Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 331 Transfer to another hospital

When Ye Yuze called, Ye Wancheng and several people from the branch were drinking at Ma Quanyi's house. This was the first time in several years that no one answered the call on duty.

The Kailuan Mining Bureau Hospital where my grandfather was sent directly is currently the best hospital in Tangcheng. Both the doctors and the equipment are top-notch not only in Tangcheng but also in the province.

After some examination, the doctor reluctantly told them that the blood vessels in their grandfather's brain had been blocked, and complained that they didn't send him here earlier. There was no way to operate now. In this situation, the patient can only be carried home and wait to die.

The second aunt sat down on the ground in despair, crying "Wow!". The old uncle went to help her, but she threw him away: "Get out of here, is this how you take care of dad? I don't want to see you!" "

Ye Yuze said to the doctor: "Doctor, can you think of a way? How much money should we spend?"

The doctor smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Kid, this is not a matter of money. The hospital is here to save lives and heal the wounded. When have you ever seen a patient who we refused to treat because of lack of money?"

Ye Yuze was silent. This was indeed the case in hospitals of that era. Even if there is really no money, the hospital will save people. My father has treated so many herdsmen, and how has he ever received a penny? Even for meals, they were left behind by force.

Ye Yuze walked into the ward mechanically. His grandfather was lying on the hospital bed with a very peaceful expression. Seeing Ye Yuze come in, he smiled and said, "I can go see your grandma, right? Don't be sad, people will have this day. Your grandma is too lonely there alone. I have long wanted to accompany her."

Ye Yuze's tears fell in big drops. He didn't know what to say to his grandfather? The old couple raised my mother, but soon after she joined the army, she went to northern Xinjiang with her father, and she was not able to see her for the last time before she died.

Moreover, Ye Yuze was sent here when he was more than one year old, and the old couple raised the infant Ye Yuze day by day. Didn't leave until school. Although Ye Yuze was taken back to Northern Xinjiang twice during the journey, the time was short and he was sent back quickly.

To be honest, Ye Yuze's feelings for his grandfather were not as deep as those for his grandmother. Because grandma has been watching over him, and grandpa always leaves early and comes home late. When he saw him, he was either eating or sleeping.

But at this time, he had already understood that it was his grandfather who left early and came home late. It was only then that this family was able to live their lives.

Grandpa passed away peacefully, with no nostalgia for this world. The children are grown up, and he has to go to another world to take care of his wife. She is too lonely there.

Grandpa didn’t have much inheritance, so the house must be left to my uncle for his wedding. My uncle had a public house there. After he was transferred from the army, he was assigned to the Orchard Park and became a senior regimental officer. So I live there, which is more than 20 kilometers away from Nanwangtun, so I rarely come back.

Grandpa left the pocket watch he always wore to his uncle, and also gave Ye Yuze the watch he kept in the drawer. As for his second aunt, he left nothing. Maybe what the old man cares about in the end is his son.

I’ve seen off my grandpa, and the Chinese New Year is almost here. But how can this family still be in the mood to celebrate the New Year? But Ye Yuze suddenly remembered his second aunt's condition and took her directly to the hospital. He wanted to give his second aunt the most detailed examination, no matter how much money he spent!

However, because his uncle was from a coal mine, the second aunt's inspection was free, leaving him no chance to spend money. However, the test results still shocked him like a bolt from the blue.

Cerebral hemangioreticuloma, both my grandma and grandpa died because of cerebrovascular diseases, and now my second aunt has this convenient disease. Ye Yuze completely collapsed.

He didn't listen to what the doctor said to his uncle, and he didn't want to listen. What should he do if he just thinks about it? Suddenly, an idea flashed in his mind, and he ran over, grabbed the doctor's hand, and said eagerly: "Doctor, can you send an ambulance to take my second aunt to the capital? We will pay for it."

The second aunt also knew the result at this time, but her mood was very calm. She pulled him and said, "Ye Yuze, stop fooling around, let's go home."

Ye Yuze shook off his second aunt's hand and continued to beg the doctor: "I beg you, send us there. I will give you money, no matter how much it is."

The doctor hesitated for a moment and glanced at his uncle with a complicated expression: "As far as I know, there is no good treatment for this disease in China. Although the medical environment in Beijing is not comparable to that here, this disease is still a global problem."

The implication of his words is that this is the only way to go on, and it will be as long as it lasts. What he just told his uncle was that this kind of reticular cell tumor will continue to grow and then compress the optic nerve. The patient will gradually lose vision, lose language function, and then...

Ye Yuze was not willing to listen to this. He just kept begging him to send an ambulance. In fact, the hospital would not send an ambulance in the second aunt's situation, because she was not affected at all and acted as usual. She was just dizzy and nauseated.

In the end, the doctor was so pestered by him that he really had no choice. He could only say, "If you insist on going, you will bear the cost of the ambulance."

Ye Yuze took out a bankbook directly: "You tell me how much you want, and I will get it for you now!"

The doctor couldn't laugh or cry: "Kid, I don't want it. This is the normal charge of the hospital. If you agree, I will issue a transfer order for you now."

The second aunt became stubborn at this time and scolded: "Ye Yuze, don't mess around! I'm not going to the capital, I'm just at home, not going anywhere!"

Ye Yuze knelt on the ground with a "Plop!" and burst into tears: "Second aunt, I beg you, grandma and grandpa are gone. You can't do anything anymore. Otherwise, how can I explain to my mother!"

The second aunt opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. She sighed and let Ye Yuze do whatever he wanted. The doctor quickly issued a transfer order.

"You should go to Union Medical College Hospital. It is currently one of the best hospitals in the country. I just don't know if I can get admitted. There is a shortage of beds there."

At this time, his cousin Xiaogang was still in kindergarten, and Ye Yuze asked his uncle to go back and stop following him. Otherwise, no one will take care of the child, but how can my uncle be willing to listen? Finally, I called the team and asked my uncle to take care of him for a few days, and then the three of them followed the ambulance to the capital.

When we arrived at Union Hospital, the test results were naturally the same as those in Tangcheng, and the doctor had the same idea. It is recommended to go home and take medicine, because surgery for cell tumors is not possible at this time.

Ye Yuze called Sun Lanyu unwillingly. After Sun Lanyu drove over, she made some connections and finally moved in. Ye Yuze sat blankly on the steps in front of the hospital, his mind completely empty.

Sun Lanyu came over and sat down next to him, looking at the little man with some distress, but not knowing how to comfort him.

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