soon as possible."

Ye Wancheng also became determined: "Okay, there's no need to take back furniture or anything like that. There is so much wood in Lianli's house, so I'll send it back to make some furniture. Don't ask for pots, pans, and the like. Tangcheng is the capital of porcelain, and the ones we use now are all the ones you brought back from there."

Liu Qinghua looked at Meihua with a look of disbelief in his eyes: "Comrade Meihua, do you know what you will do next? You have been working for twenty years, and you can retire in twelve more years. If you resign now, you will lose everything." there is none left!"

Mei Hua nodded: "Political Commissar Liu, I know what I am doing. But my son went to the countryside by himself, and I really can't worry about it. Don't worry about things in the factory. I have designed many styles of clothes, enough for them to work for several years. . If you really need something in the future, you can write to me."

Liu Qinghua tried to persuade him for a while, and even delayed it for several days, and finally he could only sign the resignation report. He couldn't say anything harsh to Mei Hua, but he went to the infrastructure company to scold Ye Wancheng.

But if the couple agreed, he really couldn't control this. After completing the resignation procedures, Meihua received more than 900 yuan. This is the subsidy given by the Corps to every retired soldier. Meihua felt guilty the moment she got the money, but thinking of her son, she left without hesitation.

Although Liu Qinghua was angry, he still sent Wan Shanhong to deliver her things to the provincial capital. On the day he left, everyone from the garment factory came. Although the director's term was short, he brought about earth-shaking changes in the factory.

Wan's mother even burst into tears, holding Mei Hua's hand and reluctant to let go. Aunt Gan and Zhao Ling'er didn't come. Mei Hua never told them about this. They went to the teacher's office today.

Meihua didn't like parting very much, so she didn't go to Lianli at all. As the car gradually moved away from the place she had been fighting for for twenty years, her eyes began to blur.

Ye Wancheng drove behind the truck and remained silent until his three sons kept chattering. Be amazed by everything you see.

The car didn't drive very fast along the way, and Ye Wancheng made a special trip around many places where there were corps companies. But they didn't stop, and even if they had acquaintances, they didn't go down to meet them, they just looked at them from a distance.

After two full days, they finally arrived at the provincial capital. Dongxi Wanshanhong took her directly to the station to check it in. Their family was taken home by Wu Tianming.

Wu Tianming learned the news after receiving a call from Liu Qinghua. It was very sad to see the family. But he didn't say much. As a man who has gone through many vicissitudes of life, he knew best not to force others, and just do as they pleased.

In addition to entertaining the family for a meal, I sent the mother and son on the train. Of course he bought the tickets. This was probably the first time he had done something for the family.

Seeing his wife and children getting into the car, Ye Wancheng said goodbye and drove back. Wu Tianming wanted to stay with him and talk, but Ye Wancheng was very cold to him. Wu Tianming had no choice but to smile bitterly and shake his head to let him go.

Ma Rong and Yu Lan huddled at home, and there was basically nothing going on with the infrastructure even in winter. At this moment, the two cats were talking on the bed.

"Ma Rong, it is said that Ye Yuze will miss us?" Yu Lan seemed to think of Ye Yuze and turned to ask Ma Rong.

Ma Rong shook her head: "Probably not. He is so smart, and there will always be a group of people around him wherever he goes."

Yu Lan sighed and shook his head: "I can't even see Yang Geyong anymore. How about we go and play with him? Anyway, Lian Li has nothing to do recently."

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