Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 329 Yang Geyong’s Work

After returning to the regiment headquarters, Yang Geyong went to the company to report. He was supposed to report at the beginning of last month. As a result, he arrived in the capital a whole month late, but because of Liu Qinghua's mediation, he was not punished. You must know that the Corps is an organic unit, and this situation is not allowed.

However, because of this, his assignment was still affected. He was originally supposed to go to the Sixth Company, but now he was assigned to the Second Company. The Second Company was called the Second Company at that time. This was the company closest to the border and the one with the most difficult natural environment. company.

Most of the land here is saline-alkali land, so even grass doesn’t like to grow. However, after the arduous cultivation of the older generation of Second Company soldiers, the grassland and land here have been improved. This grassland is called Sarbulak.

Although it has been improved, the grasslands here are all small grass that grows close to the ground and are not lush. Therefore, Erlian's main grazing livestock are not many, only some cows and sheep.

Yang Geyong was assigned to a home very close to the outpost. This place is not inside the company, but close to the border. The male owner's surname is Wei, Wei Quanyou, and the female owner's name is Liu Hao.

The reason why this family lives here alone is because they also raise some pigs in the company. At that time, pigs were not raised in pens, but were herded every day, just like sheep.

I chose to stay away from the company because these things have a strong smell and affect the lives of the people in the company. In fact, this phenomenon occurs in many companies, where pig pens are built outside the company.

Wei Deyou has a few cows here and a similar number of pigs. The company has feed supplies every month, so they don’t have to move around and can just live here all year round.

The daily grazing is called grazing, but it is more accurate to call it patrolling. Because cows and pigs are domestic animals that don't like to run around, Wei Quanyou grazes on foot every day. His grazing route has always been fixed, just along the border.

Yang Geyong knew the eldest daughter of this family, her name was Wei Hong, and he knew her because she had stayed at Ye Yuze's house for a while. Wei Quanyou and Ye Wancheng had a very good relationship, so it was not convenient for their children to go to school at that time, so they put their eldest daughter in Ye Wancheng's foster care for half a year.

Wei Quanyou was also very happy to see helpers assigned to him. None of today's young people want to come here. And assigned here, the company is not equipped with horses. Because there are too few livestock.

But Yang Geyong didn't care about this. He had his own horse. But after two days, Yang Geyong couldn't stand it anymore. There is no such scene as the vast sky, wild fields, wind-swept grass, and cows and sheep. Instead, we walk behind a few cows and a group of pigs every day.

The main reason is that Wei Quanyou walks every day, and Yang Geyong is too embarrassed to ride on the horse, so he can only let the lightning fly and let it move freely, while he follows Wei Deyou. Sometimes he couldn't tell whether he was grazing or being led by cows.

The people I meet every day are the soldiers in the outpost. They are all very familiar with Uncle Wei. When they see Uncle Wei, they are respectful, just like seeing a veteran.

When he was bored at night, Yang Geyong would go to the outpost to visit. After listening to the soldiers tell some things about Uncle Wei, he understood why the soldiers respected Uncle Wei.

Because Uncle Wei has been here since he was in his twenties, he knows every place on the border very well. Every year when new recruits take up their posts, the first thing they do is follow Uncle Wei to familiarize themselves with the terrain.

Especially in winter when there is heavy snow and the mountains are closed. He can tell you exactly where there is a pit, so the soldiers follow Uncle Wei's footprints every day when patrolling.

During this period, Zhao Ling'er came to see him once. Seeing the environment here, she asked her father to transfer him to the regiment, but Yang Geyong refused. He doesn't like crowded places. Only grassland and sheep are the places where he can calm down.

Ever since Zhao Ling'er went to the capital, her heart began to feel restless. The world outside is so big, and I was really a frog in the well in the past. She liked the Corps, but she wanted to go outside. The only possibility for people in the Corps to get out is to be admitted to the university they talk about like Wang Honghua.

Gradually, she studied harder and started to neglect even going to Ye Yuze's house to help every day. She wasn't sure if she wanted to fly out and never come back, but at least she had to go out and see the world.

The days continued like this step by step, and then the first snow began to fall on the land of northern Xinjiang.

Gaoshan's video studio opened a week after Wang Genfa came back. The TV was borrowed from him. His neighbors were a mother and daughter. His father did not die in the earthquake, but in a small landslide underground. So I got a pension.

The daughter's name is Zhang Xiaojing. She is very beautiful, but quite vain. I won't go to junior high school until I graduate. She forced her mother to use the money to buy a TV. Originally, she could have taken over and went to the coal mine, but she was too tired, so she stayed at home and watched TV.

Because Gaoshan is more famous, girls love to play with them. Because they followed these people out, their peers looked at them with a little fear. This made Zhang Xiaojing very proud.

Gao Shan negotiated with her to lend her TV to play the video, and gave her one yuan a day, and let her watch it for free. Zhang Xiaojing naturally agreed wholeheartedly, and she would agree even if he didn't give her money.

The house is a warehouse for street assembly bicycles. There were a few disabled people who had nothing to do, so the street director took bicycle parts from the supply and marketing cooperative to assemble bicycles.

This is not fake, but bicycle manufacturers at that time shipped semi-finished products. The supply and marketing cooperative needs to find someone to assemble these semi-finished products before they can be sold.

The street director found a few disabled people to do this job, and Gao Shan followed him for several months. Later, the old director passed away, and no one took care of this matter. Mainly because there was no one to do the work and the profits were too low.

The house had been vacant and Gaoshan rented it easily. Houses on the street are different from state-owned units, so just say hello to the neighborhood committee. This house is bigger than my brother-in-law's house, so naturally there are more people in it. So it quickly became lively after it opened.

It was not difficult for Wang Genfa when Gao Shan arrived. Although he didn't give the money right away, he paid it off a few days after the opening. Wang Genfa asked for one thousand three thousand, but Gao Shan gave it to him without hesitation.

Wang Genfa was originally very dissatisfied with Gao Shan because after he got the video recorder back, Gao Shan did not pay him as promised. But after getting the heavy money, he still forgave him. He made five hundred yuan in one trip, which was his previous income in a year.

Now he supplies tapes to two video studios. It can be said that they were sitting and counting money. In addition, the people from these two families were somewhat famous in Lunan District. Even Wang Genfa felt straightened when walking on the street.

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