Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 33 The Furious Queen Mother

Never laugh at the power of a woman's explosion. That is equivalent to a low-yield atomic bomb.

Mom gave the order and half the company started to take action. Of course, she was looking for her son who had disappeared since her return.

There are a hundred or so households in the company, and none of them has a yard. Ye Yuze was naturally turned out instantly. Together with the culprit Yang Geyong.

Mom grabbed Ye Yuze's ears and walked out of the nest.

I haven’t forgotten to say something to Yang Geyong’s mother on the side.

"Watch your son. Don't bring up all the children in the company!"

Mother Yang naturally refused to suffer this loss. I can only tell myself how bad my son is. Not even if you are your husband’s ally.

She also grabbed Yang Geyong's ears and scolded him. "Stop playing with the kids you talk to! You look so polite, but who knows how many evil intentions you have!"

Two young people who had just been hanging out together for two days were suddenly torn apart. The two mothers also created a scene where they never interacted with each other until they died.

Naturally, Yang Geyong pulled the horse back. Ye Yuze didn't have anywhere to return the favor!

Ye Yuze was helplessly pulled back home by his ears. After entering the house, my mother saw the wound on his hand. There is also a little face that turns red like a monkey’s butt after drinking.

Mom let go of Ye Yuze's hand on his ear. Ye Yuze just breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that my mother was walking over with a feather duster. Hit his butt and hit him.

Although he was wearing cotton pants, Ye Yuze still felt pain. It seems that the Queen Mother is really anxious!

The younger brother ran into the back room, but peeked out his little head from the crack in the door curtain and watched secretly.

It was unclear whether the expression was fear or gloating.

Dad was watching from the side with a smile. He looked quite appreciative.

Ye Yuze lay on the bed and shouted loudly. He has experience with this.

The louder you shout, the less likely you will be hit. Once you grit your teeth and keep silent, the beating will be endless.

Sure enough, the Queen Mother finally stopped amidst her son's miserable howls.

Ye Yuze sighed inwardly. She is indeed my mother!

But when my mother looked at my father. The anger in his heart suddenly burned again.

"Why are you laughing? Your son is like this, so you don't care?"

Dad looked calm.

"Whatever! Now you play singles. Later we will play mixed doubles! Anyway, I have medicine. At most, just put more on your butt."

Ye Yuze's heart trembled, and his head was covered with black lines. "Is this my biological father?"

Dad's words suddenly touched the maternal love in my mother's heart. She took off Ye Yuze's pants. A very thorough rip-off.

I felt relieved when I saw that Ye Yuze's little butt was only slightly red.

Then she looked at her husband angrily. "You are just watching the excitement. You don't want to stop me. Is this your biological son?"

Ye Yuze sighed secretly. "Good question. This is soul torture!"

It's just that I feel a chill in my butt at this time. Quickly pull up your pants. He looked at his mother with a look of resentment.

Messy thoughts were floating in the room.

Mom stepped forward to check the injury on Ye Yuze's hand again.

How could Ye Yuze dare to say that Yang Geyong fell off the cliff? He just said that he fell down while learning to ride a horse.

Mom didn’t dig into it. In northern Xinjiang, it is not worth making a fuss about when a child is thrown while learning to ride a horse. This is something everyone has to go through.

But she looked at the ointment on Ye Yuze's hand with some disgust. Ask dad to wipe it off and change it.

Dad shook his head. "Lao Wu's medicine is much better than the medicine in our clinic. I asked for it several times and they didn't give it to me!"

But it's definitely not okay to expose it like this. After sleeping for a while, it didn't all rub against the quilt.

So Dad took out gauze and tape. Wrapped Ye Yuze's hands. Now I can't play anything I want to play. Both hands were wrapped like bear paws.

After bandaging, my mother helped Ye Yuze wash his face and feet. Just tucked him into bed.

Ye Yufan, who had been watching the excitement all night, joined in at this time.

"Brother, is it fun to ride a horse? Can you teach me tomorrow?"

Ye Yuze scolded him angrily.

"Go away! Go to sleep. Do you think I can curse on horseback with my hands?"

Ye Yufan pursed his lips, obviously about to cry. Ye Yuze quickly covered his mouth.

"Hold it back, if you don't cry I will teach you tomorrow!"

Unexpectedly, the liquid that had filled Ye Yufan's eyes suddenly disappeared. Ye Yuze looked confused. so amazing!

I was speechless all night because I drank. Ye Yuze slept soundly. When I wake up. Both parents have gone to work.

Only his younger brother kept looking at him eagerly. Seeing that he finally opened his eyes, he quickly opened the pot and took out the steamed buns and vegetables.

"Brother, get up and eat quickly!"

Ye Yuze looked at this boy who suddenly became diligent and confused.

But I was so depressed that I panicked, so I quickly got up and ran outside to use the toilet.

There was no bathroom in the house at that time. There is only one public toilet in the company.

But children are not so particular. I went out and found a patch of snow and started peeing.

While scattering, I used a water hose to draw shapes on the snow.

"Are you ashamed?"

Ye Yuze was concentrating on drawing a circle. It's not perfect but it's still watchable.

This sound startled him. In the end, I couldn't finish the painting and almost peed on my pants.

Ye Yuze turned his head angrily and was about to curse.

But he found Yinhua standing there with his face covered in his hands. It's just that the finger gap is a bit wide. You can see the eyes still rolling around inside.

Ye Yuze coughed twice in embarrassment. Put away the drawing tools quickly. Walk towards the house. Yinghua also followed in.

There is no way to wash your hands, but you still have to eat.

When Yinhua saw his hand, she felt so distressed. I burst into tears and insisted on taking it apart to see what was inside.

Ye Yuze was also very moved. This is true love!

In the end, with Ye Yuze's insistence, the gauze was not removed. But it also accepted an unequal treaty.

It was Yinhua who took the steamed buns in one hand and chopsticks in the other and started feeding Ye Yuze.

Even Ye Yuze, a man in two lifetimes, has never enjoyed this kind of treatment. Is this the life of a landlord?

Children always eat quickly. As soon as he finished eating, Ye Yufan urged his brother to take him to ride a horse.

But Yinghua was determined not to let him ride a horse. Said that this hand can no longer move. He wants to drag Ye Yuze to his house.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yufan stopped at the door.

"Mom asked me to watch you and not let you go out. If you go out, I will go to the kindergarten and tell your mother and ask her to whip you with a feather duster!"

Ye Yuze looked at this selfless younger brother helplessly.

"Then if I teach you how to ride a horse, doesn't it count as going out?"

Ye Yufan nodded affirmatively. "If I don't tell my mother, I won't know!"

Ye Yuze gave a thumbs up. At such a young age, he can bring his self-interest to the public to such an extent. The future will definitely be bright!

During the new book period, everyone is welcome to collect and recommend it.

Thank you friends for your tips. Many of them are brothers I know well. You are so awesome, please take my knee off!

Among them, I am most grateful to my two sisters Zhang Qiangwei and Wang Miaosheng. If possible, I will definitely pledge myself to you.

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